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Merlin-Fletcher Pastoral Charge
Extracts from Newsletters

Youth Group Orgaized on Pastoral Charge 1998
   VBS A Great Success 1997
      Easter Celebration Sunday 1997
         What is a Church?
            Celebration Service a Great Success 25 October 1996

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Newsletter - Spring 1998

A Rewarding Winter
Now that the sun is shining warmly again it is time to begin thinking about spring work and summer activities. It is also good to reflect on the activities of the past winter. There were many activities on the Pastoral Charge, all of which helped to keep many of us very busy. I believe the consensus would be however, that all the efforts were worthwhile, and very rewarding. There were social gatherings, musical evenings, dinners, and special worship services, all of which served to create fellowship with each other, and the Lord. As we look back to the winter of 1997/98, let us give thanks for all that has taken place in our churches.

Youth Group Organized on Pastoral Charge
. . The Merlin Church was filled with music of praise and worship on the evening of March 7. This was the kick-off evening for the Youth Group to be organized on our Pastoral Charge. Because the people who were the catalysts behind this project had been in contact with Pastor Darryl Price, a Youth Pastor in Chatham, he and his youth band, Freedom, were invited to entertain, and lead in worship. The music was fantastic, with a great Christian message, and the 40 or so young folks were challenged by Pastor Price's invitation to accept Christ into their lives as Lord and Saviour, if this had never been done before. After the music, the singing and the message, pizza and coke was enjoyed by all.
. . There have been three meetings of the Youth Group since, and they have proven to be challenging for the leaders, Amy Toll, Jennifer Newham, Dave Dawson, and Dale Skipper. None of these have had experience with youth leadership, so there are many growing pains as yet. Rev. Marissen has become quite involved, and hopefully with God's help, and everyone's patience and support we can make this Youth Group work. It is certainly important work which demands our attention. The people who thought of this, and got the ball rolling, (Amy Toll and Shelley Blain) need to be commended.


Newsletter - Fall 1997

VBS A Great Success
For five mornings, the week of July 14, voices of children filled the sanctuary of Merlin United Church. Vacation Bible School began with one half hour of singing and just praising the Lord under the leadership of Rev. Henry Marissen, with Ruth Haddock at the piano. Then the kids were off to their respective classes with teachers Mary Cooper, Donna Jean Pollard, Theresa Farquharson, Lynn Davidson, Angela Moesker, Janet Klein and Jennifer Newham.

By all accounts, the week was a tremendous success. Approximately 50 children heard about, talked about, and sang about Jesus, some for the very first time! The week ended with many parents and/or grandparents attending the closing ceremonies, which consisted of singing nearly all the songs and accompanying actions the children learned. Following that, hot dogs and cold drinks were enjoyed by all.

This was a combined "outreach" effort by both churches on the pastoral charge, and involved helpers from both Fletcher and Merlin United Churches, as well as people from other churches, and the neighbourhood. Organizers of the event say that they could not have done it without these helpers. Even though there was much work involved, they were already thinking about, and looking forward to next summer's VBS.


Newsletter - Vol. 1 No. 1 - Spring 1997

Easter Celebration Sunday
by Edith Benge and Doris Patterson

. . On January 17, 1997, ten very enthusiastic members of the Merlin-Fletcher Pastoral Charge travelled to London to attend the London Regional Association of Covenanting Congregations 4th Annual Winter Educational Event with the guest speaker, Rev. Tom Bandy (United Church of Canada's staff person responsible for evangelism and church growth). From this event it was learned that drastic changes are necessary because of dwindling congregations. One very valuable suggestion was to include more music in services. This was the beginning for the thoughts and ideas that went into planning the awesome Easter Celebration Sunday at Merlin United Church, March 30, 1997, for both members and friends of Merlin and Fletcher United Churches and the community.
. . Even though Easter morning dawned 'cloudy and damp', the basement of Merlin United Church was anything but 'cloudy'. Jovial voices and delectable aromas met everyone at the door as they came to partake of the delicious breakfast prepared and served by Ken Armstrong and his supportive committee. Over 135 people savoured a breakfast of eggs, ham, toast, jam/jellies, fruit cocktail and beverages.
. . After an enthusiastic sing-song in the sanctuary with guest pianist, Rob Colebrook, Rev. H. Marissen led the Easter Service with Donna Jean Pollard as Scripture reader, and glorious music provided by the combined choirs of Merlin and Fletcher Churches; organist Ruth Haddock of Merlin and organist Joan Arner of Fletcher; Musical Ensemble Erin, Kathleen, Charlene and Tena Mifflin.
. . Through the avid eyes of today's reporters, Rev. Marissen conveyed a very inspirational Easter message in word and song, accompanied by tenor Mac Fletcher, and pianist Rob Colebrook. All in all, God was glorified, and Jesus was honoured as we celebrated His resurrection in fellowship with each other, and many people from the community.
. . An enormous thank you to all who helped make this day 'such an inspiring event'.


What is a Church?
A lively church has parking problems, a dead church doesn't.
A lively church as lots of "noisy" children, a dead church is quiet.
A lively church often changes the way things are done, a dead church doesn't.
A lively church often asks for more money for programmes and missions, a dead church tires to keep plenty of money in its treasury.
A lively church asks people to open up and risk involvement, a dead church plays it safe and never risks.
A lively church sees challenges and opportunities, a dead church sees problems and dangers.
A lively church apologizes and seeks forgiveness, a dead church never makes mistakes.
A lively church uses its tradition and facilities to serve people, a dead church uses people to serve facilities and tradition.
A lively church believes in God's future and "lets go" with faith, a dead church believes in the past and "holds on".
A lively church is filled with committed givers, a dead church is filled with tippers.
A lively church dares to dream great dreams for God's kingdom, a dead church has nightmares.
. . . . . Author unknown
Something to think about.


Newsletter - Vol. 1 No. 1 - Fall 1996

Celebration Service a Great Success
. . By all accounts, the Celebration Service held in Merlin Church was a great success. On the Friday Evening of October 25, some 120 people gathered in the sanctuary of Merlin United Church to celebrate their faith in Jesus Christ. The atmosphere was electric as they sang hymns of praise led by Tena Mifflin, and accompanied on the organ by Ruth Haddock.
. . North Buxton native, Mat Robbins, set the tone for the evening with two powerful solos. He was accompanied by Rob Colebrook, a superb pianist from Chatham. After their renditions of How Great Thou Art, and Just a Closer Walk With Thee, the congregation was moved to give them a standing ovation.
. . Marlene Farquharson read Romans 1:8-17, which speaks about the power of the Gospel. The Rev. Paul Ross from Frederickton NB then preached a powerfully challenging sermon on that very subject. The title of his sermon was "A Plea For The Gospel Power". He said that the Gospel carries with it miraculous power. Rev. Ross is convinced that God is doing miraculous things in the church these days and that we will witness even greater things.
. . The evening was sponsored by the London Regional Association of Covenanting Congregations, and was attended by people from a fairly large area.


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