(^*v*^) Bangerking's Home (^*v*^)
"Party hardy, rock n' roll, drink Bicardi, smoke a bowl, life is great,
have sex with me! we're the class of 2003!"
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Last updated: Tuesday, July 20, 1999

Please feel free to click and hold on my spinning pot leaf and move it around!
this is a spinning pot leaf =)

Welcome to my homepage. Here, you will find progs, music, links, pix, and anything else you want. You just have to ask for it. Please e-mail me at Bangerking@hotmail.com. Feel free to e-mail any suggestions, ideas, pix, progs, music, anything at all to help me build this webpage. Sign my guestbook and post things in my board room. Also check out my radio station. Come back often because I update a lot. Bye! =)

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this is also a line

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© Bangerking Co. 1999-2000


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