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Term Definition Example
Angle The storyline of a fued. Marlena being pregnant is an angle.
Blade When a wrestler cuts himself during a match to shed blood with a razor blade, which is usually hidden in the tape wrapped around their wrists. Steve Austin bladed at King of the Ring '98 to lose the belt to Kane.
Booker Person who comes up with angles, picks the winners of matches, comes up with ideas for gimmicks, and hires & fires wrestlers. When Jake Roberts was a booker in the WWF, he came up with the idea of Steve Austin going to Brian Pillman's house, resulting in Pillman pulling out a gun.
Bump When a wrestler takes a hard fall. Mick Foley took a huge bump when he was thrown off the Hell in a Cell.
Dark Match A match that is not aired on television. Before RAW begins, dark matches are held, and won't be seen on TV.
Face The good guy, the fan favorite The Rock turned from a bad guy to a face.
Feud When two wrestlers or teag teams fight with each other over the course of several weeks. McMahon and Austin are involved in a huge feud.
Heat When a wrestler gets a large response from the fans. Steve Austin gets tremendous heat when he asks fans to give him a "Hell Yeah!"
Heel The bad guy, the rule breaker Undertaker has turned heel.
House Show Wrestling shows that are not shown on TV. The WWF is at MSG a lot for house shows.
Job To lose the match Shawn Michaels jobbed to Steve Austin at WrestleMania 14, thus losing the title.
Jobber Wrestler who constantly loses his matches One of the most well known jobbers is The Brooklyn Brawler.
Juice Blood "Stone Cold" Steve Austin juiced at the 1998 King of the Ring.
Kayfabe To stay in character. When Stone Cold goes on talk shows, he will not break kayfabe.
Mark Fans who think all the angles in wrestling are real. Anyone who thinks McMahon actually hates Austin is a mark.
Over When a wrestler's gimmick is accepted by the fans or when a wrestler receives legitamate heat. Steve Austin is the most Over wrestler today.
Pop The crowd's reaction to a wrestler. D-Generation X get huge pops.
Push When a wrestler goes on a winning streak. Steve Austin got a push because of the incredible heat he gets from the fans.
Screw Job When a match ends in a DQ, count-out, or no-contest The Main Event at Judgement Day ended in a screw job because Austin counted both men out.
Shoot When some bumps in a match are real. Something real that happens when it is not supposed to happen. Vince McMahon screwing Bret Hart at the 1997 Survivor Series was a shoot.
Shoot Interview Interview where the wrestler breaks kayfabe When Austin talks about being fired by Bischoff, it's a shoot interview.
Spots The unforgettable highlights of a match. A spot from the 1998 KOTR is when Mick Foley was thrown off the top of the cage, and falling a good 20 feet.
Tweener A wrestler that isn't a heel or face Kane is a tweener.
Work Something that is planned out ahead of time. Vince McMahon's hatred for Steve Austin is all a work.


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