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What is a MOO?

(No not the sound a cow makes...)

A MOO is Multi-Object Oriented. Now most of you will look at that and say what in the world???

So here it is the very basics:

A MOO is a text based game, which is based on Role playing. This means that they're no graphics and you have to use your imagination to play out the life of a character.
It is a simulation to life on PERN, you do not die and come back. Their are not constant battles and monsters you run around fighting. The characters RP out life, getting married, having children, jobs, and many other wonderful things.
This is /not/ a Roll play game with dice, nor do the characters have stat sheets, or even stats for that matter. You have just your imaginaion to work with.

So in short a MOO is:
-A text based game.
-A real life simulation.
-Role Play Oriented.
-Needs Imagination.
-Needs Time.