Situations III "Hey, guys, I'm going out!" Duo called from his room, as he struggled to get ready.< Now, where is that hairbrush? >. Heero looked up from his computer and stared at Duo silently.< I wonder if he's still mad at me.Wait, he's going out!!>" Duo..." Heero began. "No. I'm going and you can't stop me. It's about time some of us got out and have some fun isn't it?"Duo grabbed his coat and started to head for the door. Heero sat there with his mouth open, watching forlornly as Duo's braid seemed to wave him goodbye.< Why do I care anyway? I should be glad to have the place to myself. Quatre and Trowa are off somewhere, and Wufei rode off on his motorcycle for some time alone.Finally, I can have some peace and quiet. That's what I really want isn't it?> Heero looked over to Duo's vanishing figure as if looked for an answer. "Can I come too?"< When did I start caring about him so much that it hurts?Is this friendship or... > Duo stopped and looked over at Heero, a smile appearing on his face only to vanish just as quickly. < It would be wonderful if Heero came...but... Todd said... > Duo let out an exasperated breath and turned to face Heero. Heero's heart dropped as he saw the sad look and total rejection on Duo's face.< He doesn't want me to come.> He saw Duo's mouth open to speak... "No. Now that I think of it I have a lot of work to Duo...I mean do. You better leave before you're late." Duo looked at Heero's turned back as he continued to pound on the computer.He hesitated, about to reach out to Heero, but then reprimanded himself.< Am I totally losing it? Why do I have to depend on Heero so much? As if what he thinks really matters >.Because you lo....< Shut up! Voices are the last thing I need.>On this note, Duo strode through the door and slammed it shut. Heero looked up from his computer and then stared at his hands. < What's happening to me? >. ******************************************************* " Hey Duo, my man, how's it hanging?" "Yo! Enjoy the party." "Where's the beer?" "Uh...." Duo looked around nervously.< Where was Todd?> "Duo! I'm glad you could make it." < Very... > "This is really nice." Duo yelled above the music. He was bumped through the crowed as everyone jumped up and down.Tripping, he grabbed on to Todd's arm and smiled weakly." Where are the guy's?" "Oh, they're in the ROOM. Come on, I'll show you." Todd lead Duo through a crushing wave of bodies, and they finally made it to what looked like a fun house.Duo shivered, he had always been afraid of those when he was a kid. < Well, what did you expect in an old carnival? > He shook his head and followed Todd inside. A bunch of guys were circling around the room looking for more beer or trying their hand at the pool table. " Hey Duo, want some beer?" "Uh...Sure!" "Alright!" Duo plopped down on the couch and took a swig of the beer. < I'll stop when I'm buzzed. > Duo thought as he laughed and tried to follow along with the conversations around him. "So this babe, she's like really hot, well she like calls me over to her car and..." Duo grabs another can absently. < I wonder what Heero is doing... > ******************************************************* Heero groggily woke up as the door to the room slammed shut. < What?... >. " Duo? Is that you?" The giggling stopped abruptly and Heero turned on the light to see Quatre and Trowa looking sheep-faced.< They obviously had a good time tonight > Heero thought dryly.< Wufei was probably having a good time tonight too, off with Tr...> "Hey,where's Wufei and Duo?" Quatre asked as Trowa pulled off his coat. " I don't know where Wufei is (Yeah right), and Duo is at a party." Quatre heard the catch in Heero's voice, and looke over to Trowa to see if he heard it to.He had the weirdest expression on his face... "Trowa, what's wrong?" Trowa started and then put on a little smile, alright if a bit forced. " Everything's fine , Quatre.Really." But Quatre wasn't fooled, something has been wrong with everyone for far too long.Trowa's keeping something from him.< K'so!> Quatre looked over to Heero and then Trowa and then sighed." Alright, I'm going to bed." < Hopefully, this could wait till tommorrow. > Heero watched as the two figures disappeared into their room.< If I could have someone that cares about me like>Like you care about Duo? ******************************************************* "I am what... I am and... that's all that I am(hiccup). I'm Popey the Sailorman! TOOT!TOOT!" " Bravo, Duo!Bravo!" Duo smiled weakly at everyone who was clapping.< They care about me. Not like Heero. > Duo banished that thought with a flick of his wrist.< What do I care? > He took another swig of his drink. < I'm not buzzed yet, am I? > " Whoa, slow down Duo.You have had enough to drink." Duo glared at him, and then stood up, wobbling dangerously." I'll take you to my room where you can lie down and get some rest." The noise in the room died down to a murmur. Whispers could be heard from the back of the room." Did you hear...""I never woulda'...". Duo looked around, giggled, and then passed out. ******************************************************* Heero woke up sweating."Duo?" He cried, looking over to the empty bed beside him. He got up to grab Duo's pillow, taking in the smell.< Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling? > ******************************************************* Duo was intoxicated.There was no other word for it.He stumbled down the hall,laughing,as Todd tried to shush him up.As they came to Todd's room, Todd sat him on the bed and knelt down in front of him. "Duo..." Duo couldn't remember anything after that. He woke up to find himself lying in a strange bed.Looking around, he recognized Todd's room.< What have I done? > There's Todd's closet, his dresser, his clock that read 11:45..."Oh, my god!" ******************************************************* Heero paced around the room in a frenzy. < What could keep him out all night? Is he hurt? I have to stay here till he comes back, to hell with classes. >Lost in his thoughts, He started as a he heard a timid knock on the door.Rushing to the door, he opened it. "Where the hell have you been!" Duo looked up in surprise and not a little fear as he saw Heero's practically snarling face.< Does he know? > He thought panicked.< Does he know what I...what I must have done? >"Gomen." Heero calmed down at the look on Duo's face.< He's scared of me? > He thought forlornly.Taking a closer look at his face, he saw that his lips were trembling, and that he looked ready to throw up. "You're just in time for lunch." Heero said.Duo rushed to the bathroom. ******************************************************* As Duo and Heero walked into the auditorium the place went silent.Duo grew ashen-faced< Does everyone know? >. Suddenly, a chair squeaked across the linoleum floor, and everyone looked toward the back of the room to see Todd strolling toward the two with a smug look on his face. Seeing this look, Duo's heart suddenly grew cold and his head roared with anger.< HE told!> "Hello Duo. How are you this morning? Sore?" Duo could hear snickers resound throughout the auditorium.His face grew red. "Hello...uh...what was your name again?" Heero looked from Duo's red face to Todd's smug look.< They...they didn't. That bastard!> Heero brought up his fist to pound Todd in the face. He stumbled back cursing. "Why you little %$#@&*" Duo's head snapped up. < No one talked to Heero like that! > He pulled his fist back, seeing red, and gave Todd a punch so hard that he fell to the ground.Breathing hard, he barely noticed the headmaster entering the cafeteria. Todd got up shakily, his finger pointed at Duo. "Slut." Duo froze.His eyes got misty and he quickly looked down at the ground. " Detention! All of you! DETENTION!" Heero glared daggers at Todd's back as he was led in one direction, and Duo was led, with Todd, in another. < I know you're little secret.> Todd thought happily, as he followed Duo's waving hair.< I'm coming. Coming for you.I want you...NOW. > To Be Continued...