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El Neto Sun Devils/Cardinals Homepage

Welcome to My Webpage featuring Arizona State University and Arizona Cardinals Features, Links & Photos and including The Corral Family activity Photos..Scroll Down for Links to other Activities.

Count Down the days to the first ASU football game!!!!!

Click here to meet some of our BOJO's regulars!!...

Click here to connect to WebShots and view some pictures of some family events.(Humphrey's party,Rosarito Beach,etc....

Year 2000 Calendar!!...

Check out our Grand Kids!!!

La Casa Corral Gilbert Ranch Chandler Place

Wired Devils - Links to ASU Pages

More Links to ASU Topics

Getting Pumped For The Big Game!!

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Some of my favorite things..

  • Football ~ Of course! High School, College or Pro; I love 'em all!

  • Music ~ Most definitely! My favorites are the "Oldies"; but my soul's in Salsa!

  • Food ~ Chicken Wings at Native New Yorker, but RT's Nachos are tops...

  • Tailgating ~ "The Works" at Bojo's and a pitcher of Bud Light.

  • Sun's Al McCoy ~ "Swhish-a-roo for two!";"Shazzzzzam!";"Heatbreak Hotel!";"O' Brother!"...He is the best!!

  • My PC and TV ~ Five remotes and a mouse to click. I'm in heaven..

  • Photography ~ My digital camera has been getting a workout lately...


    If you want to email Joe: If you want to email Ernie: If you want to email Velma: If you want to email Ernie & Judy: If you want to email Stephanie: If you want to email Me at work: If you want to email Dave & Mouse:

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