Vacant Central & Thomas O'Brien/Rottman Phoenix Office - Click to Enlarge!
Vacant O.B. Phoenix Office
Master Thespian's

The O'Brien/Rottman Talent Agency Mystery
December 19th, 2000

   last updated: July 11th, 2001

Click to visit my 6/07/01 column on YoungArtists

YoungArtist Talent Consultants
This the new face of O'Brien/Rottman Talent !

O'Brien/Rottman Logo
O'Brien/Rottman Talent Vanishes !

      The other day as your Master Thespian was cruising Central Avenue north of Thomas, I noticed the offices of O'Brien/Rottman Talent Placement were empty. (For those of you who've been in Phoenix awhile, they were in the original home of the Phoenix Suns about 200 yards north of Thomas on the west side of Central Avenue.)

      This business, which to the innocent parents whose wallets were harvested appeared to be a way for fresh-faced child actors to get into the commercial/television/movie market. In order to bypass our state laws regarding talent agencies, O'Brien/Rottman billed itself as a 'Talent Placement' company. O'Brien/Rottman would then for $2,700, yes two thousand seven hundred dollars!, schedule head shots, acting training and arrange for the child actor to obtain an agent. I know these facts, because my child was approached, video taped and offered a contract, which I then wisely declined.

      Today I phoned the O'Brien/Rottman Phoenix phone number "602-240-5478" and a Qwest recording suggested dialing "602-241-9282." I dialed said number and was greeted by a female voice announcing "Young Artists." She claimed to posses no knowledge of O'Brien/Rottman! I also checked the web address of O'Brien/Rottman and it had vanished.

      If you believe you've been fooled by these individuals, swallow your pride, gather your records together and phone the Arizona Attorney General's Criminal Division at 602-542-3881.

(posted 12/19/00)
What Visitor's Have Been Saying:

"We were scammed by O'Brien &
Rottman . . . We lost $3,500!"

"Hi, I am one of the kids that were fooled I can't believe that this has happened to me and my parents."

"Thanks for the heads-up. We almost fell into their trap."

Image of Card removed due to a July 11th, 2001 request from the person named on said card

An April 2001 visitor to my O'Brien/Rottman web page emailed me this business card. This may be (I am not certain) the present name the former employee's of O'Brien/Rottman are currently operating under.