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My Friends and Me

This is my friend Tijana, aka Tiki. She had just dyed her shirt red and she didn't want to stain her pants because the shirt was still a little damp. So she decided to put newspaper ads around the waist of her pants. Had to get a picture of THAT, lots of love Tiki!

This is a picture of Dejan, Tijana's husband, he's playing counterstrike as usual. He bought the stupid headphone's to try and dround us out when we talk to him. So we just throw things at him instead.

Here's a picture of me and Tijana, I know I look really short but in my defense Tijana's like six feet tall LOL.

This is a picture of me and Ormond's Simon aka Bear. I was 16 in this picture and he had just won his first Best in Show at four months old. He was a wonderful buck and I miss him.

From left to right my friends Jenny, Alison and of course Tijana. We had just gotten back from Tucson in this pic and had brought Tijana some Panda Cories home.

This is Alison, me and Tijana, note the wine, yep it was a great end to the evening.

Another picture where you wonder what the hell is Tijana doing. Well she has a hole in her pants and she was showing us the hole, unfortunatley for her she turned and the angle the camera it doesn't look like she's showing us a hole now does it?

Here's Tijana safely seated on the floor, I thought she looked really pretty in this picture so I thought I'd put it up. Can't have nothing but silly pictures of her, although there are many.

"got crabs?" Well we got hermit crabs, Tijana's hermit crabs to be exact. Let me see if I got the names right Alison has Hitler, Jenny has Dulche, and I really have no idea who the hell I'm holding, I do know the little jerk pinched me right after she shot this picture.