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WWF Summerslam - August 22, 1999
Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
Live from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Report by Derrick

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WWF European and Intercontinental Championship
D'Lo Brown vs Jeff Jarrett
Debra came to the ring wearing very revealing attire. Jarrett argued with Debra as they came down the aisle and in the ring. Jarrett told her to go to the back and not come back out. This action fired up the crowed, as they chanted "Asshole, asshole" at Jarrett. Backstage, Debra talked to D'Lo Brown. She came out with D'Lo, hand in hand, making Jarrett irate. Jarrett started the match off fast, taking it to D'Lo but Brown faught back taking Jarrett down with solid wrestling moves. D'Lo got a really close near fall in the opening minutes, hitting a variation of the Low Down. Jarrett slowed the pace up, taking things to the outside by slamming D'Lo into the ringsteps and into the security barrier. Back in the ring, Jarrett mouthed off to Debra and continued his assault of D'Lo. D'Lo mounted an offense and hit a hard powerbomb, but it took more out of him than it did Jarrett. Up on their feet, D'Lo took control again with some powerslams and got a near fall from a legdrop. D'Lo went for a moonsault, and missed. Debra hit the apron, and Jarrett grabbed a guitar. Mark Henry came out, grabbed the guitar and smacked D'Lo Brown with it. Jarrett went for the cover, and is the new European and Intercontinental champion. After the match, Mark Henry, Debra and Jarrett all hugged.

Tag Team Turmoil
Acolytes vs Droz and Prince Albert vs Hardy Boyz vs Harcore Hollys vs Edge and Christian vs Mideon and Viscera
Earlier in the day, all teams participating drew numbers as to the order they would enter. Once you were beat, you were eliminated and the winning team advanced to compete against another team. The winners receive shots at the WWF tag champions tomorrow night on RAW. Hardy Boyz and Christian/Edge started things off. Hardyz were accompanied by Gangrel. Both teams did the usual high flying moves with Edge and Christian winning. The next team to come out was Mideon and Viscera. Edge/Christian advanced when Viscera accidentally hit Mideon. Edge hit the spear and got the pin. Next team was Droz and Prince Albert. They stormed the ring and took it right to Edge/Christian. Edge/Christian advance again with a double team move. Not waisting any time, the Acolytes storm the ring and attack both men. Their attacks go to the outside on the announce tables and ring steps. In the ring, the Acolytes held control of most of the match. The Harcore Hollys came down during the match. Acolytes pick up the win when Bradshaw hit the clothesline from hell. Hardcore Hollys jumped in the ring and attacked the Acolytes as soon as they won. Hollys started arguing about who was going to do what, and the Acolytes capitalized on this. Hollys ended up getting in a fight over who would pin who, Acolytes hit a spinebuster to win the match. Farrooq and Bradshaw go onto RAW tomorrow night to meet the tag team champions.

Road Dogg Interview, Y2J
Road Dogg comes out and says tomorrow night on RAW the winner of the Harcore title match will wrestle him tomorrow. Y2J countdown hits, and Jericho comes out. Jericho's theme was remixed. Jericho says he's disappointed in Summerslam and he didn't think it was possible for this to suck. He called Summerslam "Summersham", and called Road Dogg the worst performer in the WWF. He insulted how Road Dogg spells his name and the clothing he wears. Jericho said that when Road Dogg said "Suck it", he meant "It Sucks." Road Dogg told Jericho to shut up, and called him a "bitch." He told Jericho to suck it, and Jericho pouted.

WWF Hardcore Championship
Big Boss Man vs Al Snow
Road Dogg stayed ringside to do commentary. Snow left Pepper backstage because he was scared. Snow hid in the aisle way and jumped on Bossman as he came out. Road Dogg got on the house mic and called the match. He followed the match around and called it. The match went backstage and Snow/Boss Man threw each other ito various things. Boss Man got hit with a really hard shot with a chalkboard from Snow. Boss Man came back with a crutch and hit Snow with it. Snowwas hit with a propane tank and was almost smashed with a Pepsi machine. From here, the match went to the outside of the building into the street. Both men went across the street and faught in an outside eating area. They went inside a bar, and traded punches. Boss Man was busted open with a newspaper stand as the fight went into the bathroom. Snow tossed a beer bottle in Boss Man's face and choked him out with a chain. Boss Man was setup on a table, and Snow moonsaulted off the bar and missed. Next, to the pool tables where Boss Man is nailed by Road Dogg with his nightstick. Snow makes the pin on a pool table to win the match and the Hardcore title. After the match, Snow runs back to the arena and attacks Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie. They were doing something to Pepper. Snow will take on Road Dogg tomorrow night on RAW.

