<h1><align="center">2001 Eggs Acros the Net</h1><font color="/blue"></head><align="/center"></head> <font color="blue"> <h1><align="center"> 2001 Eggs Across The Net Completion Certificate</h1><font </p> <h2 align="center">_______________________________________<br> <font color="red"> Has sucessfully Completed: The Naked Egg Drop; The Bundled Egg Drop; Cross Country Egg Toss and the Decorative Egg Toss.<br></font> <br> <br> <br> <p> <h1 align="center">________________________<br> Educator<h1 align="/center"><br> <p> <h1 align="center"><i>Mrs.Paulette E. Anderson</i> <br> Eggs Across the Net Coordinator<h1 align="/center"><br> <p> <h1 align="center"><img src =/images/animate/globe2.gif ><align="/center"><p> <font size="1"><h1 align="/center"> <p> <img src=/images/lines/gr_bar.gif> </body> </html> <!--'"-->
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