Master Thespian
Master Thespian's Photos of
The Dining Room
by A.R. Gurney

Page One

last updated: June 20th, 2000

(Click to Enlarge)


Renee & Allison

Renee & Allison Chat.

Renee, left, played Master Thespian's beautiful wife and in another scene, ("Tea after Sex") his lover. Lucky lady! Allison played eight characters with none of these photos doing her alluring countenance justice. Gawd, I love the theater!
Alan eyes Jason & Jim

Alan Watches. Jason & Jim Sing.

The producer, Alan Tongret, carefully eyes Jason Barth and Jim Savoca as they sing "Come Ye Thankful People Come." Notice the paper on the flat to the right of Alan's chin. This is an enlarged list of the scenes that Master Thespian typed up and posted for all.
Jenny as Ellie

Jenny Touches Her Props

Here Jenny is arranging the props that her character Ellie will need in her "Don't Type on the Table" scene. See the two sheets of paper on the flat behind her? More notes and words to songs that your Master Thespian typed and posted.
Jason Polishin & Chawin

Jason Touches Up Table

With his chaw under his lip, Jason Barth touches up the handsome $1,299 table purchased for the play. Prior to every rehearsal, Jason & your Master Thespian spent many moments polishing and endowing (you do know about "endowing," don't you?) the central prop of the play.
MT & Renee

Master Thespian With Renee

Enchanted by Master Thespian, Renee insisted on a photo. We are costumed for the Gordon and Kate "Tea After Sex" scene in ACT II.
Allison & Victor Curbside

Allison & Vincent Curbside

Allison huffs on a cigarette watched carefully by our fine Assistant Stage manager Vincent Derk. The Director, Graham Whitehead insisted that Vincent's name was Victor. Vincent's parents were notified.
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