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Christine's Domain

This Webpage Is Dedicated To All My Family And Friends, You Are All Such Wonderful People, Thank You !!

Hello everyone, My name is Christine, I'm 37 years old, married and have 3 children ages 12, 14, and 17. I love to go out dancing , going to parties, and love playing basketball and softball. I enjoy spending time with my family and taking nice long peaceful walks. I live in the Great state of Arizona. My Favorite quote is, "Live each day as if it were your last, Life is too short, so don't waste a minute of it.

If you enjoyed viewing this page, check out some of the other pages I did below, lots of family and friend's photos, just click on the link that interest you Ü Don't forget to sign my guestbook when your all done!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website and have a wonderful day!!!

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View some of my other pages

I Said A Prayer For You Today
Pictures of my Family
Pictures of Family and Friends
Beautiful Arizona!
More Pictures of my Friends
JCPenney links
Amber's Sweet Sixteen Page
