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Title: Vulpix's Journey
Made by: Elvenedge
Submitted by: Elvenedge

The comb sifted through the bright red hair of a Vulpix. The Vulpix's already smooth fur became smoother, the Vulpix gazing in to the mirror. Vulpix's trainer smiled softly, her dimples apparent on her lush cheeks. "Vulpix!"
...Suddenly, a crash was heard from outside the building. Vulpix's trainer leapt up and cried, "Mew! Mewtwo! Charizard! Pidgeot!" The sound of four ultra balls being thrown on the floor was heard as they burst open, revealing what looked like a giant kangaroo, a second one similar to the first, a gigantic dragon, and a large bird. "Pidgeot, go outside and find out what's happening!" The trainer's voice echoed on the painted walls of the Pokemon Dojo.
"Skraaaawk!" The gigantic Pidgeot flew out the window.
"Mew! Attack anybody suspicious!" The huge kangaroo bounded out of the building. "Mewtwo, go along with Mew!" A second thump was heard as another creature hit the pavement outside of the dojo. "Charizard, fly outside and burn anyone suspicious!"
"Charizard!" boomed a deep voice. The dragon flew out the window.
"Vulpix!" the Vulpix screeched.
"No, Vulpix, you aren't as strong as they are. Let's go outside..." The trainer tucked Vulpix under her arm and ran out the door. Outside, around five tanks were advancing on Pewter City, firing missiles at the gym. "Go! Raichu!" Suddenly, the sky turned dark, the gray clouds a gloomy reminder of the evil that inhabited the city. The Raichu bounded out.
"Raichuuuu..." A lightning bolt cracked in the sky, causing one of the tanks to explode in a gigantic cyclone of metal and blood. Mew and it's spawn were psy-attacking the remaining tanks, causing them to explode. All but one...
The last tank's engine revved and advanced on the trainer. "Aaagh!" the trainer cried as it was mowed over by the tank. As she was run over, she tossed Vulpix out of the way. The Vulpix stared as it's trainer was annihilated, and, in a fit of fury, climbed on to the top latch of the tank.
"Shrewwww!" sounded the tank as it launched four missiles at Mew, Mewtwo, Charizard, and Pidgeot. A combination of roaring, screeching, and telepathic screams were heard as the four pokemon were burned to a crisp. Vulpix narrowed his eyes, and burned away the top latch of the remaining tank.
"Vulpix..." Vulpix's anger was conveyed through a prejudiced whisper. Vulpix felt the glands in his throat heating up, sending fire through his mouth, towards the man inside the tank...
Vulpix crawled out. He surveyed the ruins of the once proud Pewter City. He vowed that he would kill whoever did this to his trainer, and his fellow pokemon. Slowly, he trotted out of the city, heading for Moon Mountain.
As he walked towards Moon Mountain, he heard an odd singing, became louder and louder. Into his view came a fat creature, giving the impression of a marshmallow. It continued to sing, oblivious to Vulpix.
Suddenly, Vulpix felt a wave of dizziness. He stumbled, his eyelids becoming heavy. "It's a sleeping attack!" thought Vulpix as he glared helplessly at the Jigglypuff. But, he stood. Then, something odd happened: a small beam of golden light exploded from Vulpix's mouth and beamed itself directly in to Jigglypuff's brain. Jigglypuff acted like he was a pothead, swerving around, then finally biting himself to death.
"It must have been Confuse Ray," thought Vulpix. When he finally got in to Moon Mountain, he was bombarded by Zubats and Geodudes. Thinking quickly, he crowded them all around him, and span. As he span around, his throat glands let out fire. The fire was swirling around now, as if a whirlpool. The fire swallowed all of the enemies that Vulpix had encountered.
However, when Vulpix reached the end of the mountain, a horde of Rocket members waiting for him all cocked their arms, which were loaded with master balls. Vulpix squeaked and froze. "An incredibly strong pokemon. Obviously not a normal Vulpix..." Out from the collection of Rockets emerged a sinister man, a threatening leer upon his face. "Hello, my little Vultwo." Vulpix blinked with confusion.
"Oh, you don't know your name? Vultwo, the genetic creation of the process of breeding a Moltres, Vulpix, and a Mewtwo together. The strongest pokemon alive. It was created in the '50's when some "Bill" character created a hybrid of three strong pokemon. The pokemon could actually absorb any kind of damage and turn it in to energy. You," he pointed out. Vulpix fixed an intense glare upon the man.
"Oooh, I'm scared. Rocket launchers, in positions."
"Tseeer!" sounded the rocket launchers as they zoomed towards Vulpix. Vulpix had no choice but to simply whimper as he exploded.

The story continues with Vulpix's Journey Part Two: Megaton Pokemon.