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Archaeological expedition. Sitting on a dune.
Andrey V. Zuban

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 844
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8441

phone: 301-975-4754
fax: 301-975-2950


Objective A research and development position as a software developer/analist requiring extensive knowledge of software development and strong analytical skills to develop creative solutions to technical and/or scientific problems.
Professional Skills
  • Proficient with C and C++ programming languages, object oriented programming, GUI.
  • Good knowledge of CGI, HTML, Java-Script, Java, WWW designing techniques.
  • Good knowledge of IBM PC hardware, TTL design principles, GPIB. 
  • Working knowledge of assembly language, TCP/IP protocols and applications, motion control, dBASE, SQL.
  • Application development experience with Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT, MS DOS, OS/2 operating systems.
  • Instruments: Borland C++ (OWL), MS VC++ (MFC),  IBM Internet Secure Connection Server; Borland Database Engine. Familiarity with WWW, FTP, Mail Servers.
1998 û present National Institute of Standards and Technology - (Gaithersburg, Maryland)

Guest Researcher, Software Developer

Implementing a number of new HW and SW technologies to the Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometers, including new design, CGI scripts for live measurement results publishing on WWW, multipulse data acquisition,  WWW-based molecular Database, improved server performance, etc.

  • Design and implementation of a complex object oriented system
    • High level object oriented design
    • Low level design and documentation
  • Programming and debugging
    • C++ in Win32 environment
    • GUI design using OWL and ZGRAF C++
1998 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (N. Novgorod, Russia)

Senior Programmer

  • Generated Molecular database files in dBASE format. 
  • Prepared SQL routines. 
  • Developed a GUI Database access tool for an express gas analysis system (platform - Windows 95/NT) for Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL. See a screenshot
  • Implemented a number of add-ons for a real-time ozone layer monitoring system. 
1997 National Institute of Standards and Technology - (Gaithersburg, Maryland)

Guest Researcher, Software Developer

Implemented a number of new HW and SW technologies to the Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometers, including Windows 95/NT GUI, real-time DSP, Motion Control, GPIB instrumentation control, live measurement results publishing on WWW

1996-1997 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (N. Novgorod, Russia)

Project Chief

Designed a real-time ozone layer monitoring system.

1995 National Institute of Standards and Technology - (Gaithersburg, Maryland)

Guest Researcher, Software Developer

Implemented a number of new algorithms to the Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometers, tested a new portable version of the instrument.

1994 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (N. Novgorod, Russia)


  • Wrote a program for real-time control, data capturing, processing, and visualization for the RT-22 radio telescope. 
  • Gave numerous lectures for IBM PC users. 
  • Took part in the nanosecond radar development project for GEC Marconi Electronics, UK.
1993 National Institute of Standards and Technology - (Gaithersburg, Maryland)

Guest Researcher, Software Developer

The project included design, assembling, programming and testing of a PC-based system for full automated real-time control, data acquisition, DSP, and visualization for the Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometers. The work was named among NIST's most significant in 1993.

1987-1993 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (N. Novgorod, Russia)

Engineer, Researcher

  • Participated in a project for an artificial neuronetworks research program. 
  • Wrote a macro assembler compiler for Texas Instruments TMS DSP processors. The compiler is currently still in use. 
  • Designed a fast ADC module and an FFT module for the Automated Experimentation System of RT-22 (a large radio telescope in the Crimea). 
  • Designed an interface system for remote control and data transfer for RT-22 and then in 1990 participated in the field astronomic data capturing program. The work included design of the electronic circuits and programming of the embedded processor. 
  • Participated in the project named "The system for measuring plasma turbulence spectrum for TOCAMAC-10". Designed a data acquisition and storage subsystem for the instrument. This work won the first prize among engineering projects of the Institute.
1984-1986 Nizhny Novgorod Technical University, (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Student - researcher

Wrote a FORTRAN program for analytical correction of orthogonality errors in quadrature analog to digital converters.

1987 û 1991 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (N. Novgorod, Russia)

Postgraduate course in Physics Research Automation

1980 û 1987 Nizhny Novgorod Technical University, (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

MS in Radio Electronics and Radar Automation

Publications Six publications in the field of physics experiment automation
Languages Fluent English, Russian, Polish. Elementary German.
Iterests/Activities Archaeology (see photo above - in a desert while one of the expeditions), camping, music, languages.
Dr. Richard D. Suenram  National Institute of Standards and Technology - (Gaithersburg, Maryland)
301- 975-2165
Dr. Jury K. Postoenko Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (N. Novgorod, Russia)
+7 (831) 238-4273

(c) Andrey Zuban. This page was last modified November 18, 1998