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Kachikos Fan
by Ben Travis

Hey again everyone, it's that time of the week again.  This week I decided to discuss Kachiko's Fan, a card which I don't see many Lion decks utilize.  Let's take a look at what the fan does:

-Kachiko's Fan
7 Gold
Force +0
Chi +1
When the fan enters play, name a clan. While the fan is in play and you have no Shadowlands cards in play, you may brings Personalities from that clan into play as if your Family Honor were a 10.
"The lock of hair was a gift, samurai. I will be back for the fan."
4 Focus

At first look, this card bears a lot of usefulness.  The fan allows you to be considered having 10 honor when bringing personalities into play.  For Lion players, this card is a godsend against those early Breach of Ettiquetes and Fallen Lion Fortress.  Also, every Lion champion out there has about a 10 honor requirement meaning they can come out ANYTIME!  Although this card bears no fruit for our corrupted brothers (may they find no safehaven), we the Lion can only benefit from this item.  With it's 4 focus value, it is easily focused, thrown to a Tactician or a Merchant Caravan in case you won't need to worry about losing any honor.  As you also have seen, the fan gives a 1 chi bonus to the personality it is attached to.  Not too phenomenal most people would think, but by sticking it on an Ikoma Gunjin or Matsu Agetoki their chi will be raise to 5.  Thus they can no longer be targeted with Kolat Assassins, keeping your anti-dishonor running strong.  You can also give your opponents a HUGE cramp by attaching Kitsuki Kaagi's Journal along with the fan.  Of course, they can no longer have any other weapons or armor attached, but like it matters!  Permanent protection against dishonor is no laughing matter.  That extra chi can also be a small booster versus a dueller, but I wouldn't suggest relying on it's 1 chi bonus for *that* reason.  Let's also take a look at it's gold cost.  7 may seem like a bit of a stretch, especially with the Lion's poor gold scheme.  Suprisingly it can be brought out fairly reliably by using Merchant Caravans and your SH/Jade Works/Copper Mines.  Tactician decks in particular can bring this item out even easier due to their large amount of high focus values.


4 Focus Value, great for tactician decks!

Gives the Lion a HUGE defense against dishonor.

Easily making a Lion Deck more versatile, this card works great for the Tactician and Speed deck alike.  ESPECIALLY in the Jade Strict Enviroment where Lion can easily be sapped down.  Take this card into consideration for your decks, it might just save you from defeat.