WWF Women's Championship
Ivory vs Tori
Tori ran to ringside and started the match out fast. Back and forth match with not a lot of action. Ivory retains the title when she sits down on Tori after a sunset flip. After the match, Ivory tears off Tori's clothes but Luna runs into save Tori.

Lion's Den Weapons Match
Ken Shamrock vs Steve Blackman
Weapons of Steve Blackman's choice were hung all around the Lion's Den. Blackman entered the den, took a weapon and hid it in his tights. Blackman had some nunchucks and busted Shamrock's knee early. Shamrock went for scientific moves and took down Blackman. This didn't last long, and the match became a contest of who could throw who into the caged sides of the den. Shamrock climbed the cage and got a weapon, which was a kendo stick. Blackman regained his composure and blocked the stick shot, came back and took Shamrock down. When Blackman blocked the kendo shot, the stick broke. Blackman used one half of the stick to choke out Shamrock. Shamrock faught back, and both men go down. Back up, Shamrock hit an awesome powerslam. Blackman back up again, takes Shamrock down with an enziguri and reaches for another kendo stick. Blackman took it to Shamrock with the stick and hit one really hard shot to the head, knocking out Shamrock. Blackman had the match won,, but took time to pose to the crowd. Shamrock gets up, hits a belly to belly and gets the kendo stick. Shamrock beats the living hell out of Blackman with the stick, and gets the crazy look in his eye. The referee calls for the bell and declares Shamrock the winner.

Love Her or Leave Her Greenwich Street Fight
Test vs Shane McMahon
Winner of the match must leave Stephanie McMahon. Shane McMahon came out with the injured Mean Street Posse. They were all wearing casts of some sort. McMahon was shocked to see the Posse. They take their place at ringside on a couch. Test jumps Shane before the bell and spears him a distace of about 15 feet. Shane counters in the ring with punches, but that didn't last long. Outside again, Shane was thrown into the ringsteps and into the saftey rail. In the crowd, Test and McMahon brawled. The posse distracted Test, Shane ran up behind him, Test sensed this and threw Shane into the posse! Stephanie McMahon was shown backstage laughing. Test then attacked the posse with a trashcan and went after Shane more. The posse came back and hammered on Test, throwing him on the floor. The posse then fed McMahon various weapons such as family photos and lamps. Shane went to the top in the ring and missed a corkscrew move. Test had the win, but the posse distracted the ref. Back to the action, Test misses a kick on Shane and hits the referee. Outside the ring, Test hit McMahon with stray objects. The posse comes into help, pulls off all their casts. Test is set up on the Spanish announce table, Shane goes to the top rope, and crashes right throught the table! The posse throws Test into the ring, and puts Shane on top of him. Shane only gets a two count! The posse runs in, and accidentally hits Shane. Test makes the cover and only gets a two count. Rodney from the posse runs in, hits Test with his cast, and Shane only gets another two count! Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco come down and take out the posse. In the ring, Shane misses a spear and is run into the ring post. Test hits a pump handle slam, goes to the top and hits an elbow to get the win! Stephanie McMahon runs down to ringside and hugs Test.

