The Vampyr Handbook
(Ooh, ahh)
Okay rookie. You now know the basics. Stay away from sunlight and beware the Slayer. Now it's time to talk about style. You weren't gonna spend eternity in the outfit you died in, were you?

As always, we will begin this lesson by examining the master baddies. Where would Spike be without his trenchcoat? Angelus without his leather pants? Let's face it. If you ignore style, you just end up like De Barge boy did when Buffy first came to town.

While Angelus is a good example, being undead does not mean you have to go gothic. Darla, did the complete oppisite. Appearences were never more decieving then her chaste, Catholic schoolgirl look. Mr. Trick dressed modernly.

Well, I could babble on and on, but let's face it, if you need this handbook, you must already be pretty dense. (Just kidding! Don't bite me.) Whether you are or not, here are some examples of the greats.

::As you can see, I'm skipping the well-known and, in my opinion, badly dressed Master. You will read about him when I come to area that were more of his... expertise.::

Aaah. Darla. I wonder how many people thought with their last dying breath "And she looked like such a nice  girl..." Yes, Darla was the picture of shoolgirl innocence. And only a vampire with her smart ass 'tude and coy smile could've pulled off plaid skirts.

You know that saying, 'You are what you eat'? Well, I'm gonna switch it around to fit Drusilla. In her case it's 'You are what you wear'. When she first came to Sunnyhe-- er, Sunnydale she was like a floating, frail nymph. (How poetic) And she was adorned in a beautiful white empire-waist dress. For the ritual to restore her strength, she donned a lacy black gown. Interesting. She puts on a shroud to regain her life. Or unlife. Then for her party Drusilla was decked out in red.

Now Spike is thought of as *the* bad ass of vampires. You wanna know why? It's the trench coat. It's aaaallll in the coat. Call it a duster, whatever you want, the coat is what got him his rep. In Sunnydale that is. Everybody knew about him and his... hobbies everywhere else. Spike is a consistent person. Faithful to his beloved (Drusilla, the Batty Queen), and he doesn't have that whole, with or without a soul problem. And it was reflected by his clothes. Same every time, but made an impression nonetheless.

While Angelus did not change his style drastically when he regained his soulless freedom there were some changes. Leather pants. Yummy. Oh, 'scuse me, did I say that out loud? Silk shirts and leather pants were the ensemble of this twistedly poetic killer.

Okay, so Evil Willow only exists in an Alternate Universe, and even in there, she's one of the Master's minions, still, I feel she deserves some recognition. I loved this outfit. Just look at it. Leather and magenta silk. Side by side, her and Angelus would probably make a good looking couple.

There you have it. I could probably end this chapter by making some hokey comment like: They really take a bite out of fashion! Or, Their style is something you can sink your teeth into! But no. I am going to conclude by reviewing the two important things we have learned here.
              1. Appearances are important even when you're undead.
              2. Almost all vampires have a leather fetish.

Turn a page.