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Welcome SWAT CLAN future members! SWAT CLAN is a skilled group in the game SWAT2 that gives hints,strategies,codes and lots more to the game.

To get in to SWAT CLAN all you need to do is look for me [computercop head leader of SWAT CLAN]in the chat room [SWAT CLAN HINTS AND MORE!!!]and look for game [SWAT CLAN TEST] and we will chat a little. a You will need to give me your E-mail address. Then you will have to beat me in head to head mode and you will get 1 element if you are swat or 1 cell if you are terrorist.Same for me too!If you win, you get in and stay in the chat room so I can give you my E-mail address and you can give me yours.If you lose, you get 3 more tries.If you dont make it after that, sorry tough luck!.

Oh and if you are new at SWAT2 and dont know how to play very good,we have teachers for the game and we will give you free lessons from me or the other members of the SWAT CLAN.Well if you see me on multi-player or on WON SWAT2 say "Hi I want to join!!!"

COMPUTER COP [head leader] and all the other members SAY BYE !


Guest Book

Chat Room

Terrorist Page

Swat Page


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For Swat Clan Members Only