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RAW Results for 9-13-99
Hosted by: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler
Report by Anu

RAW starts with clips of HHH and his onslaught upon enemies.

Big Show and UT are in the back talking over strategy.
Kane is in the back waiting for HHH to get there.
Mankind and Rock are also shown looking for HHH. Linda says she needs to take care of family business.

A car pulls up and HHH gets out surrounded by security.

Linda and The Associates come down to the ring. Linda says that HHH dug is own grave on Smackdown
and now he has to sleep in it. She says that UT Big Show Kane Rock and Mankind all deserve a shot at he title. Tonight there will be a match between all of these men.The winner of this match will face the champ at Unforgiven. She says but who will be the champ. She says that a man will arrive tonight that can demand a match tonight because he is entitles to it. That man is Austin. She says that if Austin shows up HHH has to face him. HHH comes out. He is still surrounded by security. HHH attacks Brisco and Patterson. Linda is left alone. He asks her if she has flipped her lid. The crowd begins to chant "Asshole!" He tells her to go back home because this is no place for her. Linda leaves the ring. Big Show and UT are shown in the crowd. The security is blocking them from coming into the ring. Rock and Mankind sneak into the ring. Kane comes out. All men get into the ring and a battle begins. HHH quickly runs away. Kane chases after him. Rock and Mankind are left in the ring alone.

A steel cage is shown hanging above the ring.

Jeff Jarett tells Cole that on SmackDown his incident was all about Chyna. he issues an open challenge to any woman that will take it.

Shane is shown entering the arena.

Mankind and Rock are shown in the back with Cole. Rock says that weather is be UT or Kane or Big Show it doesn't matter who it is. Rock says that everyone will be chanting his name tonight. Rock says that he will do the same to Mankind if he has to. Mankind says that there will be many painful feelings tonight. Mick says that after he and Rock get everyone out of the way it will be up to Rock to lay the smack down on Foley's candy ass.

Match One: Jeff Jarett vs. Luna (Intercontenintal Title Match)

Jeff comes down and tells any woman to come down. Luna runs down. Jeff quickly beats Luna down. Jarett chokes Luna with the ropes. Luna attempts to make come-backs but to no avail. Ivory comes in and takes the guitar. Ivory nails Luna and runs off. Lillian says that Luna won and Jeff brings Lillian in the ring and gives her the Figure Four. Debra and Kitty don't look happy about all of this.

Winner: Luna(DQ)
Austin is shown walking into the arena.

Chyna is in the back with Taylor. Chyna says that Jeff does not impress her. She also says that her and Hunter are gonna hammer down a message to Austin.

Match Two: D-Von Dudley vs. Farooq(strap match)

D-Von tells Farooq to bring his black ass down. Farooq comes down and doesn't bother to put on the strap. he beats D-Von with it for a bit then puts it on. D-Von comes back with a DDT. D-Von beats Farooq with the strap. Bubba comes in and whacks Farooq with a chair. D-Von pins for the win. Bubba then nails Bradshaw with the chair. Bradshaw gets up and both Dudleys leave.

Winner:D-Von Dudley
Austin is shown in the back getting ready for his match.

UT and Big Show are in the back with Cole. Cole knows that he has to leave so he does. UT says that HHH is now the hunted. UT tells Rock and Mankind to pay more attention to them instead of those jokes.

J.R. is in the ring. He calls out the Bulldog. Bulldog says that giving Al Snow that title was because he deserves it. Bulldog says that he is also in the WWF to show everyone that he can make a comeback after his injury. He says there is only one belt that he hasn't gotten. The World Title. He says that he wants that belt before he retires. Bossman comes out and tells Bulldog that no one sticks thiner nose in Bossman's business. Bossman calls Smith a dumb ass. Snow comes out. Snow asks if Bossman got his love letter. It was a challenge to a match. he says that since Bossman enjoyed torturing Pepper so much and keeping him in a cage Snow thought that he would put Bossman in the cage. Snow says that they can have the cage around the ring and then put the Hell in a Cell over that. Bossman accepts that match for Unforgiven. Snow says that there will also be Rotweillers in between the cages. He says he wants the dogs to get a piece of Bossman's ass too. Bulldog jumps out of the ring and nails Bossman. Al Snow chases Bossman and so do the dogs. Bossman runs away thought the crowd.

