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daddy's little angels

The labor ran through the wee hours of the night
But when she appeared, it made all things right
From the top of her head to her "piggies" or toes
She rated a perfect 10, this proud father knows
My precious little package arrived right on cue
Bringing with her a sunshine that appeared so brand new

The years have come and gone, daddy's gal is now a big 3
Yet I never stop being grateful for all the love she inspires in me
We play our little games, she's been Ariel, Cinderella, and now Belle
I never know who she'll be next, guess only time will tell
I can never give too many thanks for the way she makes me whole
That's my little angel, my sweet and lovable Nicole

But no, the story doesn't end here, for I am hardly done
You see we have added little angel Ashley to our sum of one
How lucky can a father be, when his blessings become twofold
I feel like the richest man alive, I pity those with only their gold
For all the riches in heaven and Earth from man will someday part
But I have the riches of eternity in two daughters who fill my heart!

Written for my brother Freddie and his two beautiful daughters
November 15, 1997

Unpublished work Copyright 1997 by Sherry A.M. Guzman, aka simply sam
