FA from US and UK




Billy Bob

1Q. Differently from my usual way, I'm going to "attack" on the personal field just now. Who's Patrick aka Billy Bob in his soul? What're your goals, values, ideas?

^I am a 39 year old programmer and analyst living and working in Little Rock, Arkansas. My goal is to receive Microsoft Certification and find a job as a Director Of Information Services, or Network Administrator for a large corporation. My social goals are to do anything that I can to end all types of discrimination against people, whether it be based on size, ethnicity, religion, language, political belief, sexual preference, gender identity, or whatever. It is also a goal to perpetuate these goals in my children, to in a way lend immortality to my belief in the constant struggle against non discrimination. One of my ideas is that the most important thing that we who seek social change can do is avoid poisoning the minds of our children. We not only must strive to make sure that our children believe that all people should be treated as equals, but also to make them aware that all people are not currently treated as equals. They must know that if the job is ever to be finished it is up to them to finish it

2Q. Can I ask you "how" and when you meet Jennifer?

^We were introduced through mutual friends in 1992. I immediately knew that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and that I was madly in love with her. Strangely enough, we also, as I recall had a heated argument about one thing or another ( I can't remember what). We were living together within about 2 months and married within about 6 months.

3Q. Are you a Fat Admirer? What does it mean for you?

^It means that I am personally attracted to large, curvy, women to the point that I am not at all physically attracted to thin super-model type women. This has developed over a number of years, and of course, in the final analysis it is the person living inside the body that I actually come to know. But as far as instant physical attraction, as "WOW, what a hot babe!" The women who generate that reaction in me are without exception large-breasted, large-hipped, large bellied women who have the inner belief in their own beauty to project themselves well.

4Q. How did you feel when your wife won the "Wannabes" contest?

^Ecstatic, but not surprised. I expected her to win from the time I talked her into entering. I was, after all, well-aware of the fact that I am married to one of the world's most beautiful women. It was a grand experience to have that knowledge affirmed by others all the same.

5Q. Patrick and the Fat Acceptance movement...Please, tell us everything and...even more!

^Personally I like the term Size Acceptance much better than Fat Acceptance. I feel that the movement should have the same thing to offer people who fit the generally accepted standards for height, weight, etc., and the people who society views as abnormally fat, thin, short, or tall. A very good friend of mine is 7'3" tall (perhaps 2.25 meters?), and experiences as much discrimination as fat people. The same goes for the very short person. My aim is to foster an attitude in society which is "accepting of size", any size. We are all the same size inside. I am constantly seeing people being chased away from "size friendly" Web Boards and Chatrooms for being too thin. To me this is Size Discrimination and should be viewed as sternly as fat-bashing. The goal is to become accepting of size. That's everything.

6Q. Many young and elder women want to lose weight to "gain back" the approval of society. Does society refuse BBWs at all? Is something changing?

^We must address the term BBW, or Big Beautiful Woman. Not all Big women are beautiful, because they lack the inner belief that they are in many cases. A BBW is a Big woman who Believes that she is a Beautiful Woman. The correct tack would probably be "Does society FEAR BBWs?", and yes, it does. True BBWs are a threat to the fashion industry, to the fragile male ego that says that fat women should be lacking in self confidence and easy sexual conquests, and to the burgeoning diet industry. The wave of true BBWs currently on the web, and the number of their admirers is a shock to a society that has espoused for the last 100 years that "thin is beautiful".

7Q. Is love such an awful "despareate" experience for BBWs?

According to my definition of the term BBW, love could never be desperate and awful for a BBW, because she is a woman who regards herself so highly she would never allow it to be. But I think that what you are asking me is can love be desperate and awful for fat women in general, and of course it could be, just as it could be for a thin woman who did not have the self confidence to participate in a healthy love relationship. Some are fortunate enough to find that special person who can help them to realize their true beauty and worth, but some are never that fortunate. Interestingly, relationships that can begin rather anonymously, as on the web (the ultimate blind date), sometimes offer people the opportunity to get to know the inner person first. This offers great promise. There are many beautiful women, large and small, who simply lack the self confidence to believe that anyone could ever find them beautiful. These women must believe themselves beautiful, and love themselves, believe themselves worthy of love, before they can participate in a healthy love relationship.

8Q. According to a simple stereotype, BBWs aren't to be dressed up, to wear skirts and bikinis, to appreciate their female beauty, to eat in public. What's your attitude towards such things?

