Dr. Magdy Ziyadah
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Dr. Magdy Ziyadah


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Magdy Ziyadah

79 Iskan al-Dubbat Ramsis 2.

Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

2620816 (home) 3573254 (office)

4028716 (messages)

E-mail: ziyadah@stylecafe.com.eg

Work Experience

Library of Congress, Cairo Office

1992-to present

Librarian (Cataloger)

-Create detailed bibliographic records in both Arabic scrpts and romanized Arabic or other languages, as needed, for monographs, serials, and non-print materials.

-Create very detailed and carefuly formatted records, known as Name Authority Records, to give evidence of why a particular form of the name is used. -Creat and assings subject headings or annotations for names of persons , corporate bodies, jurisdictions, and other headings needed for the item/publication being cataloged.


Munich, Germany

Information Analysis Course

Library of Congress, Cairo Office

Descriptive Cataloging Course

Subject Analysis Course

Annotations Course

Semantentic study of the translation of the Koran into Hausa

Thesis for Ph.D. in Hausa Language


Dr. Magdy Ziyadah

supervised by

Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Fahmy Hijazy

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hijazy al-Sayyid




Since the biginning of Islam, many translations of the Koran have been produced in order to facilitate the spread of the faith. However, because of the sacred nature of the Arabic text. Muslim scholars have not hesitated to acknowledge the weaknesses of their versions compared with the original.

The Present research considers the problems faced by Koran translators generally by applying a semantic analysis to the Hausa version of Abu Bakr Gummi, published in 1982. by focusing in particular on the treatment of key Koranic concepts, the thesis examines the faithfulness of the translation to the original, taking into account the differences in nature between classical Arabic, a Semitic language, and Hausa the Chadic Sub-group of the Semito-Hamitic Family.

Throughout, the semantic accuracy of the Hausa version is measured not only against the relevant expressions and verses in the Koran itself but also against their accepted interpretationsas recorded in authoritative classical and modern commentaries.

In addition, extensive use is made word-counts as well as of the classification of the meaning of both the Arabic and Hausa terms in order to demonstrate how the translator endeavored to solve the semantic problems which he faced.

The mythological results of the research:

1- The Translator doesn't adhere to a unified context.

2- The problem of different meaning due to difference in context.

3- Avoid the literal translation, and the responsibility of the translator to get the true meaning.

4- Loaning words directly from the Koranic text, to avoid mistakes.

5- The translation should be from well known interpretation, and the translator should mention the interpretation he depends on.

6- The problem of translation the directly meaning while it should be metaphoric one.

Email: ziyadah@stylecafe.com.eg