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Submitted by the examining board . July 1849

Quakes on Oct 16th 1hr 30min am; 17th at 4pm; 19th at 5am; 24th at 2pm; 1848

Estimate damage 15,000 pounds inc 3,500 Colonial Govt., and 1,000 Ordinance Department.




King Mr, House, part clay, one storey Brick facing down, walls shattered

Cridland Mr, House, part clay, one storey Wals shattered, partly down

Sharp, Mr, House, part clay, one storey Damaged

Bethune Mr, 2 Storey brick House, Ver in frnt. Walls cracks. Now under repair

O’Reilley, Rev J, 2 Storey Clay House, thick, well Built ,One gable much shaken

Strang, Mr R R, 1 Storey, clay & brick found. Brick work fallen out at front. walls shattered. To be repaired with wood



Catchpool Mr, 3 Story brick flour mill Shaken all over

Wilkinson Mr ,2 storied clay house Front wall shaken out

Crowther, 2 Storey Brick house Gables down, side walls out


Rhodes, Mr 2 storey store, brick Entirely down, site being cleared

Wesleyan Chapel Large brick Building All down, site being cleared

Hickson & Ridgeway 2 storey store, brick Both gables out, walls shaken

Waitt, Mr Wooden store Brick gables thrown out

Allen, Mr Commerical room, one storey Brick partly fallen much shattered

Public House 1 Storey brick, wood frame Scarcely damaged

Bethune & Hunters Store, weatherboard Slightly damaged by shifting stock

Fitzherbert, Mr Store, 1 storey brick SE & NW ends thrown down

Ordnance Stores, 3 storey, 13.5 brick Gables out, north wall cracked

Loxley, Mr Brick store Gables much cracked

Union Bank Australia One storey wood Brick work much shaken

Langdon, Mr One storey brick bldg Ends and sides down

Hansard Mr, 2 storey brick building, Completely shattered

Squib, Mr 1 storey clay and board Completely shattered

Moore, Mr, 2 storey house, part brick Bricks shaken out of frame. wood-work only remains.

Gerard, Mr Clay house, 2 storey 1 gable and part of side fallen

Military Hospital, Several 1 storey buildings, clay, All shattered

Quin, Mr Several clay houses all shattered

Villars, Mr, several sm houses clay & brick parts fallen


Howe, Mr ,2 storey brick & wood gable down and rest shaken

Stoddart, Mr, 1 storey brick bldg gable down

Blyth, 2 storey clay bldg much shaken, 1 gable down


Smith & Wallace 1 storey brick store Front out, SE corner open

Plimmer, Mr Offices, Colonial Govt 2 storey brick; Front out, arches cracked; to put a verandah to the lower storey next to the treet and tie fr wall of the upper parapet storey with iron bars. Take down parapet.

Flyger, Mr Store, 2 story brick, Gables started

Christian, Mr Store 1 storey, Front arches cracked

Swinburne, Mr House 2 storey brick, front arches cracked

Hart, Mr Store, Wood & brick 1 storey, front arches cracked

Armstrong, Mr House, 1 story bick Front thrown out a little

Inglis, Mr Store, 1 storey brick Very little damage

Johnson, Mr Store, 1 storey brick Sides Out gable and roof damaged

Young, Mr Geo House, 2 storey 9" brick North end and South wall cracked

Tonks, Mr House 2 stored Front & rear gable cracked

Grace House, 2 storied House cracked top to bottom

Taine Store, one storey, Brick & wood Rear wall cracked, since been pulled down

Alzdorf, Mr 1 storey brick and clay Brickwork cracked

Levien, Mr Store, one storey brick front Thrown forward to SE

Stafford, Mr, OneStorey brick building Front cracked

Cook, Mr One storey brick building Cracked at East corner, To be pulled down


Hornbrook, Mr Store, 1 stry brick,clay & wattled Front & rear fallen out. To be Repaired with wood

Fitzgerald, Doctor 1 story wattled and board Cracked on all sides

Richmond, Major 1 story brick nogged brick work cracked

Colonial Govt. Hospital 2 storey-hollow. 14" brick wall SE gable fallen out, all walls cracked

NZ Co’s Buildings 1 storey brick & wood Sides thrown out, walls repaired

Clifford, Mr 1 storey brick & wood NE gable cracked

Independant Chapel 1 story brick & wood N corner thrown out

Cooper, Mr 2 storey small room, badly built cracked at junction of part & arches

Vincent, Mr 1 story part clay One side clay wall out of gable

Plimmer, Mr 1 storey clay house Near all brick work down

Lowe, Mr 1 storey clay Both gables down

Hendry Mr 1 storey clay all clay work disturbed

Hawkins, Mr 1 storey clay, Parts fallen

Foster Mr 1 storey clay front wall and gable shattered

Penny, Mr 2 storey brick front and back walls out. etc

Gooder, Mr 2 storey brick completely shattered, partly down

Hutfield Mr 1 storey brick much shaken walls cracked

Masters, Mr 1 storey clay One side wall down

Mudgway, Mr 1 storey clay Greater part down

Bennet, Mr 1 storey clay Greater part down

May, Mr 1 storey clay Walls much rent, bldg not in thoroughfare.

Ashdown, Mr 1 storey clay Slightly damaged

Mills, Mr 1 storey, clay in ruins

Ford, Mr 1 storey clay in ruins


Col. Govt Gaol. 2 story brick 18in walls. N & S gables thrown out. Walls cracked, Boundary wall 9ft high both stories, side walls cracked

Powder Magazine. 1 storey brick, wall 3ft,large small magazine cracked each gable

H.M.Government, buttresses all round 15 arches & sep. from boundary wall. Wall cracked covered with stone masonry instone foundation on North side.

Porirua Barracks, 2 story, wall 2ft thick of rubble E side main wall much cracked, stone. masonry & brick quoins to all & brickwork, sep at every junction top & openings, div. by 4 partitions, bottom at all junctions, most arches cracked octagon towers at SE & NW & top partitions. SE tower much shaken.


Kaiwharawhara Public House, slight cracks in walls

Major Baker, 2 storey brick, attic & cellar interior be lined with wood & 3 planks be several bond timbers div. to fixed perpendicular about 4ft apart, on outer several sm rooms, slate roof connected by horizontal string pieces and tied to roof & floor timbers inside, and the bond timbers which are decayed be replaced with sound timber.

NOTE: all these buildings were repaired with wood.

Extracted from BURNANDS collection "NZ Journal’ 1848, Alexander Turnbull Library.

Taken from Louis Ward's, excellent publication 'Early Wellington'