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Has Psychic and Lightninig Pokemon. The purpose of this deck is to knock your opponent out with status conditions such as paralyze, confuse, and sleep.

16 Psychic Energy 12 Lightning Energy 2 bill
3 Abra 3 Magnemite 2 Gust of Wind
1 Kadabra 4 Pikachu 2 Switch
3 Gastly 1 Super potion 1 potion
2 Haunter 1 Potion 2 Jynx
1 Defender 2 Drowzee 1 Professor Oak
1 Mewtwo - Holo 1 Computer Search

It has of water and grass pokemon. The purpose of this deck is to overwelm your opponent with highly evolved pokemon.

16 Grass Energy 12 Water Energy 2 Super Potion
4 Weedle 4 Staryu 2 Switch
2 Kakuna 3 Starmie 2 Gust of wind
1 Beedrill 2 Magikarp 2 Bill
4 Bulbasaur 1 Gyarados - Holo   1 Potion
2 Ivysaur

Brush Fire
Has fire and grass pokemon. The purpose of this deck is to deal lots of damage quickly and knock out key pokemon.

18 Fire Energy 10 Grass Energy 1 PlusPower
4 Charmander 4 Nidoran (MALE) 3 Potion
2 Charmeleon 4 Weedle 1 Gust of Wind
2 Growlithe 2 Tangela 1 Switch
1 Arcanine 1 Energy Removal 2 Vulpix
2 Energy Retrieval 1 Ninetales - Holo 1 Lass

Black Out
Has Energy and Fighting. The purpose of this deck is to eliminate your opponent's Energy cards, leaving them helpless.

12 Water Energy 16 Fighting Energy 4 Energy Removal
3 Staryu 4 Machop 1 Super Energy Removal
4 Squirtle 2 Machoke 1 Gust of Wind
2 Wartortle 3 Sandshrew 1 PlusPower
3 Onix 1 Professor Oak 1 Hitmonchan - holo
2 Farfetch'd