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E-mail Thor at  , please call again. 

owner:      Thorold (Thor) May       

[nationality: Australian .. or maybe Citizen of the World..
acquired Chinese name: Méi Tianxiào and acquired Korean name Mae Cheon So]

home page:

<>The Passionate Skeptic + The Plain & Fancy Language Company + China Diary + Korea Diary ...etc. + Personal Documents & CV + photos of China & Korea


Web hosts sometimes have technical problems, stop offering free space to spongers like me, or even go broke. If you can't find The Passionate  Skeptic one day, try one of these mirror sites (bookmark them now!):

<> <> The Passionate Skeptic + The Plain & Fancy Language Company + China Diary + Korea Diary ...etc. + Personal Documents & CV [includes photos of China and Korea]

<>  <> The Passionate Skeptic + The Plain & Fancy Language Company + China Diary + Korea Diary ...etc. + Personal Documents & CV [no photos of China & Korea] - Lycos has imposed limits on the free server space, April 2002

<>  <> The Passionate Skeptic + The Plain & Fancy Language Company + China Diary + Korea Diary ...etc. + Personal Documents & CV [no photos of China and Korea]  - Lycos has imposed limits on the free server space of Tripod, April 2002 

<> <> The Plain & Fancy Language Company + Personal Documents & CV  

<> <> This site at Sungsim College, South Korea contains only ESL materials of interest to students and teachers


  • Legacy Sites:

One of the perils of using free web hosting services is that they can disappear or degrade the service at any time. The following sites can still be reached, but for one reason or another I am not updating them. 

    <>The Passionate Skeptic + China Diary + Korea Diary ... etc. + Personal Documents & CV at

    [Crosswinds has been around for quite a while, and offers unlimited space. However their presence is erratic - they seem to go off the air frequently - and they don't permit ftp uploads, which is a huge time waster. I no longer update the content].

    <> <> The Passionate Skeptic + The Plain & Fancy Language Company + China Diary + Korea Diary ...etc. + Personal Documents & CV   

    [ Faithweb WAS the main homepage, but  its host, seemed to disappear in August 2001.Now it has magically reappeared. However, they have imposed unworkable restrictions on both file sizes and the size of the site. I no longer update the content]

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    copyright (c) Thor May
    2001, all rights reserved      

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