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Our Dear Pat

Dear Pat

It hurts too much to say good-bye
Tears will form if I even try
The years have too swiftly passed
We'd always hoped our time would last
The precious gift you gave to me
Was the love you brought so cheerfully
Over the years we laughed and cried
Each others' dreams we did confide
You were the sister I wish I'd had
Just knowing you made me glad
In my heart you'll always be
I'll cherish the joy you gave to me
You made this world a better place
with your humor, love and grace
So Dear Pat, it's not good-bye
you'd have been upset to see me cry
I'll merely wish you God Speed
You are a precious friend indeed.

I love you dearest Pat

Laura (LPleas3333)

Things I wish I had said more often..
Thank you for all the fun, cheery things you sent,
my mail box is not the same without them.
Thank you for always being there, with a smile
or a hug if any of us needed you.
Thank you for those "Hilili moments", I
especially miss that part of you.
Most of all, I could never thank you enough for
being YOU, special, sweet, sister of my soul!
I'll forever miss you, and you will forever be in my heart.

Donna (SpankiluvsPSP)

Pat seemed to me to have a happy and spunky disposition. I loved that. She always had the right words to say and the right email cards to send us. She was a bright spot in my life and I will surely miss her a lot.

Deloris (Deloris39)

I came to AOL 4 years ago, like all new people, I wanted to make friends, other then family. I hung around the chat rooms. One day Pat and I talked. She told me she sent several pieces of EMail a day, and wanted to know if I would like to be on her list. I said OH SURE, please do include me. We became friends thru her list. She was always so busy with mail, I didn't bother her much. What a great person she was. Anything anyone needed, she was right there to help if she could. I helped her a little when she had AOL problems, but I didn't know a lot either at that time. I sure will miss all those Emails, from a great lady. Like everyone, I loved her too.

Sandi (Frogsan)

Thank you Pat for all the times you cheered me up with your cute little cards,,I'll miss them dearly...Thank you Pat for all the wonderful Hilili moments when nothing was there but I felt your presence anyway......Thanks for the time we spent talking about your daughter's wedding and the flowers,,,it made me feel special.......Thank you for all the love and good feelings you sent in your E-mails....God's computer must be brimming with your spirit....Love you and miss you....

Cher (Cher4Cher)

I saw Pat in a different light. She was a voice of calm and reason amidst frequent chat room chaos. A mediator, a facilitator, a positive influence. A laugh and a joke. A friendly tweaking when I needed that. A reminder to go easy on the feelings of others. A voice that said that this wasn't all so serious. A good and decent person.
We are all better for having known Pat. I feel indeed privileged to be able to say that I knew Pat. There are precious few like her. She will be missed

Richard (Josh Ewe)

For Pat:
Our lives are richly painted hues
intertwined with threads
fragile, with individualities
most intricately webbed......
and as we walk upon our roads,
we are privileged if we meet
someone, who can pave the ground
like roses upon bare feet......
Dearest friend,
we hold you close, although you have walked
time nor distance will ever forget you Pat
Now, your halo, crowns your head.....

Bons (Wyldfem) 2001,
with love to all and to Pat's family.....

Dear Pat,
My heart grieves that you had to leave this world so young, and such a painful way. Why must the "good" always suffer so? I hope my flowers, cards, and letters of encouragement helped in some small way. I'll miss those "Hilili Moments", miss seeing email and e-cards from you in my mail box, miss your humor and sweet ways. The feeling that "something's missing" will always be felt now when I sign online. We love you and will miss you ... til we met again in that "better place".
((((( Our Pat )))))

Love, Cay (Cay G Lay D

Pat was a good friend and I miss her gentle humor and her cards and recipe's very much. I'm thankful she was a part of my life for a while. There is a special place for people like "our" Pat, and I'm sure she is there now. My heart goes out to Pat's family. It wasn't easy for me to read about Pat's fight with Melanoma. So many painful memories kept coming back about how hard it is for a loving spouse to stand by and be supportive in the face of a cancer that the doctors can't control.

Ilse (IDApple2)

“Our Pat”.  It's funny but I don't think of her as “Our Pat”.. I think of her as “My Pat” because she touched you that way, as though she were exclusively your friend; looking out for you, reaching out to you, being happy for you!   She was a brilliant ray of sunshine, sharing her humor with funny little cards in every morning mail.   Some days, when things were particularly difficult, these E-mailed kindnesses gave me strength; some days they gave me insight; some days they gave me hope and some days they gave me a great big belly laugh because they would arrive completely blank…”My Pat”, having a “Hilili Moment”!   I think Laura first gave her blank e-mails that nickname and it stuck.   So much so, that even in my day to day “real life” conversations, I would tell someone that I just had a “Hilili Moment” and then go on to explain where the phrase came from, delighting even people she did not know.   I never once mentioned her to someone without using one (or more) of the following descriptions:  kind, gentle, fun loving, loyal, considerate, compassionate, thoughtful, humorous, generous, and FRIEND (always).  I never got to meet her in person since she lived in Kansas (the land of OZ, how appropriate for this wonderful woman) and I lived in New York.   But, we exchanged pictures of our families and ourselves and this friendship was as close as any I have had.   I heard all about her family and she heard all about mine.   We shared triumphs, tragedies, weddings, births, and deaths - never did I think I would write about losing her.   “Our Pat”, “My Pat”, “Your Pat”, “Their Pat”–- whatever you call her, she was an extraordinary person.

I love her and I miss her and I always will.

Paty (PKBrave)