Mr. Wonderful's Entertainment Gossip Links
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The Below Links Have Daily Updates
( Click Logo Below to Visit! )
( In No Particular Order )
click to visit BBC Entertainment News!
BBC Entertainment News

At the BBC, you'll often times read gossip about the gals and guys, that just doesn't make it to our stateside newspapers.

click to visit 'Coming Attractions'
Coming Attractions
by Corona

Information on the latest movie releases to theaters and DVD's & VHS. Also gossip about movies being made right now!

Click to visit!

"Where you can find out about tomorrow's movies today. This site provides previews of the movies heading our way in the coming months. Each preview gives cast, crew, and plot information, and includes my commentary and thoughts on what the movie might be like."

click to visit Daily Dish/Rush & Malloy at the New York Daily News!
Daily Dish
( New York Daily News )

Rush & Malloy, Mitchell Fink,
Lauren Rubin, Lola Ogunnaike,
Kasia Anderson, & more.
( Hint click  Full Story  to view all the articles! )

Click to visit People News at the Internet Movie Database!
Internet Movie Database

Celebrity News for Today's Date

2001 Archived News Stories

click to visit Page6 gossip column!
( New York Post )

Neal Travis, Liz Smith, Cindy Adams,
Celebrity News, The Starr Report, Hot Copy & more!

click to visit The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter

( requires free subscription )

click to visit Hollywood Tattler!
Hollywood Tattler

"All the inside entertainment stuff that makes Hollywood tick..."

Click here to visit Hot Button!
David Poland

Voices of Hollywood

click photo to visit The Transom
The Transom
( The New York Daily Observer )

Deborah Schoeneman
with: George Gurley, Ian Blecher, & Rebecca Traister

Click to visit the TV Centric Test Pattern @ Corona
Test Pattern

TV & DVD News, Reviews,
Scoops & Rants

Test Pattern Archive

click to visit TV Guide News & Gossip!
TV Guide's

News & Gossip

click to visit Jeannie at USA Today!
Jeannie Williams
( USA Today )

Published Tuesday and Thursday

Click to visit mega-entertainment site:!
Gossip Central
( Plesser Associates )

Links to 25 Featured Columns
Entertainment News and More !

The Following Links are Updated Once Weekly or Less
Click to visit The!
Jack Stimpson

"The 20 Second Film Review: is film reviews based on the trailer for that particular movie. We don't get invited to screenings, so we have to do our reviews by watching commercials and trailers."

click photo to visit Michael's column at The Village
Michael Musto

An Interview With 'Biker' Michael Musto
starring Jeffrey Wells
click to visit The Smoking Gun!
The Smoking Gun

"The Smoking Gun brings you exclusive documents -- cool, confidential, quirky -- that can't be found elsewhere on the Web. Using material obtained from government and law enforcement sources, via Freedom of Information requests, and from court files nationwide, we guarantee everything here is 100% authentic."

Click photo to visit Liz Smith at!
Liz Smith
( Newsday )
Entertainment Industry Development Corp.
EIDC Home Page

COOL! Discover the location of virtually any movie, television show, commercial or music video being produced in the Los Angeles area!

click to visit MoviePooper!

Find out how the movie Ends !

Movie Pooper

Visit MoviePooper for a one or two line summation of the ending of the movie.
In a hurry? Visit MoviePooper! "This site is intended as a resource to 'poop' or spoil the endings to classic, near-classic, recent and new movies."

click to visit Moviespoiler!

Explains the movie & ending !

Movie Spoiler

Visit Movie Spoiler for a synopsis and explanation of the movie and the ending.
"The most fun you can have at the movies without being there."

The New York Theatre Experience
The New York Theatre Experience

"Our mission is to provide the most complete and accurate guide to the New York theatre scene on the World Wide Web. Happily, many independent reviewers think we're doing just that."

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