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For Janis

Janis Schultz (Browell)
A Victim Of Domestic Violence
1941 - 1996

Another woman

Today another woman died and not on a foreign field
and not with a rifle strapped to her back, and not with a large defense of tanks
rumbling and rolling behind her. She died without CNN covering her war.
She died without talk of intelligent bombs and strategic targets
The target was simply her face, her back her pregnant belly.

The target was her precious flesh that was once composed like music
in her mother's body and sung in the anthem of birth.
The target was this life that had lived its own dear wildness,
had been loved and not loved, had danced and not danced.
A life like yours or mine that had stumbled up from a beginning
and had learned to walk and had learned to read. and had learned to sing.

Another woman died today. not far from where you live;
Just there, next door where the tall light falls across the pavement.
Just there, a few steps away where you've often heard shouting,
Another woman died today.

She was the same girl her mother used to kiss;
the same child you dreamed beside in school. The same baby her parents
walked in the night with and listened and listened and listened
For her cries even while they slept. And someone has confused his rage
with this woman's only life.

-Carol Geneya Kaplan

Jan's Story

This page is dedicated to one of the nicest, most caring people I've ever met.I met Jan in May '95 and liked her immediately. She was the "head-housekeeper" at the motel I started working. She was extremely outgoing and funny and would do anything for anybody.Jan was married to the maintenance man of the motel.A quiet and strange man, in my opinion.He LOVED to drink and was sent home from work many times for being intoxicated.After a few months Jan started opening up more and more telling us about how mean Hal (her husband) would get after drinking.He was always checking up on her and threatening her.

One day at work she just broke down.She said "he's gonna kill me soon".Jan was terrified. Marsha (the other housekeeper) and I offered our home to her to get away from him.But she refused, she said "I'm scared he'd kill the person who'd take me in, too".One week later, on a Saturday I was getting ready for work.I lived right under the office of the motel, when I heard a scream.Immediately I got that sick feeling in my stomach.I kinda knew what happened somehow.Marsha came knocking on my door with the newspaper, she yelled "Jan is dead"!!! I kept saying "no she's not", in total denial.She showed me the article and I still didn't wanna believe it.Hal had actually shot her in the head the night before.Police think that she was about to walk out on him.She had a suitcase in the car and one shoe on and one shoe off, as if she was ready to leave.Well, she never made it.

Harold Schultz was arrested and received 13 years in prison.At the time of his arrest he was 61.

If you need help please go to
National Domestic Violence Hotline
or call 1-800-779-SAFE

Stop The Madness

In memory of all our friends and loved-ones who had to go before their time: "Mutti" (my grandmother), Ingrid, Danny, Martina, Manuela Fries, Manuela Fresner and Dave.

You are missed terribly!

Please visit
Daniel's Memorial

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Mixed Emotions

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