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The Will of Jacob Crow, as recorded in Greene Co., PA.,
Will Book 1, page 228, file #408

In the name of our Lord amen I Jacob Crow of Richhill Township Greene County and state of
Pennsylvania Being weak in Body But of sound understanding and memery Blessed Be god for it do this fourth day of November in the year of our loard one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty one doth make and publish this my last will and testament and desires that it may be Recieved By all as such in manner following that is to Say first I will and positively order that my wife Susanah Crow to have Thirty Dollars per year out of the Estate during her life time and secondly I will and positively order that my son Fredrick Crow shall have fifty Dollars more of the Estate then any one of the rest of the Legetees and the said Fredrick and all legetees to have an equal part of the Estate of the late deceased Jacob Crow at the decease of his wife Susanah Crow and thirdly I will and positively order that my Wife shall have all the household furniture and one Cow and lastly I make and ordain My Son Michel Grow and Moses Dunsmore Sole Executrix of this my will in trust for the intent and purpose in this my Will contained & in Witness whereof I the Said Jacob Grow have set my hand and Seal the day and year above Written.

signed Jacob Gro



John X Sicels


Mary Crow

Penna Greene County as.

Personally appeared before me John Sicels and Mary Crow and on there solemn oaths did
depose and say that they were present and saw and heard Jacob Crow the Testator within named sign, Seal publish and declare the same as and for his last will and Testament and that at that time of doing thereof he was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding according to the best of their Knowledge observation and belief.


John X Sicels


Sworm and subscribed

before me this 18th day of

August 1823

Wm. T. Hays