Cole is in the back with The Posse. Abs says that tonight he isn't going to listen to Shane and he is going to kick Test's ass. He calls Steph a tramp.

HHH is in the back looking pissed.

Dennis Miller is shown sitting in the crowd.

EMTs are shown running to someone in the back. They get to the person and it is Shane. He has been knocked out by someone. He gets up and tells the EMTs to get off of him.

Match Three: Joey Abs vs Test

Joey Abs jumps on Test as he walks to the ring. Joey puts him back in the ring and pins for a two count. Joey gets a fisherman's suplex. Test gets a Full Nelson Bomb. Test gets thrown out and The Posse attacks him. The Pose gets up on the ring and Test nails them all. Test get s a power bomb for the win. The Posse comes in and attacks him.
Shane runs in and takes out Abs. The Posse attack Shane. Test gets up and takes out Gas. Shane takes down Rodney. Shane and test chases down the Posse. Test and Shane get into a car and chase after The Posses car which has already left.


Match Four: Steve Austin vs. HHH(World Title Match)

HHH comes down with his security. HHH says that he would love to kick Austin's ass but the problem is Austin blew it. HHH reminds Austin about the Semi/Ambulance incident. HHH says that that is Aggravated Assault. HHH sends the cops down to arrest Austin. After Austin is handcuffed HHH comes in and attacks him. Austin is brought away by the cops.

Winner:None(no match)

HHH is sown in the back watching the cops put Austin in the car. Linda is also there. HHH grabs the phone she was on and throws it to the ground.

Match Four: Godfather vs. Chaz

Godfather says that Chaz hasn't had really good luck with women he wont offer him the hoes. Plus it is Godfather first day back and he wants to wrestle. Chaz gets a drop toe hold. Godfather rolls up Chaz for a two count. Marriana comes out. She is crying and ask Chaz "Why?" Marriana has a black eye. Godfather comes from behind and gets the ho train. He follows it up with a pimp drop for the win.

Winner: Godfather
Linda is in the back with Patterson and Brisco. they tell her that they think she should go to the hotel because there is too much trouble around. She says that she cant run and she needs to stay.

RAW comes back on and the cage has been lowered. Chris Jericho's music starts and he comes out.

Match Five: Chris Jericho vs. Gotch Gracie(cage match)

Chris calls Shamrock a sham. Chris says that he is the most dangerous man. He says that this is not a steel cage it is a prison. he says that he found the most technically sound shoot fighter that he could and he will bring him in to beat him. A masked man comes down. he has GOTCH written across his shirt. Match starts and the men lock up. Chris put a submission on Gotch. Chris puts on a bow and arrow move on Gotch. Chris continues to talk into the mic while he fights. Chris puts the man in various holds. Gotch comes back with a clothesline. It doesn't affect Chris much and Chris puts on the lion tamer. After the match Chris makes fun of the ankle lock. Ken comes out and Chris tries to run. Gotch attack Ken from behind. Jericho and Gotch attack Shamrock. Gotch turns out to be an old WWF body guard named Huge.

Winner: Chris Jericho
The competitors for the main event are shown walking to the front.

D-lo and Godfather are in the back. D-lo is giving Godfather money.

Jericho says that he is the WWF's most dangerous man. He says that he has Huge to protect Shamrock from Jericho.

Match Six: Five man free for all

The bell rings when only Mankind UT and Big Show are in the ring. The first man to get a pin is the winner. Big Show gets a big elbow. UT pulls Big Show off of Mankind. UT and Big Show argue already. Rock comes in and attacks UT. Kane makes his way out next. Mankind attacks Kane as soon as he gets in. Kane quickly takes Mankind out. Big Show is going to work on Rocky. Midion and Viscera come out. They are not included in this match. Midion and Viscera attack Mankind when he gets thrown out of the ring. Kane goes for a chokeslam on Mankind but Mankind gets a double arm DDT instead. UT knocks out the ref. Rock and UT are hammering away at each other. Kane stays out of the ring. Rock goes for the people elbow on UT. He gets it but there is no ref. A new ref runs out and Kane knocks him out. Two more refs come and Big Show knocks them out. Other WWF officials come out and the also get knocked out. Hebner comes down but changes his mind and runs away. Godfather comes out and tries to gain some order. Crash Holly also comes down. Prince Albert comes down but he gets taken out by Big Show. Mankind gets out he sock. Other WWF stars come out. The ring is full.

