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Gary A. Creighton





GRAPHIC DESIGNER / WEBSITE COORDINATOR                                                                June '99 - Oct '01


Maricopa Medical Center - Maricopa Integrated Health Systems

Phoenix, AZ

Graphic Supervisors: Beverly Rowley, Beverly Anderson

Dr. Rowley:           Phone:   (480) 756-6711   E-Mail:

Beverley Anderson:                                           E-Mail:

MIHS CME/GME Website:  (602) 344-5197     E-Mail:


Job Duties:


Graphic Artist position. Using Quark XPress, Illustrator and Photoshop I designed Continuing Medical Education brochures, created three hundred 3-foot by 4-foot poster presentations from Powerpoint documents for physician and resident conferences in all departments.


I also created banners, fliers and logos. I created hand-out cards for Battered Women's shelters, designed building floor plans, badges. I did numerous other graphic projects for the Pediatrics, OB/GYN, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Academic Affairs, GME, Pathology, and Psychiatry departments. Touched up photos, created and dropped in backdrops to simulate professional studio techniques. Created website artwork for buttons and interfaces for the Maricopa Integrated Health System Graduate and Undergraduate pages of the Maricopa MIHS website for all departments.


Designed and upkept Continuing Medical Education website on MIHS site. Did HTML, Javascript, Microsoft Frontpage, Frames, DHTML, tables, etc.



Equipment and Software:


Pentium with Windows 98 SE & XP, Photoshop 7, Adobe Illustrator 10, Quark Xpress 4, Debabelizer, Access 2000, MsWord, Powerpoint, Frontpage, Internet Explorer, flatbed scanning, digital camera photos, photo enhancement and retouch, JPEG and GIF palette reduction for optimizing internet loading. OCR Optical Character Recognition with TextBridge Pro.



FREELANCE GRAPHIC DESIGN / MULTIMEDIA                                                      June '96 - June '99


Graphic design of artwork. Worked on various projects such as consultation work for Channel 12 - the City Channel; Research on Interactive Internet via Television for Access Tucson, upkeep for Arts Channel Equipment for Tucson Pima Arts Council, consultation services for video software/hardware systems through Roy Knappenberger. etc.


Equipment and Software:


Macintosh Computer, Quark X-Press, Illustrator, Photoshop, Macromedia Director.






WEBSITE DESIGN FOR ''The Electric Lighthouse' SITE                                        Jan. '97 - Mar '98


Artwork and website design. I designed the entire site, did all animations, artwork, text and design for the site. Here are a few web pages:


               (Entry to ElectricLighthouse)

                                  (Deaf Handsigning Program)

          (Precision Measure Convert)

                           (Hangman... The Game)


"Hangman... The Game," is showcased on Yahoo and has received over 84804 hits since it went online. Yahoo is a search engine that selectively and judiciously selects from the best of the web. Unfortunately, I have done no work on the site in over four years, so beware.



"MASTER'S TOUCH®" INTERACTIVE PRODUCE DISPLAY                                                Sept. '96 - Oct. '96


RB Packing: Master's Touch® Produce, Contract Position

San Diego, CA 92154

9255 Customhouse Plaza, Suite I


Job Duties:


This display was used in a convention at Atlanta on Oct. 13th.  It consisted of an 'Outer Space' instrument console with cascading fruit and vegetables as planets which leads the user to various categories of the produce manufacturer such as "Sales and Distribution", "Growing Fields", "Quality and Technology", "Photo Library", an "About" section and "Packing", each with corresponding music, animations, video and graphics.


Equipment and Software:


Pentium with Windows 95, Director, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, MJPEG video compression, flatbed scanning, sound digitization, animation.



UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA MUSEUM OF ART KIOSK DESIGN                           Dec. '95 - Jun. '96


U of A Museum of Art; Tucson, AZ

Minority Outreach Coordinator:  Jose Bertrand

c/Alberes 18, 1er
08017 Barcelona , Spain
Phone:  93-406-8165


Arizona Wildcat Write-up:


Job Duties:


Freelance Multimedia, artwork, and sound for "Fernando Gallego" Kiosk Interface using Director 4.0.4.  The kiosk was installed at the Museum for patrons to use as well as having been burned on 600 CD-ROMs which were distributed to Educational Institutions around Arizona, also being sold at the Museum's Lobby.


