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Bitton VA hospital

Bitton in South Gloucestershire was one of several "Class B" hospitals run by the Red Cross as convalescent homes, in a private house (probably Beach House) lent for the purpose by Mr Walker. Most of the patients were transferred there after treatment in Cleve Hill and Horton VA hospitals. Gloucestershire Red Cross Hospitals 1914-1919
GLOS. 100

not included in final reports: this info is from The Red Cross in Gloucestershire 1915 yearbook

Date of opening—March 17th 1915

No. of beds









STAFF (1915)

Commandant: Mrs Walker

Medical Officer: Dr Aubrey

Lady Superintendent: Sister Mayne

Quartermaster: Miss G. Bradley

General Duty : Miss M. Bradley, Miss V. Woodward, Miss D. Perrett, Miss Davis, Mrs Aubrey, Miss M. Brain (Glos 44), Miss Matthews, Miss E. Packer, Miss M. Seaton

Probationer: Miss A. Matheson

Cooks: Miss M. K. Smith, Miss N. Daniell, Miss E. Watts (Glos 100), Miss G. Brain (Glos 44)


Gloucestershire Red Cross Hospitals 1914-1919