WWF Tag Team Championship
X-Pac and Kane vs Undertaker and Big Show
Kane was sporting a new outfit, with a shiny red and more black to it. Match starts out with all four men in the ring. X-Pac is taken out and Big Show/Undertaker double team Kane. X-Pac comes back quick to help out Kane and takes his place. On the outside, Undertaker took it to X-Pac and tried for a chokeslam. Kane took X-Pac right out of Undertaker's arms and blasted Undertaker into the US announce table. Kane went to the top rope in the ring and hit a clothesline on the Undertaker for a two count. Big Show is tagged in for the first time and attacks Kane with chops and big feet. Kane comes back and he/Big Show battle back and forth until Undertaker is tagged back in. Kane and UT both go down, Kane gets up first and give X-Pac the hot tag. X-Pac takes UT down with a spinning heel kick, but that's only enough for a two count. Big Show gets in, puts a bearhug on X-Pac. X-Pac breaks it by biting Big Show's nose, but Show slams Pac to the mat. Show goes for a chokeslam on X-Pac, Kane runs in and gives Show a low blow. X-Pac takes care of Undertaker on the outside, and Pac delivers a bronco buster to Big Show. However, Big Show gets up, chokeslams X-Pac. X-Pac kicks out at two! Undertaker gets mad at Big Show and tags himself in. UT hits a tombstone on Pac, and picks up the win and the tag titles. UT and Big Show will defend the titles tommorrow night on RAW against the Acolytes.

Kiss my Ass match
The Rock vs Billy Gunn
Billy Gunn comes out with a lady in a robe. Her face is hidden. Billy Gunn says that when he wins, he will kiss her ass (The woman disrobes, and turns out to be a big fat woman). Gunn wastes no time and jumps Rock before the bell. Rock fights back with closed fists, sending Gunn to the outside. The two fought down the aisle way and into the entrance area. Rock threw Gunn into the security railing, Gunn reverses it and clotheslines Rock to the concrete floor. Back towards the ring area, Rock is thrown into the ringsteps. They fight around the US announce table, where Rock takes Jerry Lawler's crown and smacks Gunn with it. The match finally gets back in the ring, where Gunn chokes out Rock. Gunn takes the advantage for about 7 minutes when Rock comes back and hits a DDT. Both men go down, and Rock gets busted open on his nose. Rock gets up, and hits a Samoan drop, and only gets a two count. Rock goes for the Rock Bottom, and Billy Gunn hits the famouasser. The fat woman gets in the ring and exposes herself...Rock gets a look at this, and throws Gunn's face down into the woman's rear. Rock hits the rock bottom, and nails the people's elbow to pick up the win!

WWF World Championship - Jessie Ventura special referee
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Mankind vs Triple H
Jessie Ventura comes to the ring in referee atire, and receives a huge reaction from the crowd. Jessie says a lot of media people say it's a dishonorable he is here, and says he is proud to be here tonight! Triple H had his right hand heavily bandaged when he came out. In the ring, Chyna and HHH argued with Jessie. The match started with HHH and Austin in the ring, and Mankind stayed on the outside. Mankind pulled HHH out of the ring and slammed him in to the US announce table. Mankind and Austin worked together early against Triple H. The partnership with Austin and Mankind didn't last long as Austin attacked Mankind. From here, the match went to the outside and Chyna attacked Mankind. Triple H and Austin brawled near the US table. HHH got a chair and hit a hard shot on Austin's knee. Back in the ring, Mankind hit the mandible claw on HHH, Chyna tripped up Mankind. Jessie saw this, and sent Chyna packing to the back. Austin got back up, ran after HHH and took him down. They faught down the aisle and back up it, with HHH racking Austin's knee on the ringpost. Mankind and HHH started arguing over who was going to beat on Austin, so they both double teamed him. HHH and Mankind eventually got into it, with all three going into the crowd. Mankind was body dropped by Austin right on the exposed floor. All three men made their way back to the ring and continued brawling. Helmsley went for a pedigree, but Austin countered and sent him into Mankind. Austin hit a stunner on Mankind, Triple H ran in the ring and smacked Ausitn with the chair. Jessie warned HHH, HHH went for a cover on Mankind after he hit him with a chair, Jessie refused to count. Shane McMahon ran to ringside, and argued with Ventura. Austin gave the stunner to McMahon. Jessie grabbed Shane, and threw him over the top. HHH and Austin both go down off a clothesline, and Mankind gets up with Socko. Mankind puts the claw on both HHH and Austin. HHH goes for the pedigree after he breaks out of the claw on Mankind, Austin gets up and knocks down HHH. Austin then hits a stunner on HHH, Mankind interrupts the count by Ventura. Austin runs Mankind into the ringpost, Helmsley pedigrees Austin. Mankind takes Helmsleys place and hits a DDT on Austin. Mankind pins Austin and wins the WWF title! After the match, HHH beats the hell out of Austin with a chair. He hit him about 15-20 times in the injured knee.

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