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Eliyahu Skoczylas's Personal Home Page

My free home page is not as much use to me as it could be, but it does give me a place to stash away various personal pages without cluttering up professional or theme-oriented Web sites.

Site Map

Howdy! I'm an observant Jew, an old-time software developer from when "hacker" was a good word, an Israeli temporarily stuck in the U.S., and a fairly irregular davener at Young Israel of Phoenix ....   I'm 5'11" (180 cm.), have brown hair and brown eyes, and desperately need to lose this gut I'm dragging around.... so I've been doing the Slim-Fast program and have lost about 25 pounds (11 kilos) so far!

Some Jewish Links from My Life

- I've written about Keeping Kosher in Arizona's Verde Valley
- The Shema Yisrael Torah Network, where I used to work
- Being Jewish is not easy, but....
- some of my best friends have converted to Judaism (why, I don't know :-)
- (they probably would have been better off taking a lead from Vendyl Jones and becoming B'nai Noach!)
- During the Gulf War I was a volunteer in the Israeli Army in a special program
- then volunteered at Kibbutz Hanaton
- I studied at the Pardes Institute, my first adult, Jewish educational experience
- then later studied at Machon Meir
- and also on Har Tzion at the Diaspora Yeshiva (which was more to my liking even though it was taught in English)
- I would also recommend Livnot U'Lehibanot for people starting out,
- Ohr Somayach for the more advanced,
- or Midreshet Lindenbaum (formerly "Brovender's") for woman
- Some people like Aish haTorah but I can't offer any positive experiences from either myself or friends
- I keep up with the news from Israel on IsraelWire, also known as IINS - Israel Internet News Service, formerly known as SNS - Shomron News Service (which is when I built them a bitchin' web site ;^) as part of my job at JenCom
- On Shabbos and Chaggim I like to wear neat clothes from Beged Ivri!
- I'm trying to build a Comprehensive List of Active Jewish Links - please mail me your suggestions
- New! I have also been doing a lot of writing lately on AOL Message Boards about Zionism and Israel and Middle-East politics New! (sorry this link was wrong before)

Some Not So Jewish Links

- Angelfire - Hosting My Free Home Page
- Bread N Butter Consulting, Inc. - my present employer - believes in Open Source software, just like I do
- My Resume is (perpetually) under construction
- I'm trying to do more writing, and one of the ways is by doing reviews of books I've read
- I like to cook, too, and one of the television programs that I like to watch is Sonoran Grill,
- which features SouthWestern style cooking by Mad Coyote Joe, a neighbor of one of my step-sisters
- and a member of AMUG - the Arizona Macintosh Users' Group that somehow went commercial - the BBS became an ISP and the resource center became a computer store!
- Read about I.S.S. - the International Space Station
- and the Planetary Society, of which I am a member
- just like I'm a member of the National Space Society
- For computers, I'm a member of the IEEE - Institue of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- and I get a lot of different computer magazines
- My good friend Yan Li <> has a home page on OSU's computer, where she studied.   Now I try to help her along -- she is a good programmer already, but one day she could be great!

-- Hacker Links --
- the definition of hacker in the The New Hacker's Dictionary
- How To Become A Hacker is a good guide for budding programmers; I told Yan Li to live by ESR's (Eric S. Raymond) other writings, too!
- How to manage a hacker - The Hacker FAQ for managers
- A Brief History Of Hackerdom
- A Girl's Guide to Geek Guys explains why I am lovable and desirable to the right Jewish girl :-) (tiy znayish kto ona, moya lubachka)

Web Monkey

Places I Almost Live

Site Map

Home Page (
» Book Reviews (BookReviews.html)
» » Area 59: The Mission by Robert Doherty (BookReviews.html#Doherty1)
» » A King of Infinite Space by Allen Steele (BookReviews.html#Steele1)
» Directory of Jewish Sites (JewLinks.html)
» Keeping Kosher in the Verde Valley (Kosher.html)
» Rantings, Ravings, and Other Snippets (Rantings.html)
» Zionism (Zionism.html)
» AOL Message Boards (AOLBoard.html)
» » Re: Israel MUST give up land (2 posts) (AOLGiveUp.html)
» » Re: Israel doesn't need US (AOLIsrael.html)
» » Re: Jews vs. Arabs (AOLJewsVsArabs.html)
» » Re: Why talk to a liar (AOLLiar.html)
» » Re: Peace? (2 posts) (AOLPeace.html)
» » Re: The Jews- a historical Phenomenom (3 posts) (AOLPhenom.html)
» » Re: SADDAM HAS COMPLETELY LOST IT!!!!! (3 posts) (AOLSaddam.html)
» » Re: PEACE IMPOSSIBLE WITH SATAN...... (2 posts) (AOLSatan.html)
» » Re: Syria is the Key to Peace (AOLSyria.html)
» » Re: Terrorism in the Israeili minds (7 posts) (AOLTerrorism.html)
» » Re: Israel must want more US money (2 posts) (AOLUSmoney.html)
» » Re: PEACE WITHIN YOU (AOLwithin.html)
» » Re: PLO is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes (AOLwool.html)

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