Winner:No Contest

The refs are in the back telling Hebner that he needs to do something about all of this.

Match Seven: D-lo and Val Venis vs. Steve Blackman and Mark Henry

Henry doesn't come down to the ring. Val gets a bulldog. D-lo comes in and Blackman gets a drop kick on him. Val comes back and gets a spine buster. Val gets a fisherman's suplex and D-lo follows it with a frog splash for the win. G-TV comes on and Blackman leaves. Henry is shown in the back getting a lapdance from the Godfather's hoes.
Winner:D-lo and Val Venis
HHH and Chyna are shown walking to the ring.

A cop car pulls up and it is followed by a limo.

Main Event: HHH vs. Steve Austin(World Title Match)
HHH says that he and Linda have things to discuss. He calls Linda out. Linda comes out. he tells her that he wants her to tell the world what happened tonight. He says what happened is that Austin went to jail and he went back down the ladder because he forfeited his shot. She says no she wont do it. he tells her to tell everyone now. She says no again. Vince comes out. Vince says that he gave his word that he would not interfere in WWF business but this is personal. He calls HHH a son of a bitch. Vince reminds HHH who gave him that belt. Vince takes off his jacket and tells Linda to leave. Austin comes out. The bell rings and Austin is kicking ass. Austin and HHH go into the crowd. They come back to ringside and Austin gets thrown onto the table. Austin suplexs HHH on the outside. Match goes back inside and Austin jumps on HHH and punches him. Austin takes a chair to HHH's legs. Austin hits the ref. HHH crawls up the ramp and tries to leave. Hebner calls for the bell. Austin continues to pummel HHH on the ramp. The cage is being lowered. HHH gets throw into the side of the cage. Austin puts HHH inside and goes in after him. Austin gets a stunner in the middle on the ring.
Winner: HHH(DQ)


WWF Smackdown
August 9, 1999. Taped from Albany, NY.
Hosted by: Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler
Reporting: Elliot Magruder

--Kane is shown walking into the arena, he is at the parking lot. Kane is attacked by HHH and Chyna, Hunter has a crow bar. Big Show and Undertaker come in to join the brief fray.

--Big Bossman vs. The British Bulldog for the WWF Hardcore Championship

-Short match, although the outcome was pleasing. Bossman saunters down to the ring to an unusually large amount of heat. Bossman says he is the top dog, although he is a little crazy. Bossman re-visists last week's Smackdown events and he insists he is crazier then anybody. "Asshole" chants. Bossman asks if anyone has the balls to come out and fight him. The BRITISH BULLDOG!! He comes down to an enormous return pop. Onto the match, Steel stair shot on Bossman. Bossman tries to hit Bulldog with a chair, but he is unsucessful. Smith recovers and he hits Bossman with his own night stick to become the new WWF Hardcore Champion! Right as Bulldog leaves, Al Snow runs out dressed in the Leif Cassidy character. Bulldog and Snow stand together on the ring enterance ramp and Davey Boy hands the title to Snow and this gets a huge pop!

Winner: The British Bulldog to become the WWF Hardcore Champion.

--Kane is shown standing in the parking lot and he is pooring gas on the car that Triple H arrived in!

--Edge and Christian (w/Stevie Richards) vs. The New Brood (w/Gangrel)

-Fast paced, exciting match. Very good pop for the former members of the brood. Edge and Christian look very confused on why Richards is their. Head scissors takeover by Edge. Christian tagged in. Head scissors takeover by Jeff Hardy. Edge in to the ring. Drop toe hold by Christian. Running lariat by Edge. Missed baseball slide by Edge. Gangrel starts beating on Edge as the ref's back is turned. Matt Hardy takes a swan dive and he lands upon Edge. Both men crash outside of the ring and onto the arena floor. Double elbow drop by the New Brood. Cover 2, but Edge is able to kick out. Suplex from Jeff Hardy, as the New Brood takes control. Attempting high risk manuever by the New Brood, but Edge rolls out of the way. All four men are now in the ring. Edge gets the win with the Sidewalk Slam. Gangrel is trying his hardest to gain the pinfall, but Richards prevents him from stopping the count. All of a sudden all the lights go out, a la Bloodbath. Kane emerges and he chokeslams Gangrel and both members of the New Brood. Kane has a microphone. The Big Red Machine says that he is going to burn the flesh off of Triple H's body. Kane hits the usual pyrotechnics and he leaves.

