Sandstorms II Kurama opened his eyes and groaned. He had the worst headache. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up unsteadily.< What time is it? > He reached for the clock and blinked,< 1 o'clock PM! >He rushed for the closet, throwing clothes around in his wake.< I promised I'd meet with Shiori ! > ******************************************** She hummed anxiously as she glanced around the resturant.< Where was Shuuichi? It wasn't like him to be this late. I wonder if he's alright. > "Miss, may I borrow that chair?" Shiori looked up at the young man before her.< He looks so much like my Shuuichi. > "I'm sorry, but I'm expecting my son any minute now." "Oh, okay." Shiori sighed and turned her attention back to the glass of water sitting before her.< Where is Shuuichi? > ********************************************** Kurama slowed down and took a couple of deep breaths as he round the corner to the resturant. He hadn't run that fast in his life.< I must look awful. > He straightened his shirt and walked into the resturant. " Excuse me, miss. Can I help you? " Kurama looked down to see a small man staring up at him expectantly." Well, I'm looking for a Shiori Minamino." "Ah, right this way." " By the way, I'm a mister." Kurama smiled as he saw the man's face blanch, as he made a quick exit. "Shuuichi!" Kurama turned to see Shiori looking at him with a pleased expression on her face." I knew you didn't forget. You even suggested this luncheon yourself." Kurama winced,< Acutally I did forget. > He sat down at the table and looked at Shiori hesitantly. "So, how have you been?" "Oh, fine, fine. But enough about me, what about you? What did you want to tell me? " She took a sip of her water and crossed her hands in her lap, waiting. " Well, kaasan ," < What should I say? > He looked at her and nervously licked his lips< I can still taste Hiei! Or was that a dream? >," I have to go to the United States for a, um, a business trip, and I may not be back for quite a while." He looked up at Shiori to see her staring at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "Does that mean you'll miss New Year's?" Kurama looked down at the floor and sighed,< I hadn't even thought of that! >" Probably so, kaasan. I'm sorry." " Oh that's alright Shuuichi-kun.I guess I can't have my little baby forever. Just come back in one piece, okay?" Shiori fiddled with the napkin in her lap and then up at Kurama with a smile. " Alright, kaasan." < I'll try. > ******************************************** Later that day.... Hiei stood in the brush, the trees above him providing good cover. < I wonder where that kitsune is? > He looked across the field to see Botan standing in the clearing, anxiously hoping from foot to foot. He snorted,< standing in plan sight, idiot. > On impulse, he fingered his mouth, still slightly bruised from that night.< I can still taste him! > He shook his head angrily,< He probably doesn't even remember me. > Frowning, he shook the bottle he held in his hand experimentally. < How is this going to end? > ********************************************* Kurama walked into the woods, shouldering the bookbag on his shoulders. He had brought everything Botan had told him to and more. Suddenly the trees opened out to a clearing and he could see Botan pacing back and forth anxiously.He smiled," Hey, Botan!" Botan turned to look at him and then wave him over frantically." Hurry up! We only have a few moments that the portal can be activated!" She rushed over to Kurama and pulled him into a circle that she had drawn on the ground. "Where's Hiei?" A gust of wind ruffled Kurama's hair and he turned to see Hiei staring at him, his eyes questioning.Kurama frowned,< I guess last night was a dream. > He didn't hear Hiei's angry 'Hn' or see him turn his back to the kitsune. " Well, I guess everything is ready except...Ah!" Botan rushed over to Hiei and snatched the bottled he was holding in his hand."Here Kurama. You have to drink this sparingly because this is all we have. This will prevent you from getting heat stroke in this hot country." Kurama took the bottle and looked it over. It was about the size of his palm and was filled with thick, reddish liquid." Okay, no problem." " Of course," Botan giggled,"the heat will be no problem for Hiei." Hiei snorted and fingered his katana. "Okay now!" Botan said nervously."Let's go!" The wind picked up and the ground beneath them started to glow a brillant red. Kurama looked over to Hiei to see him staring at the ground, his jagan open.< It's so hot!" Kurama unplugged the bottle and tentatively taste some,as he felt the ground give way and they plunged into nothingness. To Be Continued...