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Child Safety Tips

1. As early as possible, teach children their full name, address, and telephone number.
Periodically ask them to repeat it for you.

2. Never leave children unattended - NEVER

3. When shopping, or in a crowd, children should know who to go to if separated from you. (Cashier, clerk, security officer, etc.) The child should never leave the store looking for you.

4. Explain the difference between GOOD TOUCH and BAD TOUCH. A doctor's examination, for instance, is GOOD TOUCHING but the touching of their private parts by a stranger, a relative or a friend is BAD TOUCHING. No matter who does the BAD TOUCHING the child should be encouraged to tell you about it.

5. The child should never leave school with anyone except the parent(s). You and your child should have a PASSWORD worked out in case you cannot pick them up from the school or day care center. If a child is still unsure of who is picking them up, have them talk to the teacher or the principal.

6. Do not leave your children unattended in a car.

7. Arrange for your child to go to a neighbor or a relative if you are not home.

8. On the telephone, your child is to never let anyone know they are home alone. Discuss responses, such as: "My dad is in the shower," or "Mom is busy right now."

9. When home alone, children should NEVER open the door for strangers.

10. Know the route your child takes to and from school, and have them use a BUDDY SYSTEM. Stay away from alleys, vacant lots and wooded areas.

11. Do not allow children to wear T-shirts that show their names.

12. Have them inform you of where they are going, who they are going with and when they will be home.

13. If anyone touches them, grabs them or otherwise threatens them, children should be taught to run away, scream for help or bite, kick, scratch, or use any method of resistance necessary to escape.

14. Children should know that it is alright to say "NO" to adults if they are asked to:
Look at pictures offered by strangers
Allow strangers to take pictures of them
Approach the car of someone asking directions
Enter someone's house or their property or otherwise be isolated from public view
Do anything else that might frighten them or make them feel uncomfortable

The above is not being unfriendly, it is being safe!
15. Children should not accept candy, toys or anything else that is offered to them by strangers.

16. MOST IMPORTANTLY - Children should know that police officers are their friends, and that they will help them.