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Mulan: The Music Soundtrack
The Mulan soundtrack has beautiful ballads with Chinese melodies and a mix of pop and tradition! Below, you will find mp3s, midi's, lyrics and other lil' info on the soundtrack! Check out Ben's Mulan music tracks exclusively from the Academy score below! And also check out the new Mulan spotlight! Many thanks Heng!

newMulan's Music Spotlight
Mulan Mp3s now available exclusively at:
Heng's Homepage

  • 1. Honor To Us All
  • 2. Reflection [pop and regular]
  • 3. I'll Make A Man Out Of You
  • 4. A Girl Worth Fighting For
  • 5. True To your Heart [single]
  • 6. Suite From Mulan

  • [Note: Mp3s are for sample use. If you like these tracks, please
    go out and buy the awesome Mulan Movie Soundtrack ].

    music by: MATTHEW WILDER
    lyrics by: DAVID ZIPPEE
    score by: JERRY GOLDSMITH

    mulan poster
    Honor to Us All

    This is what you give me to work with?
    Well, honey, I've seen worse
    We're gonna turn this sow's ear into a silk purse
    We'll have you washed and dried
    Primped and polish till you glow with pride
    Trust my recipe for instant bride
    You'll bring honor to us all
    Wait and see when we're through
    Boys will gladly go to war for you
    With fortune and a great hairdo
    You'll bring honor to us all
    A girl can bring her family great honor in one way
    By striking a good match and this could be the day
    Men want girls with good taste
    Calm, obedient, who work fast pace
    With good breeding and a tiny waist
    You'll bring honor to us all
    We all must serve our emperor
    Who guards us from the Huns
    A man by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons
    When we're through you can't fail
    Like a lotus blossom, soft and pale
    How could any fellow say "no sale"
    You'll bring honor to us all
    There- you're ready
    Not yet, an apple for serenity...
    A pendant for balance...beads of jade for beauty
    You must proudly show it
    Now add a cricket just for luck and even you can't blow it
    Ancestors, hear my plea, help me not to make
    a fool of me and not to uproot my family tree
    Keep my father standing tall, scarier than the undertaker
    mulan poster

    We are meeting our matchmaker, destiny
    Guard our girls and our future as it fast unfurls
    Please look kindly on these cultured pearls
    Each a porcelin doll, please bring honor to us
    Please bring honor to us, please bring honor to us
    Please bring honor to us, pleasel bring honor to us all


    Look at me
    I will never pass for a perfect bride
    Or a perfect daughter
    Can it be, I'm not meant to play this part
    Now I see that if i were truly to be myself
    I would break my family's heart
    Who is that girl I see
    Staring straight back at me
    Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
    Somehow I cannot hide who I am
    Though I've tried
    When will my reflection show who I am inside?
    When will my reflection show who I am inside?

    I'll Make a Man Out of You

    Let's get down to business-
    to defeat the Huns
    Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?
    You're the saddest bunch I ever met
    But you can bet before we're through
    Mister, I'll make a man out of you
    Tranquil as the forest
    But on fire within
    Once you find your center
    You're sure to win
    mulan posterYou're a spineless, pale pathetic lot
    And you haven't got a clue
    Somehow I'll make a man out of you
    I'm never gonna catch my breath
    Say goodbye to those who knew me
    Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
    This guy's got 'em scared to death
    Hope he doesn't see right through me
    Now I really wish I knew how to swim
    (Be a man) We must be swift as the coursing river
    (Be a man) with all the force of a great typhoon
    (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the darkside of the moon
    Time is racing towards us till the Huns arrive
    Heed my every order and you might survive
    You're unsuited for the rage of war
    So, pack up, go home, you're through
    How could I make a man out of you?
    (Be a man) We must be swift as the coursing river
    (Be a man) with all the force of a great typhoon
    (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the darkside of the moon
    (Be a man) We must be swift as the coursing river
    (Be a man) with all the force of a great typhoon
    (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the darkside of the moon

    A Girl Worth Fighting For

    For a long time we've been marching off to battle
    In out thundering herd we feel a lot like cattle
    Like a pounding beat our aching feet
    aren't easy to ignore
    Hey, think of instead, A girl worth fighting for
    mulan posterHuh?
    That's what I said: a girl worth fighting for
    I want her paler than the moon
    with eyes that shine like stars
    My girl will marvel at my strength
    Adore my battle scars
    I couldn't care less what she'll wear
    or what she looks
    It all depends on what she cooks like
    Beef, pork, chicken...Mmm...
    Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer
    And I'll be the ladies love a man in armor
    You can guess what we missed the most
    since we went off to war
    What do we want?
    A girl worth fighting for?
    My girl will think I have no faults
    That I'm a major find
    How 'bout a girl who's got a brain
    Who always speaks her mind? Nah!
    My manly ways and turn of phrase
    are sure to thrill her
    He thinks he's such a lady-killer
    I've got a girl back home who's unlike any other
    Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother
    But when we come home in victory
    they'll line up at the door
    What do we want?
    A girl worth fighting for
    Wish that I had...A girl worth fighting for
    A girl worth fighting--