^It is my opinion that since BBWs are the ULTIMATE beautiful women, they are to be regaled with the finest adornment the fashion industry has to offer. Aren't to wear skirts? This was obviously conceived by some twit who had never seen a truly beautiful rubenesque woman wearing a well made skirt... one of the truly sublime visual experiences of a lifetime, exceptionally so with high heels. To appreciate their female beauty? What is the illness in our society that has caused us to define beauty in terms of malnutrition, or feminine beauty in terms of women who look like pre-pubescent boys? To eat in public? SHEESH, if Jensen had a problem with eating in public, my whole family would starve :-) I think its pretty much public-web-knowledge that she doesn't cook, and can't *lol*. We love to eat, and we love good restaurants. I can't fathom someone preferring to eat in private. I mean really, then who would clean up the mess, who would I tip? Who would carry away the plates and wine bottles when it was time for dessert and cigars? I do not want to know these things.*LOL* Bikinis are fine if one is inclined to wear that much while swimming *wink*, however, Jensen prefers one-piece racer-back swimsuits for swimming since she actually likes to swim and chases our two children about the pool. She does do the 1940's and 1950's style glamorous Marilyn Monroe style swimsuits for lounging and such.

9Q. What are the "duties" of a man in such a society? a part from old fashioned good manners, which aren't dead yet, what is a man to do?Are there Fat admirers' good manner? It seems many men consider women as badly as things, expecially on the web!

^The duty of men in any society, cyber included, is to treat women always with the respect that they are due as the bearers of our children and the perpetuators of our species, and as the beguiling, incomprehensible creatures that they are and have always been, our muses. Aside from children, women are the only true treasures of humanity. Men who consider women as things, would do well to remember that the world is but a vast breeding experiment run by women. A bit extreme perhaps, but they do hold the true power. In my humble opinion, men who consider women as things are in fact not MEN, rather, boys in men's clothing... wait a minute, worse than that, because my 5 yr. old son knows how to treat a woman with respect, but then he comes by it honestly, lol. As for FAs? All the same applies. There is no excuse for treating any woman with disrespect. We must always remember that they are at LEAST our equals...

10Q. Is Fat Acceptance a women-oriented movement?

^No, I believe that Fat Acceptance (or Size Acceptance) is a PEOPLE oriented movement. However, women have borne the brunt of size discrimination in the past, especially in terms of fat discrimination. By generalizing the movement to true Size Acceptance, we make the issues unavoidable by everyone else as well.

11Q. According to my opinion, a man ( better...a lover!) can love his sweetheart a part from every size-related idea. Do you need to be a Fat Admirer, i.e. a man who explecitly deserves BBWs, to love a big woman?

^I guess I would be exceptionally qualified to answer this question. When I first met Jennifer, I had never met a large woman that I truly found attractive. Perhaps at that point I had never met a true BBW. Conversely, I fell in love with Jennifer quite as much physically as intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Proving the BBW point is the fact that between the time I met Jennifer and the time we came online and found the BBW/FA community, I had only met one other woman that I found truly beautiful. She was also a voluptuous, true BBW, with a smile that would blind people while driving. She was stunning and like Jennifer, confident about her looks, comfortable with her body, and an unapologetic flirt who knew what real men thought of all those dangerous curves. That is when I realized I was not attracted to fat women per se, but to BBWs. Interestingly enough it is also when I realized I was no longer physically attracted to thin women at all. I still have the ability to recognize beauty in all shapes and sizes, thin women just don't generate THAT reaction in me.

12Q. The BBW expression...Is beautiful a too politically correct word? What're both beauty and ugliness?

^There are both beautiful and not-so-beautiful large women, as there are with thin women, and yes, I do have a preference for the beautiful ones. However that is my personal preference and I certainly do not attempt to speak for all the FAs/BBW admirers. When the term BBW is used to mean merely a fat woman, then it is my opinion that it is being used as a politically correct term. Considering myself politically conservative, I think that the concept of POLITICALLY CORRECT is insulting and subjective. It does not harmonize with my basic precept of objectivism, i.e., seeing things for what they truly are, rather than what they appear or intend to be. To call all fat women BBWs is an insult to BBWs and absolutely preposterous. A BBW travels a long, hard road to become a BBW, and I for one, would not demean it by using it as a generic term.

13Q. BBBabes of...etc How was it born? What's its "philosophy"?

^BBBabe's original purpose was to showcase the amazing women Jen and I had met on the web. We believed them to truly be BBWs, and offered them as an example to women still caught in the struggle. As the feature grew, it became clear that it could also be used to aid these women in their struggle by featuring them. Some were BBWs who just hadn't been told that they were. As much as I love to hold up BBWs for adoration from fellow admirers, the most gratifying features have been the ones that the BBBabe said has helped to free her from the negativity that the majority of society had implanted in her soul. If, with this feature, I have convinced one woman that she is truly a BBW, then all of the work, occasional stress, and time that we put into the site is justified. If only one woman surfed my site and realised that it was ok for her to be what she is rather than what someone else wants her to be, then it is all worth it. I win, she wins, WE win. The fact that there have been several of these cases, both from the BBBabe end and the surfer end, drives us to continue to feature BBBabes even though the features will henceforth be less frequent, BBBabe of the Month, in fact. This is due to our personal time constraints and responsibilities with our children.


1Q. Just to start...The BBW expression...Is beautiful a too politically correct word?

^ Big Beautiful Woman is right on the money as far as I am concerned. The words "Big" and "Beautiful" mean almost the same thing to me!

2Q. Beauty and fatness...feminity and fatness...in your idea!