Winner: Edge and Christian

-- Lillian Garcia interviews HHH from the back. Triple H says that he is going to douse Kane in blood, since he was doused earlier in gasoline. Hunter says he is going to bring his sledgehammer to the ring.

--X-Pac proceeds to come down to the ring. He is greeted with a big crowd reaction. X-Pac calls out Kane and tells him that he wants to talk with him. X-Pac informs Kane that he has an opportunity to win the title tonight, but he will do it without him. Waltman adds that last week on Smackdown, he told Kane not to come out during his match, but Kane did anyways. X-Pac then just leaves the squared circle without saying another word.

--Hardcore Holly (w/Crash Holly) vs. Chyna

--Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly come down to the ring with a scale, as they did last week on RAW. They got a good amount of heat from this lively crowd. Holly says that he is only out for one reason, and that's to have a super heavyweight fight. Hardcore says he wants a monkey to come down to this ring to fight him, and they have to be a super heavyweight. Crash has a scale on which they will test the weight of Holly's opponent. Chyna ambles down to the ring area, and she is serenaded with a lot of booing. Holly says she might make the requirements since she has 200 pounds bags of silicon on her chest. Regardless, he says he won't fight a women. Hardcore turns to leave and he is slammed in the back with a scale. DDT from Chyna. Hardcore and Crash begin to vehemently argue. Jeff Jarrett runs down to the ring, as Chyna is attempting to pin Holly. Mr. Ass runs down to the ring, he scares of Jarrett. Then he lands the fameasser on Chyna and he departs. Crash Holly is laughing at Hardcore and then those two cousins begin to brawl.

Winner: No Decision due to the interference of Jeff Jarrett.

--X-Pac is shown departing from the arena, and he gets a pop even though he left his former best friend, Kane.

--Mankind and Rock are shown arriving at the arena, and they argue about Mankind's new shirt.

--Bubba Ray Dudley (w/DVon) vs. Bradshaw (w/Faroouq)

-Bradshaw knocks Bubba right out of the ring and onto his back. Running shoulder block by Bradshaw, followed by a boot to the face. Both men plunder each other with a multitude of right hands. DVon and Faroouq both interfere in the contest and this causes a disqualification. All four men exchange in fistacuffs for a while. They have to be broken up by referees and officials.

Winner: Bradshaw due to the interference of DVon Dudley

--Test and Stephanie McMahon come down together to the ring, looking happy. They get a huge pop. Stephanie calls out Jerry Brisco, Pat Patterson and Linda McMahon. Steph says that their wedding has been set for October 11 (live RAW from Atlanta). Steph invites all the crowd to the wedding. The Mean Street Posse sashe down to the ring to a lot of heat. They are accompanied by Terri Runnels. "Asshole" chants. Steph gets pissed and she tells everyone to leave them alone. Shane O'Mac arrives on the scene to a huge amount of heat. Shane tells the MSP to leave and he indicates the war with Test is over. McMahon says he is deeply sorry for his recent actions with Test, and he is very wrong. Shane confesses that it is very hard for him to see his little sister, Stephanie as a grown woman. "Asshole" chants. Shane says he deserves that. Shane says he wants Stephanie to marry Andrew, and he tells Test to treat her right. McMahon shakes the hand of Test and he hugs Stephanie before he departs.

--Lillian Garcia chats with the Rock and Mankind. Rock asks Garcia if she has goosebumps and then he tells her to goosebump her ass out of here. Rocky says that he is going to shovel dirt of both the candy asses of Undertaker and Big Show. "Rocky" chants. Maivia says he is going to take a shovel and stick it straight up the asses of Show and 'Taker. Mankind says he enjoys being covered with dirt.