    True to Your Heart (Single)

    mulan posterBaby, I knew at once that you were meant for me
    Deep in my soul I know I'm your destiny
    Though you're unsure, why fight the tide
    Don't think so much, let your heart decide
    Baby, I see your future and it's tied to mine
    I look in your eyes and see you searching for a sign
    But you'll never fall, till you let go
    Don't be scared of what you don't know
    (Chorus) True to your heart
    You must be true to your heart
    That's when the heaven's will part
    And baby, shower you with my love
    Open your eyes, your heart can tell you no lies
    And when you are true to your heart
    I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
    (Got to be true to your heart)
    Someone ya know is on your side
    can set you free
    I can do that for you if you believe in me
    Why second guess what feel so right
    Just trust your heart and you'll see the light
    (Chorus) True to your heart
    You must be true to your heart
    That's when the heaven's will part
    And baby, shower you with my love
    Open your eyes, your heart can tell you no lies
    And when you are true to your heart
    I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
    (Ya know it's true)
    Your heart know what's good to you
    (Good for you)
    Let your heart show you the way
    (Ya know it's true)
    It'll see you throughmulan poster
    (Got to be true to your heart)
    Girl, my heart is driving me to where you are
    You can take both hands off the wheel
    and still get far, be swept away
    Enjoy the ride, you won't get lost
    With your heart to guide you
    (Chorus) True to your heart
    You must be true to your heart
    That's when the heaven's will part
    And baby, shower you with my love
    Open your eyes, your heart can tell you no lies
    And when you are true to your heart
    I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
    (Got to be true to your heart)
    When things are gettin' crazy
    and you don't know where to start
    Keep on believin', baby
    Just be true to your heart
    When all the world around you
    It seems to fall apart, keep on believing
    Baby, just be true to your heart (adlib)

    Reflections (Pop version)

    Look at me, you may think
    you see who I really am
    But you'll never know me
    Ev'ry day, it's as if I play a part
    Now I see, if I wear a mask
    I can fool the world
    But I can't fool my heart
    Who is that girl I see
    Staring straight back at me?
    mulan posterWhen will my reflection show
    who I am inside?
    I am now in a world
    where I have to hide my heart
    And what I believe in
    But somehow I will show the world
    What's inside my heart
    and be loved for who I am
    Who is that girl I see
    staring straight back at me?
    Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
    Must I pretend that I'm
    Someone else for all time?
    When will my reflection show who I am inside?
    There's a heart that must be free to fly
    That burns with a need to know the reason why
    Why must we all conceal
    What we think, how we feel?
    Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide?
    I won't pretend that I'm someone else
    for all time
    When will my reflection show who I am inside
    When will my reflection show who I am inside

    Soundtrack Musical Scores:

    Suite from Mulan
    Attack at the Wall
    Mulan's Decision
    The Huns Attack
    The Burned-out Village

    Awesome Music Links!

    These great Mulan Mp3s available exclusively at: Ben's Awesome MP3s

    • 1. The Match Maker
    • 2. Short Hair
    • 3. One Chance
    • 4. The Master Plan
    • 5. Shan Yu
    • 6. Ping
    • 7. The Real Work
    • 8. Morning Assembly
    • 9. Deserted Village
    • 10. Bogus Letter
    • 11. Letter Delivered
  • 12. Save the Cannons
  • 13. The Huns Attack-
  • 14. Imperial Palace
  • 15. The Imperial Palace
  • 16. Sword Snatcher
  • 17. Boo
  • 18. A Lucky Bug
  • 19. Gratitude
  • 20. The Pendant
  • 21. The Sword
  • 22. True To Your Heart

  • Reflections @ the GWG - in RealVideo--special thanks Heather!
    Mulan Mp3s - download full versions of the Mulan soundtrack to sample
    The Mulan Soundtrack - get wav clip samples from the soundtrack!
    Reflections Video - Check out Christina Aguilera's "Reflections" music video!
    Mulan in Real Audio - sample soundtrack in real audio clips here!
    Reflections MIDI - Special Thanks to Tom who created it, beautiful!
    Honor To Us All MIDI - Special Thanks to Tom again for creating it!
    Girl Worth Fighting For MIDI - Very cute midi, love the funny melodies in here!
    Dragon MIDI - Love this melody, very uplifting and beautiful, played in the trailer!
    I'll Make a Man Out of You MIDI - Special thanks to Henry for this cool midi!

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