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*$* ThE ORIGINAL HaNgOuT of LEON PHELPS *$* ( ThE LaDiEs' MaN )

HEY YO! THIS IS IAN"S WEBPAGE!! Incase You Are Looking For Something In Particular Go To Quick Nav -> HeRe Is My BeTTeR ChAt! Chat Now   Here is MY NEW and IMPROVED guestbook:
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OH YEAH!!! Sign my guestbook!!!! I'd like to say a shout out to all of my friends from T-Burg!!! TILLSONBURG RULES!!!! Go To my WEBPOSTINGS where you can leave people messages that anyone can read!

CooL LiNkS!¡!¡!

BoArDrOOm (leave me messages)
SiGn My GuEsTbOoK!
WhErE To GeT AwEsOmE WeB PaGe StUfF
GeT A SpOnSoR FoR YoUr WeBpAgE!!
Andrew Kesteloot's Page
My NEWEST poll for my friends
ThE pLAcE tO GeT IcQ™ 99 aLpHa
JaSoN WiLcOx'S WeBpAgE!
MiKiE NgUyEn'S WeBpAgE

My Top 5 Movie Picks

  • 1) CaN't HaRdLy WaIt
  • 2) AuStIn PoWeRs
  • 3) DeAd MaN On CaMpUs
  • 4) Empire Records
  • 5) Scream (1 or 2)
