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Thor's Technical Writing Links

The links below are Thor's current, fairly accidental collection. They are likely to grow in number and sophistication as time passes.

1. Technical writing courses
     [some of these institutions have useful reading lists and links]

Shefield-Hallam (UK) - MA in Technical Authorship 
[see the special Hallam Technical Writing Resources Links below]
Gary Conroy's Online Course Links
      - US courses
      - Non-US courses
Utah MA TechWriting
Mercer University -engineering- MSc Tech Writing
NewJersey Inst. Technology MSc tech writing
Renselaer Distance MSc
UCLA online courses eg. tech writing  
Internet Teaching and Learning Sites
Distance Ed Links (WLH)
Distance Learning Programs and Institutions
Online Courses
Career opportunities - technical writing course (New Zealand)
find-a-course-Australia - Canberra
UWSydney - Professional Writing and Editing
Technical Communication. Griffith University, School of Computing & Information Technology.
The Center for Language and Educational Technology (Thailand)
Purdue Online Writing Lab
English 421 Technical Writing (Purdue course)

2. Technical Writing Resources

Gary Conroy's Technical Writing Resources (excellent)
      - humour
      - job links & information
David McMurrey's Technical Writing Resources (excellent)
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
aTechWriter Home Page - Your Technical Writing Resource
Try Before You Buy Windows Help Authoring - Technical Writing
Tech Writing Marketplace - ebook
Tech Writing academic resources
Tech Writing technical communication resources
Tech Writing topic resources
Resources for Technical Editors in Australia
Technical Writing Discussions - Freelance Writing
Technical Writing Glossary  (Doctech - Perth, Western Australia)
EEI Communications Search Form
EEI Communications Home Page
Loose Ends Standards and Styles
O'Reilly Network -- Developers' Hub -- web development, open source development...
Editorial Eye Index

3. General Writing Resources

101 best sites for writers
MISC.WRITING FAQ -- Canadian Writer's Association  
MISC.WRITING starting point for writer's resources
Authorship, writing and editorial techniques - links
Yahoo! writing links
Writer's Resource Center
The Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource Homepage Zuzu.Com!
Yahoo! Literature Resources - Arts & Entertainment
BUBL LINK 808.02 Authorship, writing and editorial techniques
WebRing hub - writers
Absolute Write - freelance writing, screenwriting, playwriting, novels, non-fiction
Travelwise Online - Writers Guidelines
GreatUnpublished Sample

4. On-Line Publishers & e-Book Collections

The On-Line Books Page Book Listings
Where can I download books from the Web - You Asked for It at
Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts
GU Bookstore
The Web's Best Place for Writers Who Have Been or Want to Be Published - TM
The Internet Public Library
Internet Public Library Collections
IPL Online Texts Collection

5. Research & Study

EBSCOhost (serials collection - password may be required)
NESLI Login - Swetsnet -- 3000 full text journals (password may be required)
ScienceDirect Login (serials collection - password may be required)
ARL Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists Archive
multiBASE- (RMIT Australia)- online CALL journal, resources
Researchville Search Engines

6. Digital Photography

DIGITAL DARKROOM IMAGING AND PRINTING TECH TIPS - Steve Hoffmann's Photography Photography Digital photo gallery
Quick Maps of the World - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues,
Anzwers[results- photos of Australia]
OzOutback Postcards from the REAL Australia
Afganistan - Herat Light and Water
Afghanistan Photos

Sheffield Hallam Technical Writing Links (© MATCOM /  Sheffield Hallam University)

The page of links below is taken directly from the Sheffield Hallam Technical Writing Page. It is placed here for convenience only, and the original should be consulted whenever possible for up to date adjustments. (Note : although the links are useful, the mirroring here in no way represents a recommendation for the Sheffield Hallam course).                                                                  [Hallam page last revised on 22nd May 2000]

