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Christa's Place on the Web

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28 KJV

Bonjour! Welcome to my page! There are a bunch of links to some of my friends pages in the links section, along with some places to go if you get extremely bored. There are a bunch of pics in here, so go there too! Thanks for coming and come back soon!

Now, to the basic info. Most importantly, I am a Christian. My name is Christa, and my picture is at the top. I am a college freshman, and I am majoring in English Education and Music Education. I am taking 19 credit hours this semester, so I'm pretty busy with that. I am also the Kiwanis Advisor to a Builders Club and a Key Club.

In high school, I was president of Key Club for two years and secretary for one year before those two, and I was secretary of Model UN for three years. I was also a member of National Honor Society, Student Council, Youth Alive! Bible Club, and Junior Civitans. I was in both marching and concert bands all four years in high school and I was a member of the WV All State Band all three possible years. I attended the WV Governor's School for the Arts the summer after tenth grade, and the summer after eleventh grade I attended the WV Governor's Honors Academy and the WV Writer's Workshop.
I have a lot of close friends that I treasure more than anything, and I don't know what I would do without them. My motto is "I'm going to change the world, because the world's not going to change me!"

Bonjour! Ça va? Je m'appelle Christa. Je suis ameriçaine. Je suis brune et petite. J'ai dix-neuf ans. Mon anniversaire est le 31 janvier. Mon père s'appelle Buddy, et ma mère s'appelle Suzy. Ma soeur s'appelle Lelia. Elle est brune, petite, et sympathique. Elle anniversaire est le 15 septembre. J'ai beaucoup des amis, un chien, un chat, et un oiseau. Au revoir! "D'accord! Je t'aime! Au revoir, au revoir!"

"Music is not only heard, it is felt with the heart."

"God gave us music that we might pray without words."

"I am never lost. I always know where I am. I am always here. I just don't always know where 'here' is."

Just minimize the browser and listen to Sric sing about Tap Dancing Chickens!

This is an actual sign in Virginia Beach! That was so funny guys!

After an interesting conversation with Corrie, I have decided that instead of having all of these big problems in my life, I should make it my goal to have more trivial problems, such as why there is a stick of lime flavored gum in a berry flavored pack of Fruit Striped Gum. Thank you, Corrie, for this wonderful insight! May your problems be trivial!

Recently, while talking to Erika, I came up with somewhat of a philosophy on marriage and love and all that stuff. Here it is:
I know, assuming that I am going to marry someone, that God is writing a love story for me that is unique and perfect for me. I know that He doesn't need my help and doesn't need me to proofread it. He doesn't need my approval. But that doesn't change the fact that I want to sneak into His office and read it as He's writing it, or at least read it before it's finished.

Here are the links to my other pages. Have fun!

To Amelia

"Famous Quotes"...or not so famous... :)

Inside Jokes!!

Pictures of Friends (individual)

Band Trip Pictures

Band-Related Pictures

Prom Pictures

Newsies Tribute (So I'm obsessed...)

Tests, sayings, and other things.


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"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give the peace." -Numbers 6:24-26 KJV
