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Ursula Dahm on Tour with Soti

Here is the first of the two "promised" mails concerning my trek with Soti.

For the "newbies": Soti is a 19 year old gelding and we were on tour without other riders for some days. I do this (if possible) once a year for about 5 days.

Normally I always say: never change equipment "close to a trek". Well this time I did - and I was very happy with it. Soti has a Görtz-tölt-saddle with a "soft seat". Under it I have a "western pad" and (under the pad) a blanket. I have that blanket for two reasons: 1. the pad doesn't go far enough down to be under the "whole leather" of the saddle (I hope you can see what I mean) - 2. it's much easier to get the sweat and the dirt out of the blanket than out of the thick pad.

And the "blanket" was a new one this time - and I was/am very happy with it: I went to the drugstore and bought a "anti-decubitus-fur" (no idea if you have the same word in English - it's the artificial "fur" they use for people lying in bed for a long time to avoid that the skin gets sore; i got that hint by a friend - it' just great!).

Soti has his normal bridle: leather-bit, band of leather running behind his ears, reins - that's it. He wears his halter under it with the "self-made anti-fly-curtain" (you can see it in the Ice-list gallery).

As saddle-bags I use two bags from the army, fixed to the saddle behind me - a "banana-shaped" bag for the sleepingbag that's tied above the bags and a little self-made bag with the big rain-cape (big enough to cover the bags too) jet on top of it (That's tough to mount - especially in the afternoon after some time of riding). Plus two small bags in front of me.

When all my stuff is packed (including a first-aid-kit and a "trek-riders'-first-aid-farriers'-tool" - no idea how to call it in English, so I just "translated" it - that serves to fix a loose shoe, or take off a shoe if it's "half off" and twisted, or put the shoe on again (using the old holes - at least I would not dare to make new ones -) the two "big bags" have a bit less than 4 kg each, the sleeping bag is about 2 kg, the rain-cape about 2 kg, the front bags I've never weighed but I have only my food, my camera and other "light things" in it. If you add the saddle and me (with boots and all) Soti carries between 90 and 95 kg.

And he walks and walks and walks .....

With "luggage" I ride hardly anything but walk.

I have a "packing list" with all the stuff I need - I only change it a bit according to the time of year and the expected weather. So I can go along that list to see what I have to pack. - And I avoid taking things I don't need (except the "emergency-stuff" I always take and hope not to need it!!).

Well that's it for today - I'll tell you some "stories" from the ride one of the next days.

We left home on Friday and drove to Petra (a lurker - hi Petra). There Soti could go out on a pasture and we went "shopping". That was very important because I didn't have the map yet. In the evening we went out for about an hour. Next day I rode Soti for about 3 1/2 hrs. as a "warming up" - about 25 to 30 km - well I had to test how reliable the map was - it was okay.

Sunday we started for the tour - the "pure riding"-times: Sunday 5 hrs. - Monday 7 hrs. - Tuesday 3 1/4 hrs. - Wednesday 6 hrs. - Thursday 2 hrs. (and 3 hours of driving home in the evening).

With all the stuff I only ride walk - and we "make" about 6 km per hour (that's quite fast as an average) - so the whole ride was about 140 to 150 km.

I know, John rides a longer distance in one day ! - but I was quite proud of Soti who walked and walked and ... - and didn't seem to be very tired in the evening (well I was, especially on Monday). I don't make "a big break" but a "little break" after every (about) 1 1/2 hours.

On Sunday my way lead through an area with lots of hikers and bikers, passed a restaurant where all the people sat outdoors, we passed a golf course - I think you can imagine how surprised they all looked when we showed up. I think we were the "talk of the day" (when I get my pictures I'll post some - it looks really "a bit strange": that "little horse" with such big saddlebags).

In the afternoon we arrived at the stable where Soti was planned to stay for the night on a paddock - I found out that they (another Petra and her husband) expected us the next evening but anything went well. I slept at their house.

Monday morning we drove to the stable and I found Soti stretched out sleeping. I had to call him three times before he lifted his head and came up a bit (lying on his belly now). I put the halter on (he was still lying) and asked him to get up. He looked at we with a "strange look" and - stretched out again flat on the ground - no idea of getting up. So I asked him again and he got up with a look as if he wanted to say: "If you insist". But I soon found out that he wasn't tired at all: when I had him ready for the start and started leading him for some time to get the stiffnes out of his body he simply "took off" in a very eager and fast walk - so after some minutes I decided to mount. And he was really eager to go.

After a bit more than 5 hours of riding I felt really low: it was hot, whole day it was always very tough when I had to leave the woods - and now I knew that I will have to ride for about 2 hours all "open field", no shadow. But then a nice man "saved me": I came to a mill and found that there where horses - and the owner of the horses (who didn't live there) was just about to leave. But he welcomed me at once, Soti and I got something to drink, Soti came in a box with straw (to make it comfortable for him to piss) and we talked for about 20 minutes - then I was ready to start for the last part. A bit less than 2 hours later I arrived at Michaelas stable. Soti stayed there on a paddock - I went with Michalea and her father and after eating and some "talking" I went to bed.

Tuesday was only a short ride (about 3 1/4 hrs.). So we arived rather early. Somebody showed me where to put Soti (my hosts were yet away to visit somebody). They arrived at about 7 p. m. - and told me that they were invited to come to a barbecue in the same village - and that they had told the people there that they will bring another guest - me. It was a nice evening - and suddenly a lady came to me and said: "I think you must be the rider that stopped at my brothers' stable yesterday" She said that he had come home telling them: "You would never guess whom I met today. There is a woman on a trek with her horse all alone !" (well her brother was the nice guy I wrote about - how small the world is!)

That night I slept in a big tent - and in the morning I woke up because the rain was pouring down. The rain stopped again - but it was very damp that day - damp and warm. After 6 hrs. of riding I arrived at the farm where Petras (the other P.) yearlings live. Soti got a paddock there and I slept at their house again. Petra was surprised about the "route" I rode and said: "You didn't miss climbing one hill you could find on the way." Well - on the hills there were trees and therefore shadow. Avoiding the hills would have meant riding in plain sun - I preferred the hills. After a nice evening with a lot of talking I went to bed.

Next day it was only a short trip - 2 hrs. and I was at my starting place again.

Soti really looked ready to start again (not me!).

On the tour people asked me several times how ond he is. I let them guess. Always they guessed 10 to 12 years old and added that he can not be younger because he seemed to know that "being on tour". They were always very surprised when I told them that he is 19 yrs. old.

I like to thank all my hosts and the people I met "on my way" when I stopped at houses to ask for water. Sometimes it was difficult to go on because so many people wanted to talk to me, to pet Soti, to hear where I'm going ...

It was simply great !!!

Ready to start
On Tour with Soti

On our way.
A friendly hiker takes a photo.
On Tour with Soti

On Tour with Soti

This is an older pic - but it shows quite well how I "pack" Soti. The brown "banana-shaped bag" does not touch Sotis back - even if it looks like on this picture. It's not mandatory to take a cuddly toy with you - but it's fun. My little monkey has lots of experience in being on tour with Soti and me. Email Ursula