Academic resources

Communication and Media studies
  Communication Research Institute of Australia
  Resource index, Aberystwyth University
Computers and communication
  Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
  CMC Magazine
Academic writing
  Advice on Research and Writing, Carnegie Mellon University
  Guide to Bibliographical Citations, LTI, Sheffield Hallam University
  How to organise bibliographical references, Shields and Walton, University of Northumbria at Newcastle
  Scrutiny of the introduction, Jon Claerbout, Stanford Exploration Project
  Thinking critically about World Wide Web resources, Esther Grassian, UCLA College Library
  World Wide Web search strategies, University of Wisconsin-Madison Electronic Library
  Writer's Handbook: Academic writing, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Technical communication resources

Technical writing indexes
  Peterborough Technical Communication
  Technical Writing, J Nesbit
  TechComm mailing list, Hairydog Productions
  TechCommunity, Allyn & Bacon
  Technical Writing: Books and Reference Sources, John Renish
  TECHPROF, New Mexico State University
  Useful links for technical communicators, Peter Ring
  Writer's Resource Center
Web-zines for writers
  Writer's Block

Specific topic resources

  SmartBiz resource list
  Direct Mail, E-mail and Advertising Copywriting, I. Levison
Database publishing
  Database Access Protocols, J. P. Ashenfelter
  Databasics, W. Horton
  Digital soup, A. Cooper
  Linking Web Databases With Cold Fusion, L. Chalnick
  Thinking and Developing Electronically, J. Wheary, L. Wild, B. Schutz and C. Weyher, Journal of Electronic Publishing
Desktop Publishing
  Beginning with the end, J. Dornbos, Logic Arts Corporation
  The Prepress Production Process, PrePress Solutions
  Prepress tasks: traditional vs. digital, J. Howard Bear,
  The Top Dozen DTP Don'ts, Mister Print Productions Ltd
  Editing a Website: Extending the Levels of Edit, J. Price
  The Editorial Eye, EEI Communications
  Editors, Rules, and Revision, D. Haugen
  Excerpt from How to edit technical documents, D.W. Bush and C.P. Campbell
  Levels of edit, R. van Buren and M.F. Buehler, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
  Levels of Edit Chart, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of California
  Proofreading, Purdue University Online Writing Lab
  E-literacies, Nancy Kaplan, University of Baltimore
  Electronic Literacy Homepage, Texas A&M University
  Social Informatics Home Page, Rob Kling, Indiana University
  Ethos: character and ethics in technical writing, C.P. Campbell, New Mexico Tech
  Information and Citizenship, G. Murdock, CRIA
  Knowing your rights, P. Roberts, Adobe Magazine
  STC Ethical Guidelines for Technical Communicators
  Technical Writers Code of Professional Practice (Hardware & Software Industries), National Writers Union
Graphic design
  Great ideas on limited budgets, S. Garibaldi, Communication Arts
  Ten rules of good design, Part 1, Roger C. Parker
  Ten rules of good design, Part 2, Roger C. Parker
  What makes a good layout? GW Graphics and Publishing, Inc.
Group work  
  The Delphi Technique: what is it?, L.M. Stuter
  Leadership, S.O. Amusala
  Nonverbal Communication, S. van der Valk, University of Victoria
  Small Group Communication, Phu Vu, University of Victoria
Human factors
  British HCI Group, British Computer Society
  FAA's Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance and Inspection
  HCI Index, Hans de Graff, Delft University
  Human factors and Ergonomics Society (US)
  Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  William Horton Consulting Home Page, William Horton
Human language technology
  Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
  How to Pass the Turing Test by Cheating, Jason Hutchens
  Joseph Weizenbaum, Inventor of Eliza, John Tolva
  Parry, Jason Hutchens
  Talk back to your computer, IBM research
  The User-Friendly Fallacy (Hugh Burns' Topoi), Fred Kemp
  As We May Think, Vannevar Bush