--HHH (w/Chyna) vs. Kane for the WWF Championship

-Decent heat for the champ. Chyna and HHH double team Kane in the corner. Kane is wearing a new ring outfit. Running lairiat, followed by right hands to the face of Triple H by Kane. Chyna tells Kane that she can talk to X-Pac, she is doing this to skew his emotions. Low blow by HHH. Hunter perches Kane against the turnbuckle and he proceeds to rain the right hands in on the Big Red Machine. Knee to the face from the champion. Lazy cover, he can only get a two. Both men get into a brewhaha outside the ring area. HHH slams the head of Kane onto the steel steps. Kane does not back down and he rolles back into the ring. Bulldog off the ropes from the Big Red Machine. Both men are down and the referee begins the count. Clothesline from Kane, followed by a huge boot to the face of the WWF champion. High risk manuever from Kane. Cover 2, but HHH comes up right before three. HHH tries to land the pedigree, but he is flipped over by Kane. Kane is attempting to land te chokeslam, but Chyna comes up from behind and hits him with a sledgehammer. The aforementioned activity allows Hunter to recover and land the pedigree. HHH retains the title. Hunter and Chyna begin to pound on Hunter and this brings out Undertaker and Big Show to talk things over with HHH.

Winner: HHH to retain the WWF Championship

--Ken Shamrock vs. Chris Jericho

-Funny shit from Jericho, although this wasn't much of a wrestling match. The World's Most Dangerous Man is greeted with a subpar pop. Ken says Y2J has two choices. One, fight like a man. Or, Shamrock could just go to the back and find Jericho to destroy him. Shamrock runs to the back, but Chris' music hits when he is on the ramp. Jericho comes down to the ring and he in a cage. Jericho says he was supposed to fight Shamrock, but he doesn't want to destroy him. Chris also adds that the cage is not there for his protection, but rather Shamrock's protection. Titan Tron video is shown from last week's Smackdown. Howard is shown in the back arguing with Lillian Garcia over last week's RAW. Jericho demands that Finkel raise the cage and then when Jericho finally gets out, Shamrock snaps. Ken pounds on Y2J, before he it is broken up by WWF officials. Both combatants chase each other to the back.

Winner: No Contest

--Howard Finkel and Chris Jericho are shown escaping from the arena. Jericho fires Finkel and then he speeds off.

--Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra and Miss Kitty) comes down to the ring to a huge pop, only becaue of the puppies. Jarrett says that he is embarassed that he has to wrestle Chyna at Unforgiven. Jeff adds that he always thought that the women was supposed to cook and clean and she does not deserve to be in the ring with the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. Jarrett says he is a man's man. Jeff calls the Fabulous Moolah up to the ring to chat. Jarrett informs the crowd that she was the champion for one hundred years. Moolah hugs Debra, as if they are friends. Jarrett says back in Moolah's time the men wrestled the men. Moolah says that's only because she would have kicked the men's asses. Jeff responds by hitting Moolah with a guitar. Mae White comes into the ring and she promptly has the sharp shooter applied to her. Debra and Miss Kitty are furious, and they are yelling at Jeff. "Asshole" chants.

