Situations V "Duo!" Heero rushed over to Duo's side and rolled the unconscious pilot over. Duo's hair was loose and hanging in sweaty ringlets down his back.His face was ashen, and his breathing was short and ragged.< What the hell happened to him? > Heero frowned,< He better be alright. >. He looked down at Duo< If only those violet eyes could just look up at me >.He gathered him to his chest, and stroked his hair. Closing his eyes, he was lulled to sleep by the sound of Duo's breathing. ********************************************** < Ow, my head > Duo cracked one eye open hesitantly.Drawing in a shaky breath, he was about to get up when he felt something restraining him. A flash of fear went through him, but then disipated as he saw a familiar shock of brown hair. "Heero?" Duo gasped.< What was Heero doing here with his arms around me like this? > He looked down at his sleeping form, and licked his lips nervously.< There's no way I can get untangled from him. >Duo blushed, < Do I really want to? > Suddenly, Heero shifted in his sleep.Duo stiffened and then gasped as one of Heero's arms fell between his legs. He bit his lip,< What do I do now? I want > Duo shook his head, then gasped as a fresh burst of pain came to claim him. ********************************************* Heero slowly opened his eyes.< Where am I?....Oh Shit! > He sat up rapidly, ignoring the rushing feeling in his head. Hearing a yelp, he looked down to notice that,getting up so rapidly,had flung the Duo,he had been cradling just minutes before, in his lap. "Duo?" Duo looked up and smiled weakly."Hey Heero,"he said as he struggled to get up. The close proximity was making him dizzy.Suddenly, they both froze.Duo blushed as he felt himself brush against Heero.He looked up at Heero to see that Heero was staring into space, his eyes devoid of any expression.Frowning, Duo struggled to stand up. "Ow!" Duo clutched at his side, and sunk back down to the floor. He dimly noticed Heero moving to his side and looking at him with a anxious stare. "So...what happened?" Duo unconsiously leaned back into Heero, into the warmth. He didn't notice Heero's involuntary gasp, and how he clasped the end of his hair. Duo let out a frustrated sigh as he remembered the past few days. "I'm so stupid! How could I fall for something like that? And get all of us into this mess!" Heero looked down at Duo in astonishment.< He blames himself? > He tightened his grip on Duo as he heard the breath catch in his throat. "Heero, what's wrong with me?" Duo pushed back the hair covering his face, and looked up at Heero anxiously,his lip quivering. < He musn't blame himself! > Heero turned Duo around in his lap, bracing himself as he felt the tender sensation go up and down his body.He took in a deep breath,"Duo..." "Duo...It's not your fault.If it's anyone's fault it's mine," Heero looked down at the floor,"I'm supposed to be there for the team, to protect the team,"He licked his lips nervously and looked up into Duo's eyes,"I'm...I'm...supposed to protect you!" Duo snapped his head up to stare at Heero'd reddened face.< What does he mean...protect me? Does he...would he...would I... >Duo's eyes widened, and he stared at Heero intently, studying his hair, his eyes,his cheek bones, his lips... Heero gasped as he felt Duo's hand brush and caress his face.He leaned into it, turning his hand slightly so as to taste his skin... Duo gasped as he felt Heero's lips and then his tongue caress his hand. He stared at Heero in wonder.< Heero? Really? > Heero looked up as he heard Duo gasp.The rapt expression on Duo's face pleased him, and he slowly raised a hand to dig into Duo's hair. Duo moaned as he caressed his scalp, and moved to be even closer to Heero. "Make it right, Heero." Heero froze, and untangled his hand from Duo's hair. < Make it right? > He looked up to see Duo staring at him with a puzzled and hurt expression on his face. < What did I do? > Duo gulped and looked down at the floor. He winced as his side began throbing full force now that he wasn't distracted. Heero looked at Duo's pale face, and saw it tighten with pain."What happened?" Duo brushed the hair from his face, and looked over at Heero, who was staring at him intently.< How will he react? Will he even want touch me? > Licking his lips, he began... Heero tightened his fist in anger.< How could this happen to Duo?My Duo! > He looked over at Duo, whose face was expressionless. His voice sounded as if he was reciting something for class.< Trieze! I should have known he had some part in this! > Duo let out a deep breath.< It actually felt better ,telling Heero about it, > He let out a sigh,< I guess I'm lucky.Trieze didn't want to rape me, only beat me up, > His eyes narrowed,< Though, I'm still going to kick his ass when I see him. > Heero looked up to see Duo actually quirk a smile.< Whaaaat...?> The smile was contagious,though, and Heero could feel the edges of his mouth begin to twitch. ********************************************* "Well, what have we here?" Duo whirled around to see Todd standing right behind him. He felt Heero's grip tighten on his braid and felt a measure of comfort. "What do you want Todd?" Todd smiled and knelt beside Duo,"Why do you keep asking that? You know I want you." Todd reached out to brush Duo's face. Enraged, Heero sprang up to throttle Todd, only to realize that he was tied to the pillar behind him.