Sandstorms V Kurama blinked slowly as the sun's rays hit his face full force. He groggily sat up and looked at his surroundings with confusion. < Where am I? > He thought, as he ran a hand through his tangled mass of hair. He looked around slowly, < Where's Hiei? >. Stifling a yawn, Kurama slipped out of bed to land on the floor with a muffled curse. < How did the bed get so far from the ground? > He thought as he rubbed his sore bottom and glared at the offending floor. < Well, I got out of the wrong side of the bed. > He sighed and started to untangle himself from his bed sheet cover, thoughts turning toward Hiei. < I wonder where that fire demon is. > He thought with worry. Suddenly, his face heated up as the thought of that night welled up in his mind. < Why does the memory of that night haunt me so? > The sound of boots sinking into sand slipped into his thoughts and he hurriedly pulled himself off the floor. < Is it Hiei? > " Hiei, I..." Kurama's tongue stilled in his mind as he saw, not Hiei, but Yushi standing before him. < What's he doing here? > Kurama stiffened as he saw Yushi's eyes travel across his frame appreciatively. He shuddered and took and involuntary step back. " Yushi?" Yushi looks up to Kurama's puzzled expression and smiled. < He just doesn't know how beautiful he looks does he? > Yushi's eyes pause on Kurama's lips then travel down to Kurama's bared shoulder, and his barely clad legs. Kurama crosses his arms across his chest as he waits for Yushi to respond. Yushi shivers with anticipation and licks his lips as he sees Kurama's shirt inch up even higher. " Yushi?" Kurama asked nervously. He looked down at himself selfconsiously and pulled down his shirt as far as it would go, blushing from head to toe. " Kurama." Yushi said slowly, drawing Kurama's attention to him.< He's mine. > " I realized that I haven't been the host that I'm expected to be. Unfortunatly, I haven't even showed you around yet. That will be remedied now, as soon as you're.... dressed." " But...what about Hiei?" Yushi glanced back up at Kurama, looking into his eyes steadily. " We'll have no need of him where we'll be going." Kurama gulps and begins to feel dizzy as the force of Yushi's penetrating gaze left him feeling weak. He slowly turned around to begins getting dressed. He pauses until he hears the tent flap swing shut and then let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. < What was that? > Yushi smiles as he sees Kurama pull his nightclothes slowly over his head, letting them fall to the floor with a thump. Yushi could feel his breath quicken and paused as Kurama glanced toward the tent flap opening. By the time Kurama had reached it, he was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hiei paced around furiously, frantically looking for an opening to the interior of the camp. < Damn guards! Stationed everywhere! > He continued to pace in angry circles as his thoughts wondered to Kurama. < I hope that baka's alright.> He thought with worry, < If Yushi so much lays a hand on him I'll kill him! > He stopped his pacing and slowly sank to the ground.< If only me and Kurama could have.... If only he wanted.... > Hiei shook his head sadly, in defeat. < Why would he, who could have anybody, want me? > His hand went up to his now heated face, and he closed his eyes as he remebered the feel of Kurama's body pressed next to him. " Oh Kurama!" Suddenly, he snaps his eyes open as the tickle of warning flashes up and down his spin.< Kurama's in trouble! > Hiei jumped up and fingered his katana as he peered into the distance. A flash of red hair bounced into his line of vision, and with it... "Yushi." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " These right here, Kurama, are the storage tents." Yushi answered absently as he watched Kurama make his way down the rows and rows of food, his hair swaying to a beat and begging him to follow. < This is right. > Yushi thought as he followed Kurama down an aisle to the deeper and darker places of where the food was kept. He paused as Kurama stopped to read the label on some of the boxes, then he struck. Kurama gasped as he felt himself jerked roughly backwards as his hair was tightly pulled. Tears came so his eyes from the pain, and he gave a muffled cry of protest as a fleshy hand covered his mouth firmly. < Yushi! Why is he doing this? > " You're mine now Kurama, and no one will hear you scream." Kurama felt fear cut into his senses and he began to twist and turn like a mad animal, begging to be let lose. Yushi laughed as he easily restrained him. Kurama's face heated up in anger at the sound of his laugh and he elbowed him in the gut and spun around to run. Yushi, enraged, caught him around the waist and threw him hard to the floor. Kurama fell with a cry, sprawled out along the floor in front of Yushi. Yushi gave a cry of delight and wrestled Kurama down to the ground, getting on top of him to hold him down tight. Kurama began crying with his struggles, frantic to get lose. " Don't cry Kurama. It'll only hurt a little." " Let go of me you bastard!" Kurama screamed as he spit into Yushi's face. Yushi slapped him hard across the face. So hard that Kurama was so dazed that his struggles ceased all together, and he barely heard it as Yushi began to tear through cloth. " YUSHI! YOU BASTARD!" Hiei rushed at Yushi, his eyes locked on the sight before him. Kurama with Yushi on top of him...< No!> Hiei ran into Yushi so hard that he flew against the wall with a grunt. Hiei, breathing hard, turned to look at Kurama. < Is he alright? > " Hiei?" Kurama's eyes focused on Hiei then began to tear as what was about to happen hit him full force. " Oh, Hiei.. I..." Hiei just held him as Kurama's tears wet his shirt. They must have been that way for hours, but it seemed like only minutes when Kurama sat back, withdrawing his warmth. " Hiei... I know you must think that...well..." Kurama looked into Hiei's eyes as he shivered with emotion." Oh Hiei, I no longer care." Suddenly, Hiei found himself pressed against Kurama, with the kitsune's lips planted firmly against his. He growled in the back of his throat, and pulled the kitsune closer to him, crushing his lips with his own. < I don't want this to ever end. > Hiei thought as the shivering kitsune stilled under his touch. Suddenly, the kiss broke off as an unwanted sound broke into their privacy. The sound of a tent flap slapping shut echoed throughout the storage tent. " What are we going to do Hiei?" Kurama asked. " Well," Hiei replied as he stared into the kitsune's eyes," we certainly can't stay here." To Be Continued... P.S.- I would like to thank the people who emailed and got me to update. Sorry it didn't come sooner. Thanks again, and this one is for you! ^_^