  Hypertext and writing: An overview of the hypertext medium, Kimberly Amaral, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications, V. Balasubramanian, Rutgers University
  WWWeb Hypertext Style, Jerry Tutsch, ExecPC
Information design
  Chaos, order, and sense-making: a proposed theory for information design, B. Dervin, Ohio State University
  Erik Spiekermann on information design: what is it? who needs it? MetaDesign
  InfoDesign, P. J. Bogaards and Y. Engelhardt
  Information Design Unit
  Information Interaction Design: a Unified Field Theory of Design, N. Shedroff, vivid studios
  International Institute of Information Design
  An Interview with Erik Spiekermann, K. Coupland
Information management
  The Promise of Intranets: Expectations and Effectiveness, J. Gerstner, IABC
  Content Management Systems: Getting from Concept to Reality, C. Kartchner, Journal of Electronic Publishing
  Design for interaction, R. Mullarky, Adobe Magazine
  Future interfaces, D. Tebbutt, IBM
  Get a memory, A. Cooper, Cooper Interaction Design
  Goal-directed Design, A. Cooper, Cooper Interaction Design
  Graphic Design for User Interfaces, D. Montgomery, Georgia Tech College of Computing
  Interaction Design Philosophy, Cooper Interaction Design
Job interview skills
  Honing interview skills, Linda Musthaler, Internet Week
  Interview skills, University of California, Santa Barbara
Knowledge elicitation
  The elicitation process, Norman Fenton, City University
  The Group Elicitation Method for Participatory Design and Usability Testing, Guy A. Boy, EURISCO
  The repertory grid knowledge elicitation tool, Simon White, Aberdeen University
  The open practical knowledge acquisition toolkit, University of Edinburgh
  Knowledge engineering, Middlesex University
Knowledge management
  KM Metazine
  Electronic Collaboration on the Internet and Intranets, Collaborative Strategies
  Know what you know, T. Davenport and L. Prusak, CIO Magazine
  Using information technology to support knowledge management (executive summary), APQC
  What is knowledge management? K.E. Sveiby
  What is knowledge management? R.O. Barclay and P.C. Murray, Knowledge Praxis
Mediated communication
  Information Ecologies, Nardi and O'Day, First Monday
  Learning to Write Together Using Groupware, A. Mitchell, I. Posner and R. Baecker, University of Toronto
  Telecommunications, M. Chandler, University of Aberystwyth
  Videoconferencing for learning, Pacific Bell
  Wordperfect: Literacy and Electronic Writing, C. Beegan, Lancaster University
  The myth of metaphor, Alan Cooper
  Dissimulations: the illusion of interactivity, D. Cameron, University of Westminster
  Multimedia Magazine, IEEE
  The Multimedia process, EEI Communications
  Weigh Your Multimedia, J. Muehlbauer,
On-line working
  Computer Supported Cooperative Work Directory, Kjeld Schmidt, Lancaster University
  European Telework Online
  On-line group working, DJ Associates Web links
  The Online/Offline Dichotomy: Debunking Some Myths about AOL Users and the Effects of Their Being Online Upon Offline Friendships and Offline Community, R. Hamman, University of Liverpool
  Studying on-line social networks, Garton et al., JCMC
On-line visuals
  Optimizing GIF Animations, J. Scott Hamlin,
  RealVideo: Waiting for Bandwidth, J. Rule,
Plain English
  Communication and the Law, R. Penman, CRIA
  The Plain English Campaign (UK)
  Plain Language Action Network (US)
Invention (prewriting), Purdue University Online Writing Lab
  Problem Solving and Analytical Techniques, Mind Tools Ltd
Printing and publishing
  A Critical Examination of Claims Concerning The 'Impact' of Print, D.L. Evans, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
  From Internet to Gutenberg, A lecture presented by Umberto Eco at The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America
  Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World, B. Jones, Dept of Communication, University of California, San Diego
  Promote Your E-Book, W. Butler,