--"The Big Show" Paul Wight and the Undertaker vs. The Rock and Mankind for the

WWF Tag Team Championships

-Small amount of heat for TBS and UT. Huge pops for both of the current tag champs. Mankind begins to fight before the Rock even comes out. UT and Rock brawl outside the ring. 'Taker slams the head of The Great One on the steel steps beside the ring. Rock and Mankind double team the Show. Wight slams the head of the Rock on the announcing table. Back elbow to the face of Rock from 'Taker. Show is shown taking Mankind away from the ring. Taker attempts to hit Rock with a chair, but he misses and Maivia hits Taker with a chair. Show and Mankind begin to fight in front of the pit. Rock and Mankind low blow Show with a shovel. Then, Wight is knocked into the grave. Foley and Rock begin to shovel dirt into the pit. UT comes into the rescue and he ambushes the Undertaker. UT throws dirt in the Rocks face. Show finally climbs out of the grave. 'Taker nearly has the Rock in the pit, but the Great One comes back with right hands. Show and Foley begin to scrap on the stage. Taker shoves Rock into the guardrail keeping the fans out. Undertaker attempts to hit Maivia with a 2X4, but he misses. Show tosses Mankind off the stage and into the grave. Foley emerges from the grave with Socko in hand. Foley chokes Show and they both plummet into the six foot pit. Show gets out, although Mankind is still applying the mandible claw on him. "Socko" chants. Wight appears to be dazed. Mankind finally manages to toss Show into the grave. HHH interferes and he clocks the Rock, as he was fighting with Undertaker in the backstage area. Kane comes to the defense of Rock and he attacks Hunter. Kane puts his hand around the neck of HHH. Chyna attempts to hit Kane with a chair, but he is unfazed. Back in the arena area, Undertaker hits Foley in the back with a shovel and in the process knocking him into the grave. UT commands Show to shovel the dirt upon the top of the fallen Foley. The dirty Big Show buries Mankind. The Rock emerges from the back and he begins to lay the smack down on the Phenom. HHH comes out from the back and he lurks behind the Show. The Champion smacks Show with the sledgehammer and he begins to bury Mankind. Eventually, Mankind is completley buried and HHH is awarded the win. All of a sudden, Chimel informs the irate crowd that the Big Show and the Undertaker have become the new tag team champions, even though they didn't win.

Winners: The Big Show and The Undertaker to become the WWF Tag Team Champions.

--An ambulance is brought down to the ring, and HHH goes to investigate. Austin!! Stone Cold comes out of the grave and he begins to bash the hell out of HHH. Austin puts Hunter in the emergency medical vehicle and he drives away. Austin parks the ambulance in the back. Austin gets out of the ambulance and into a huge semi. Austin rams the ambulance with his semi, it looked very real. The Rattlesnake then rams it again and the show is over.


WWF Raw Report - September 6, 1999
From Hartford, CT
Credit :

• To begin Raw, it was scheduled to be the Rock and Mankind defending the tag team titles against Kane and X-Pac, but for some reason, X-Pac didn't show. Kane decided to fight both men be himself. As the match was about to begin, the WWF Champion Triple H came to the ring and apparently decided to be Kane's tag team partner! Chyna walked to ringside with a sludge hammer minutes into the match. At one point, the Rock hit Triple H. The champion got back up and tagged himself in to beat on the Rock, but Kane closelined him back out. Triple H got up and hit Kane with the sludge hammer allowing the Rock the win. After the match, the Rock and Mankind left leaving Kane and Triple H in the ring. HHH attacked Kane several times with the sludge hammer until the Undertaker and the Big Show came to the ring to apparently help Kane. Backstage, Jeff Jarrett and Miss Kitty were seen walking to the ring.

• Backstage, Jaquline told Michael Cole that even though Jarrett's a man, she can still beat him. Jeff Jarrett and Miss Kitty came to the ring and Jarrett said that Chyna better pay attention to him beating on Jackie, because thats whats gonna go down at Unforgiven. Jarrett destroyed Jackie giving him the win. Following the match, Miss Kitty distracted the referee allowing Jarrett to hit Jackie with the quaitar! Backstage, Val Venis said from what happened last Thursday on Smackdown when Steve Blackman attacked him, he better find Val, before Val finds Blackman.

• In a match to determine the number one contenders to the tag team titles, Edge and Christain faught the Acolytes. During the match, the referee was distracted while Bradshaw covered Christain. Edge got back in the ring and hit Bradshaw off the ropes making them the number one contenders to the tag titles. Backstage, Micheal Cole caught up with Edge & Christain. Both began to say something until the Acolytes came to them to attack, but the Dudley's attacked the Acolytes first with trash cans. On GTV, Val Venis and the Big Show were seen going to the bathroom. Val said to Wight "and they call you the big show" if you know what he means. Wight then attacked Val and left the bathroom.

• Backstage, Micheal Cole interviewed Meat. Meat said he wants to forget about Marriana and Terri. He makes comments about his real name and his father, a former WWF Champion, and other things. The Mean Street Posse came into the locker room and said his father sucked! The Posse then attacked Meat! Val Venis came to the ring and called out the Big Show. Backstage, the Undertaker told Wight to go to the ring and destroy Val, and so he did. The Big Show came to the ring and destroyed Val and left. Steve Blackman then entered the ring and attacked Val with his weapons! Backstage, the Dudley Boys made some comments on the Acolytes, until Bradshaw and Faarooq attacked them with trash cans!

