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Meet Sylvia & Her Family

Hi, I'm sylvia and I would like you to meet my family.


Hi I am Sylvia I am 40 or in the vicinity there of, I have 5 kids , I love music, dancing, watching movies. And I love the wild life.

BRIAN: Is my oldest son, he is 25 yrs old . His birthday is on June 27th which makes him a Cancer. He is what you would call my special child, special in the way that he is Autistic. Because of his Autism and me being a single parent I had to put him in a group home when he was 9 yrs old. I still stay in very close contact with him though and get involved in all his programs that he needs. I am very proud to be his Mom. He likes to listen to AC/DC, and Pearl Jam, and will get very angry and upset if anybody puts country music on the radio.

JASON: He is 22 yrs old and still unfortunately has not decided what he wants to do with his life. His birthday is July 10th which also makes him a Cancer. He took a couple of college courses but still isn't sure what he wants to do. He loves sports; Football (Dallas Cowboys), Basketball (Phoenix Suns); being his favorites. He also likes to watch Hockey occasionally. Put him in front of a T.V. with his remote and you will have a happy camper. He likes girls and thinks about them a lot, but he is too shy to talk to them. I believe he likes mostly alternative music, but he does like Aerosmith. He has been a great help to me lately with the younger kids around the house. He now works in a department store full time, and he's thinking about going into postal work.

KYLE: He is what I call the clown of the family; what I mean is he is always being silly. He is 11 yrs old born on February 7th which makes him an Aquarius. Just like his older brother Jason he loves sports (football,basketball, hockey, baseball etc.). he loves to watch and play them. He does well in school, excels in reading, writing, math etc. He also likes to ride his bike, Rollerblade, ride his scooter, and play video games. He is in band now and playing the trombone, his first year playing he made it to honor band and got to play in a special concert. AYLA: Is my 9 yr old. She was born on July 25th which makes her my little Leo. She does very well in all subjects at school. This little girl ceases to amaze me, there isn't anything she can't do well. For example when she took pom & cheer her teacher said she was a pro at it. Her dance teacher said she was very talented. In other words she is very coordinated in her dance and tumbling which makes her very talented. She is always at the top of her class in school and has always been very photogenic. She loves to draw and does it well. She is in choir & is learning how to play the viola at school. All I can say is that I'm very proud to have such a talented little girl. She also likes riding her bike & she roller blades a lot with her friend.

RACHEL: She is my baby, she is 8 yrs old now. Her birthday is Nov. 11th which makes her my little Scorpio. She is a very special child, I say that because she was born on my mom's birthday, unfortunately my mom was already gone from this earth before she was born but this makes her birthday very special. She is in kindergarten and does very well in school. She is my little motor mouth, doesn't know when to stop talking...hehehe. Although there was a time period she went through where she wouldn't talk to anyone but me and her brother and sister. But once she got over that she has been talking non-stop. I don't know which is worse. She loves to play with her baby dolls and is very imaginative. She loves riding her bike & roller blading. She also loves to sing.

All my kids love bike riding, roller bladding and swimming. They are all very energetic kids.

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