History of the Arizona Trappers Association

The Arizona Trappers Association was founded on October 6th, 1979. It was the last state to form an association of trappers.
Don Hoyt, then President of the NTA, devised a plan to form an association in a day. With the help of Gerry Blair and Billy Griffith, he received a list of licensed trappers in Arizona. He then wrote each a letter telling them of the need to band together. He then rented a conference room at a Quality Inn in Phoenix. One hundred fifty concerned trappers showed up for the meeting. By the end of the meeting officers had been elected, and a hat was passed around to begin a treasury fund. The Arizona Trappers Association was born.

The Purpose of the Arizona Trappers Association is:

PURPOSE: The purpose of this organization shall be to: Promote sound conservation legislation and administrative procedures to save and faithfully defend from waste, the natural resources of Arizona to promote sound environmental education programs and to promote a continued annual fur harvest using the best tools presently available for that purpose.

To this day the Arizona Trappers are dedicated to:

** Promoting sensible legislation and opposing bad legislation pertaining to the management of furbearing animals.

** Educating the public on the consumptive use of wild animals as a necessary wildlife management tool.

** The prosecution of fur thieves and trap thieves.

** The education of young trappers in the correct methods of harvesting and management of the resource.

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