The Official Puppy Mummy Homepage


Home of The Naked Shower comedy magazine


  • Contents

    Welcome, to Puppy Mummy! This site was established on June 2nd, 1997, and has been updated a bit on August 21st. We're trying to fund the paper edition of the Naked Shower right now and will be updating this page for the brand new edition during the next couple of weeks, with all new writings/limericks and stuff.

    Here's what Puppy Mummy is all about!


    PUPPY MUMMY (founded September 1995) is a comedy/art group founded by three writer/artists with an interest in innovative creative arts and humor. P.M. is dedicated to putting forth a new style and image. We are a not-for-profit group so our intentions can be thought of as good. We incorporate an eclectic group of talents and styles in our many productions.

    P.M.’s first project is a comedy cassette containing various sketches and songs written and performed by a select pool of talent. This tape is still in production under the name “Self Titled.”

    P.M.’s next project was an arts and humor zine titled “Howl,” published from September through December 1996. It was sold both locally and on the Internet where it sold internationally. Texan Al Willis periodically contributed his thought provoking limericks. P.M. is no longer publishing a zine under the name Howl.

    Naked Shower is the recently reformed all comedy magazine to be published bi-monthly. P.M. is currently considering advertising venues. A possible art magazine spin-off is also in the works.

    Other current P.M. projects include: screenplays, photo books, a comedy book, cable access shows, greeting and postcards, and a coloring and activity book. Also another album is being planned.

    Influences of P.M. are extremely diverse, giving P.M. its own distinctive style. Some names are: Augustine Rodin, The Kids in the Hall, Harvey Feirstein, Monty Python, SNL (just the good stuff), Bob Dylan, the Doors, Tom Waits, Trent Reznor, Janis Joplin, Leon Ortega, William's & Ree, Woody Allen, Burrows and Marshall television shows, Marilyn Manson, John Preston, W.S. Maugham, Peter Sellers, Clive Barker, Zucker brothers films, Anne Rice, Tina Turner, Helen Von Bingham, and the Beatles.

    P.M. has had relative success as so far, but will continue to grow in the future to produce quality projects and entertainment.

    See you soon!

    Read the Naked Shower, an all comedy magazine! Here are some obituaries and classifieds to get you rolling! Then see the Naked Shower site somewhere below. These are out here to hopefully get you interested:

    Please visit The Naked Shower, an all comedy magazine site located here:
    Naked Shower! Get wet!

    Howl online! The old Puppy Mummy magazine. We gotta milk it for what it's worth! HOWL

    Links we go to occasionally: Links

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    Stop on by anytime ya'all!

    Date of last update: July 15th (1997)