The Naked Shower

A Comedy Magazine


Buy the full edition on paper. $2 and you get more than what's seen here, including all the groovy artwork! Coming soon, when we print it up. This page will have new writings in September, come on back!
Puppy Mummy is proud to present it's all comedy zine, "The Naked Shower." Brought to you by the creators of a defunct art/humor zine called "Howl," the Naked Shower is a National Lampoon for the 90s...even though National Lampoon hasn't been itself since 1976.

On sale on or around August 1st of 1997, the comedy zine will be sold REALLY REALLY independantly in stores locally (Tucson Arizona), as well as through the internet. Please contact Puppy Mummy if you might want to buy an issue when it comes out. If you enjoy satire, parodies, limericks, essays, and the stinky world of political (PC) correctness, then you might just want Naked Shower!

The stupid world of romance novels gets a kick in its ass here:

Lessons in Obedience: a romantic story told in parody form

Time for some fiction. Check out:

Pulling Sheep

Also be sure and check out the Naked Shower's Interview with a famous feminist author:

Feminist Interview

Aren't sure how to find a job? Well, here's a few pointers!

How to Find A Job

The Constitution of the United States of America! A satire look

Constitution of the U.S.A.

Limericks, done the Al Willis way

Limericks section

Morals for everyone! One man's search for destiny:

The Destiny of Fish

A dating help guide for women! Now women can see where they went wrong!

Dating Help Guide for Women

About The Naked Shower staff

The Staff

The Naked Shower is pre-selling for it's July 4th release. You'll read some of the humor bits here online, but you won't see all of it! Plus the magazine is chock full of artwork and things you can't see on a webpage. Email us below if you want more information on buying it.

Official contents of the paper zine

  • 1 The George Michael U.S.A. brochure
  • 2 Puppy Mummy postcards randomly inserted
  • 3 Ebonics at Work
  • 4 Letters to Screech
  • 5 El Bano
  • 6 Political Correctness: Bite me
  • 7 Limericks
  • 8 *How to Find a Job
  • 9 *Constitution of the United States
  • 10 *Feminist Interview
  • 11 *The Romance Parody
  • 12 Letters to the Editor
    Plus a smattering of artwork, a cool cover, and other stuff!

    To order, send $2 cash or check to:
    The Naked Shower
    PO Box 1653
    Tucson, AZ 85702

    *in online edition too

    We currently are not offering subscriptions

  • Or go home! Main Page