< Damn! How the hell did that happen? > Duo looked around,frantically, for an exit.He gasped as he felt Todd's hands close around his mouth as he was hauled across the floor. Lights came on, and he could finally see the still unconsious forms of the other Gundam pilots. "Duo!" Heero struggled, the ropes cutting into him and making him bleed. He watched, helpless, as Duo was being dragged across the room to be tied to a pillar directly opposite from him. "Now,you can watch each other bleed.But first, I think I'll get Zechs to take the other pilots somewhere more...comfortable." Duo watched as the other pilots were dragged out ruffly.< I hope they'll be alright. > He looked over to see Todd staring him up and down, with a mad gleam in his eye.< Oh no. Not in front of Heero. > "You stay away from him!" Heero gasped, as he struggled with the ropes. He watched as Todd walked over to Duo, and grabbed his chin.He closed his eyes and growled as he heard Duo whimper in fear.Suddenly, Duo cried out in pain. Heero snapped his eyes open to find that Todd had pushed Duo roughly up against the pillar, his hand covering Duo's face. "You bastard!" The sound of thick rope ripping apart echoed throughout the room. Todd looked toward Heero, fear begining to show on his face. He pulled Duo toward him to use him as a sheild.Duo yelped and struggled. Todd's arm around his neck was cutting off his air supply. He gasped for breath and tried to pry Todd's arms apart. "Stand back or I'll break his neck!" Heero halted. He looked at Duo with worry. Duo was trembling and clawing at the arm around his throat. His mouth hardened as he saw tears spill from Duo's eyes. "Let him go and I won't kill you."< Maybe. > Todd looked up at Heero and laughed."If I can't have Duo, then neither can you!" He reached around to pull something from his coat and... "No!" Heero rushed over to Duo, but was too late. He gasped as he saw Duo's startled expression as he looked down to see a knife protruding from his belly. "Heero..." Duo sighed as he fell to the ground. Heero caught him and settled him to the floor.< Duo..I..never told you... I > He looked up to see Todd staring at Duo's still face with glee. "Why you son of a bitch!" Heero rushed at Todd, tackling him to the ground. He heard the sound of a gun clattering to the ground, and so, rushed for it.He was pulled back by Todd, and he growled as his head hit the ground hard. Stars were still swimming in his head as he saw Todd's fist pull back... BANG! Heero watched as Todd's mouth formed a little 'O', and he blinked in surprise before he fell to the ground. Gasping, Heero looked over to see Duo, on his back, with the gun in his trembling hands.Duo smiled and then closed his eyes, his hands falling limp. "Duo!" Heero rushed over to Duo, and craddled his head in his hands."I'm going to get you out of here. I promise." ********************************************* Quatre blinked and looked over at Trowa who was staring at him with worry."Wow, twice in the same night." "Quatre?" Trowa bent down so he was staring Quatre in the face. "Yes?"< Is he finally going to tell me what's been bothering him? > Quatre swallowed nervously. "Well," Trowa looked down at the ground and took a deep breath," I knew that Todd had connections with the OZ." Quatre gasped.< Just what is he trying to tell me? > "You see," Trowa looked up at Quatre," I used to be in the OZ." Quatre just stared.< OZ? What, when, where, why, how? > "Go On..." Trowa squared his shoulders,"Well, there really isn't much of my past I can tell you. It's just that..." "That's Okay!" Quatre gave Trowa a reasurring smile, and settled in his lap. Trowa stared down at Quatre's closed eyelids in confusion. < Did that just go well? > ******************************************** "Wufei." Wufei turned around to see the man he was expecting."Trieze, you know you'll never get away with this." "Really." "Yes, really." Wufei reached up to pull him down to the floor beside him. "You know, this goes against all my morals." "I know." ********************************************* "Hold on, Duo." Heero rushes down the dark passage way, carrying Duo on his back. The blood from Duo's wound is soaking into Heero's shirt and filling his senses.< Where is that room? > He rounds a corner and...< There! >. He gently sets Duo down. The sight of Duo's lifeless body sending him into throws of anger. He rushes into the room. "Ah.Explosives." *********************************************** BOOM!BANG! The Gundam pilots rush from the building as it blows up in there wake. Bullets zoom through the air, but Heero doesn't miss a beat as he's determined to bring Duo to safety. The five pilots hop on their motorcycles and ride out into the night. But, as the other pilots are focused on the destination ahead of them, Heero is focused on one special person, laying draped across his lap. To Be Continued...