  This Familiar Strangeness: a Look into the Future of Electronic Publishing, W. Pepping, Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
  Issues in Questionnaire Design, T. Fumento, Survey Research Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  Questionnaire Design: Basic Considerations, DSS Research
  Questionnaire Design, University of Florida
  Questionnaire Design, D. O'Brien, Georgia Tech College of Computing
  Brief suggestions for increasing speed and effectiveness of reading, UT Learning Center, University of Texas at Austin
  A Comparison of Reading Paper and On-line Documents, O'Hara and Sellen, Xerox Cambridge Lab
  Learning styles, K. Hotta Dover,
  Readers with Visual Impairments, A.R. Murphy, Georgia Institute of Technology
  Speed Reading, Mind Tools Ltd
  Towards a typology of reading goals, O'Hara
  British Standards Institute
  International Organisation for Standardization
  ISO 9000 resources, ACE Ltd Web links
  Standards and the Law, About.Com
  Standards for Technical Communicators, Allyn & Bacon
  Erik's Typo Tips, Erik Spiekermann
  Fonts: Tips and techniques for using screen fonts and specifying fonts in Web page style sheets,
  Microsoft Typography: Links, news and contacts, Microsoft Corporation
  Nearly my type, G. Fleischman, Adobe Magazine
  Typographic Voices, Mark Eastman, Communication Arts
  Web fonts: embedding, LettError
  We've come a long way, O.M. Kvern, Adobe Magazine
  Ease of use, IBM
  h/c interact, Special Interest Group of the American Society for Information Science
  Usability Research, Microsoft
Visual communication
  Our Changing Visual Environment, M. MacKenzie-Taylor, CRIA
  Diagrammatic Reasoning, M. Anderson, University of Hartford
  Gallery of Data Visualization, M. Friendly, Statistical Consulting Service and Psychology Department York University
  Syntactic Theory of Visual Communication, Part One, P.M. Lester, California State University at Fullerton
  Teaching How to Look, Ken Coupland, MetaDesign
  Visual Perception (Selected Lecture Notes and Transparencies), D. Chandler, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Web design
  Creating killer Web sites, D. Siegel
  Yale Style Manual, Yale University Press
  Web design, IBM
  Web page design for designers, J. Gillespie
  The Web Process, EEI Communications
Web navigation
  A Web site is a public place, Journal of Design Science
  Dynamic Dueling, P. Morville,
  MAPA Product Overview: Full Strength mapping for the Word Wide Web, DynamicDiagrams Inc.
  Organizing your site from A to Z: creating an index for users who know what they are doing, L. Rosenfeld,
  Particles, Waves and Site Visualization, L. Rosenfeld and A. Arbor,
  The Navigation and Usability Guide, J. Muehlbauer,
Web usability
  Guide to Web usability resources, Keith Inkstone
  The Alertbox: current issues in Web usability, Jakob Nielsen/
  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, W3C
  Writing Strategies, D. Chandler, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
  Bibliography for rhetoric, composition, and professional communication, Iowa State University
  Living Documentation: the Future of Technical Writing, J. Hewitt
  Hypertext and writing: An overview of the hypertext medium, Kimberly Amaral, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  Online Technical Writing Textbook, David McMurrey
  Style in online help, University of Central Florida
  Strunk's Elements of Style (1918 edition)
  Writing for the Web, Jakob Nielsen/
  WWWeb Hypertext Style, Jerry Tutsch, ExecPC
Writing tools
  Concept mapping as prewriting activity, Jon Margerum-Leys
  Electronic Outlining as a Tool for Making Writing Visible, J. Price
  How Electronic Outlining Can Help You Create Online Materials, J. Price
  MindManager, MindJET, LLC
  Notes network linearization, Sharples et al., University of Sussex at Brighton
  Paradigm® Online Writing Assistant, Chuck Guilford
  Technology of writing, Voice of the Shuttle, University of California, Santa Barbara

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