• The announcer was about to introduce the next match until Howard Finkel came down and told her to sit down and let him do the announcing. Finkel was about to announce the next match, until he realized that this match had Ken Shamrock in it. Shamrock ran down and chased Finkel and was about to attack him until Y2J showed. Chris Jericho said on Smackdown Thursday, he'll give Shamrock what he wants, which is a fight with him. Shamrock ran backstage after this.

• Triple H came to the ring to comment on several things. HHH said that he is the game and he has crippled Mankind, Austin, and others. Triple H also said to Linda McMahon to keep her @$$ out of his bussiness. Badd Ass Billy Gunn came out and said he has kicked HHH's @$$ a lot and he will do it again. Triple H said he will give Gunn a title shot. Gunn accepted. Backstage, Paterson and Brisco were talking stradgety.

• Terri Runnells came to the ring with the Mean Street Posse! Terri joined the announce team. Brisco and Paterson came to the ring and brawled with the Posse until Test came to the save. During the match, Meat came down and attacked the Posse allowing Test and stooges the win.

• Crash and Hardcore Holly came to the ring with a weight machine. The Hardy Boyz then came to the ring. Hardcore Holly said he wants the Hardies to step on the scale. Both did just that, with Holly saying "i don't know about this". Hardcore made funny names for all three of the Brood members. Holly told them to go to the donut store and eat and few dozen donutes, and mabye later they can fight! The Hardies attacked the Hollys after all this. Hardcore Holly got the win. At ringside, the lights went out and after, Crash Holly got a bloodbath from the Brood. Hardcore laughed at him which ended up to be another brawl between the Hollys. Backstage, the Undertaker took the mic from Micheal Cole and challenged Mankind and the Rock to a Buried Alive Tag Team Title match at Smackdown on Thursday!

• Al Snow dressed in his old Avatar outfit came to the ring. Snow started doing weird things thinking this was all a dream, and wondering why he was Avatar again. He went crazy and it was all weird. Backstage, the Rock and Mankind accepted the Undertaker's challenge. The Rock did some funny impressions of the Undertaker and Wight.

• On GTV, Marriana was seen talking to someone asking them to talk to "him", which I beleive is Chaz. She was asking this person to talk to him, and she is depending on this person. D'Lo Brown faught Steve Blackman. Before the match, "Sexual Chocalate" Mark Henry joined the announce team with two women by his side. During the match, Val Venis came to the ring, and attacked Blackman with a stick and ran back with his bag of weapons! In the end, D'Lo got the win. After the match, Henry attacked D'Lo with the European Title. Backstage, Ivory was showing Terry Taylor some weapons she was going to use on Tori in their hardcore women's match, until Tori came in the locker room and attacked Ivory.

• The Hardcore Women's match was next. Ivory and Tori were seen fighting in the bathrooms throwing things at each other. Jacquline was taking a shower in the middle of this, but she quickly got away. The brawl lead throughout the arena where Ivory hit Tori over the head with a mear and burning her with a iron! Backstage, Earl Hebner told Chyna that she is barrded from ringside, but Chyna didn't care.

• Triple H defended the WWF Championship against Badd Ass Billy Gunn. Earl Hebner, the head official, ordered Chyna to go backstage. She was mad about it, but she did just that, and the match between HHH and Gunn got underway. During the match, Shane McMahon came down and distracted Gunn. The referee ordered Shane to go back while HHH tried to hit Gunn with the belt, but missed and Gunn striked and covered. The referee jumped back in, but no three count. Later, HHH tried to hit Gunn but missed and hit the referee. Gunn got the fameasser of Triple H and covered, and once again, no three count. HHH pedigreed Gunn, but Gunn did'nt stay down. Triple H pedigreed Badd Ass for a second time and retained his title! Shane and Chyna came back to the ring to concradulate HHH. As they stood in the ring, Kane came down and attacked all three! HHH tried to come back, but got chokeslammed, as well did Shane McMahon as Raw went off the air!


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