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The Land of Good Manners

One cannot move about in Society if one knows not how to comport oneself. The rules of ettiquette in the Regency were many, and any deviation from these led to the Cut Direct or another such horror. To prevent this occurance, I would suggest that you consult this very brief list, but please to keep in mind that it is much abreviated.


*Curtsy or bow when making new acquaintances, but remember to keep the depth of such a manuveur appropriate to their social standing.
*Sit with good posture when not affecting an Attitude.
*Be demure.
*Lisp becommingly when at all possible.
*Marry a wealthy mate.


*Cut the patronesses of Almacks.
*Laugh loudly.
*Cross your legs.
*Dance more than twice with the same partner.
*Wipe your mouth with the tablecloth.
*Go out unchaperoned.
*Be seen in the same gown at more than one event.

Once again, this list is but brief. Be ever wary!

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