The Interface covered six paintings from a 1400s Altarpiece done by the artist, "Fernando Gallego". The Retablo was created between 1480 and 1488 by Fernando Gallego and his assistants. I created and animated an interface, created and edited 240 images, edited sounds and text for both English and Spanish versions, built the tutorial, digitized and edited all the tutorial sounds,


Equipment and Software:


Macintosh, Director 4, Audio Editing Software, Photoshop, MsWord.

CREATOR / OPERATOR OF INTERACTIVE ARTS CHANNEL                            June 1, '92 - Dec.. '95


Access Tucson, a service of Tucson Community Cable Corporation

in Collaboration with the Tucson-Pima Arts Council

124 East Broadway

Tucson, AZ  85711                                                                             

Phone: (520) 624-9833


Arts Channel Supervisor:  Mark Taylor;  (520) 791-4747               E-Mail:

Engineer Supervisor:  Roy Knappenburger Mon/Thurs (520) 624-9833     E-Mail:


Job duties:


The Arts Channel, General Info:


Designed and operated the Interactive Arts Channel, which was cablecast from Access Tucson and broadcast from TCI (Tucson Cablevision) Channel 8.  It caught the attention of the press, having been written up in the Tucson Citizen, Az. Daily Star, Tucson Weekly, "Envision" magazine, "Dateline Downtown", as well as my having been interviewed on PBS channel 6's, "Arizona Illustrated" by Michael Boyl in his 'Arts Journal' segment.


To use the system, you called, using a touch-tone telephone while viewing Channel 8.  After connecting, animations would lead you to a Main Menu, which allowed you to select from 13 arts-related categories. 



Teaching Experience / Instruction:


I taught Photoshop Character Generator software, the Video Toaster, and Macromedia Director to interns, volunteers, and multimedia staff at Access Tucson.





I designed, digitized and directed an animation for the Tucson Media Arts Showcase that aired Sundays at 6:00 PM on the Arts Channel and constructed a Video Toaster animation for a Public Service Announcement commercial which ran on all major channels during PSA periods for the Arizona International Film Festival '95. I created the 'Rising Sun' Cable TV animation for the 1st Annual Community Access Video Festival which ran on Channel 64.


Over the years, I have done the artistic layout for over 5000 screens that described arts-oriented organizational events, either integrated with images or as decorative plain text.




I have comprehensive knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark X-Press, Director, Painter, Debabelizer, Video Toaster and Microsoft Office.








Oct. 1981 - July, 1982


Went cross-country by bicycle, traveling from New Haven, Ct. through the Shenandoah Valley, Smoky Mountains, Natchez Trace, Southern tip of Texas at Port Isabel, through Carlsbad Caverns, NM to the Painted Desert, AZ, Grand Canyon.  Total distance traveled:  5000 miles.


July 1986 - Dec. 1986


Went cross-country by bicycle traveling from Tucson through Durango and Silverton, Colorado, over Red Mountain Pass at 12,000 foot elevation.  I crossed the Continental Divide 6 times on my way to Yellowstone, WY, passing through Nebraska, Kansas and ending up after 3800 miles total in Lafayette, La.









New England School of Art and Design (NESA)                          Sept. ' 72 - Jul. '75


Now called, “New England School of Art and Design, Suffolk University”

75 Arlington Street

Boston, Ma.


Three-year course in Graphic Design / Fine Arts program.  Graduated 2nd in class





Joseph Labate


University of Arizona; School of Art, Photography Department

University of Arizona Photography Professor

Drama Room 29; Tucson, AZ 85721

Work Phone          (520) 621-8938        Work Fax: (520) 621-2955        Home Phone: (520) 624-3161

E-Mail: JLabate@U.Arizona.Edu


Mark Taylor


City of Tucson, Webmaster for

Former Supervisor when I worked at the Arts Channel, Access Tucson

Tucson, AZ

Work Phone:  (520) 791-4747

Home Phone: (520) 795-5915

E-Mail: or


Dr. Beverly Rowley


Medical Education and Research Associates

President of Medical Education and Research Associates

8850 South Los Filiz Drive; Tempe, 85284

Former Director of Academic Affairs at Maricopa Medical Center

Work Phone:        (480) 756-6711        Work Fax: (480) 756-6779       Home Phone: (480) 756-6778