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June18,1999- updated the tv sectiona dn updated the news section.

March29,1999- added more news on Dominique,check it out.

Feb 5,1999- added more news on Dominique and a New voting question, updates the bio on Nique.

Feb 2,1999- added new news on Dominique.

Jan 15,1999- added little things everywhere.

Dec10 ,1998 - Added info on Dominique and her dad ( Hes not aloud to see her for a year!!!)

Dec. 6,1998- added article on DOminqiue and her Dad.

Nov.15,1998- new trivia, added new epals, added new webpages to the nomie list, and added a award

Oct.23,1998- added a new voting question.

Oct.22,1998- added info bout Dominique and the lawsuit.

Oct.5,1998- added rock n' roll pics.

Sept.30 1998- updated the tv section check it out

Sept. 27, 1998 - added old pics of Nique in the Misc. section.

Sept.10, 1998 - added a couple more pics from the '98 nationals

Sept. 5, 1998 - Made the frames version of the page.

Aug. 26, 1998 - Added pics and results from the nationals and some older pics of Nique.

Aug. 25, 1998 - We added results from the nationals

Aug. 16, 1998 - We did a new look on the pics page

Aug. 9, 1998 - We added SCANNED pics on Nique and more are coming soooon, and we also added a NEW trivia question.

Aug. 2, 1998 - We added Nique Pics from the Good will games, nominies for the page award, and some page awards we won.

July 28, 1998 - added another new section "win" where you can win the best page award.

July 25, 1998 - We added the awards we won section.

July 21, 1998- we added a new section more info including merchandise and articles on Nique.

July 20, 1998- We added a new epal and a new link.

July 18, 1998 - Added NEW videos and many cool pics.

July 15, 1998 - Added the scrolling thing on our front page, and added new videos!

July 14, 1998 - Edited the Page and added two NEW epals.

July 13, 1998 - We got a new title for our page, a new pic for under the title , changed the backgrounds on the links, put the niquenews in with the facts, and got a banner for our page.

July 11, 1998 - Added The Rock N roll pictures and fixed up all the picture sections.

July 10, 1998 - We added the "contact Nique" section

July 6, 1998 - We added another epal ( there is now 15) and a NEW trivia question!

June 27,1998 - We added a epal

June 23,1998- We addded a new trvia question

June 20,1998 - We added the section Web rings

June 17,1998 - We added NEW and RECENT Dominique pics!

June 16,1998 - Added an award we won for our page.

June 15,1998 - We added the winner of the trivia , new epal, new times for gymnastics on tv.

June 10,1998 - We added new Epal, new trivia question, info about the Good Will Games, and NEW Nique news!

June 2, 1998- Added a new Epal

May 29, 1998 - Added the winners of Last weeks trivia question, but we are still trying to think of a new trivia question! Also added some Epals.

May 22, 1998 - We added another Epal and NEW trivia question, check it out!

May 19, 1998- We edited the whole webpage...on the request of a rude...but helpful fan of Dominique.

May 18, 1998- Two new epals! Check it out! Also theresults from compition.

May 15, 1998 - We added 2 more Epals, and the countdown to Sydney.

May 10, 1998 - We added the results section and added Dominique results from the Professional Championships

May 7, 1998 - We added the epal section

May 6, 1998 - We updated the Dominique bio, check it out!!!

May 4, 1998 - We did little things to our page like we added that the videos and more pics were coming and added some more links!

May 3, 1998 - We added this section!

If you would like to be emailed when this page is updated and when Domi is going to be on TV, email us at and tell us your email and that you would like to be emailed at when this page is updated