^ Female beauty is portrayed best with paintings by Rubens and Renoir, expressing beauty as voluptuous women that appear content and confident in their poses. I guess being plump implies being feminine to me, it shows fertility, and a matronly, sensitive, caring person.

3Q. Being a FA...What does it mean? Do you need to be a FA to love a BBW?

^ A Fat Admirer loves the body in its "normal" form, not skin and bones. I think you need to be a FA to love a BBW, or at least be a person that accepts people for what they are regardless of their size. I know of many marriages that are dissolved when wives gain weight after having children. Somehow gaining weight has changed the person they married -- how ridiculous!

4Q. Feederism! Tell us everything. And maybe more! LOL...

^ I have always liked to eat and enjoy good food. I have never been concerned about gaining weight in the negative sense. Lately, I have enjoyed eating and watching my tummy get bigger. Also, I like to watch my wife eat. She says that she looks "fat", but I tell her she looks better with some weight on. Unknown to her, I buy her donuts and cookies to keep up her weight.

5Q. Food for Jack.

^ Basically I like to eat anything, except for oatmeal. I even like liver and brussel sprouts! Sweets are my favorite, especially chocolates.

6Q. What does being fat mean in your family? Has the very meaning of this state changed?

^ Being fat has no negative aspects at our house. Although my daughter, a teen ager, says that she looks "fat", we encourage her to eat good healthy food (all food groups), and if she gains weight or doesn't lose any, that is okay. That has always been our outlook on weight.

7Q. BBWs are OFTEN victims of stereotypes...They cannot be dressed up, wear skirts and bikinis, show their female beauty, eat in public. What's your attitude towards such things? ^ I think that BBW's should wear whatever they want. My wife is often self-concious about her weight when it comes to wearing clothes, but I am always supportive of anything that she wears. I have always wanted to secretly get her to wear a bikini, but I think I would have a tough time of it as she has trouble wearing a one-piece in public. For our 10th year wedding anniversary I want to take her on a cruise, and then get her to wear a bikini! (wish me luck)

8Q. A ...traditional question! Many young and elder women want to lose weight to "gain back" the approval of society. Does society refuse BBWs at all? Is something changing?

^ I think that this is changing with time. The internet is opening up many avenues for BBW's and FA's to make their voice heard.

9Q. Morphing... Tell us everything on this topic!

^ Well, I have been morphing pictures on and off for the past few years. It is fun to change an image into something much different than the original. Next, I came across the Bearchive site (Breast Enhancement archive - www.bearchive.com) and started doing a few of those. Then when I started surfing at Dimensions, I thought that it would be fun to enlarge BBW's pictures. Sometimes, I have come across some BBW's that do not wish to have a morph done of their pictures, that is why it is best to ask permission first before posting the picture. I guess it is a challenge to try and create a larger person, and then try and keep the proportions correct for the weight gain. It is also fun to do animated GIF files, but they take up alot of hard-drive space.

10Q. Told between men...Personally, do you believe old good manners are still "en vogue"? Have FAs special duties towards BBWs? What shouldn't they (FAs) ever do?

^ I was told since I was a child that manners were very important. I would think that BBW's would appreciate good manners from their FA's or husbands. In today's "me" society, manners and etiquette are not commonly practiced.

11Q. Jack and Fatluver... What does each one think of the other?

^ I am not sure. I guess they are one in the same. Since feederism is not always accepted by all people, it is not appropriate to discuss it, in say, a work environment with others. That is why the internet is a great way for others to communicate their ideas and beliefs about being a feeder.

12Q. Imagine you're going to write the preface of your bio... Who's Jack in his inner soul?

My inner soul is deeply rooted in Christianity. My belief in Jesus Christ is my basis for existence, and He is always in control of all situations!

13Q. You're the father of three. What would you like presenting your children with? What is the most important thing you'd like them to learn, although it's not taught in any school?

^ My children are taught right from wrong, respect for others and how important it is to accept people just the way they are! Above all, always be confident in yourself!


1Q. Conrad is universally known as "Webmaster" of Dimensions Online on the WWW... May you tell us how you became it?

^ Well, it's a long story... In a nutshell, it all started in 1983 when NAAFA formed a "Fat Admirers Special Interest Group," or "FA-SIG". I was its coordinator and began publishing the FA-SIG newsletter which was 24 black & white pages at the time. The name eventually changed to "Dimensions" and the newsletter became a magazine which spun off from NAAFA. Since I've always been interested in computers I began exploring the web in its very beginnings and Dimensions was one of the earliest size acceptance sites on the web. Now we're getting a million hits per year on the home page alone. The "Webmaster" moniker is really misleading as Dani Osborne is the real webmaster of Dimensions Online.

2Q. What is your "fat acceptance"-related philosophy?

^ I've alays been attracted to the larger figure and I've also always been appalled at the was fat people are treated in our society. I imagined an organization that would fight for the rights of fat people even before I learned of NAAFA (which I joined 20 years ago). My philosophy is probably documented in the 80 editorials I've written in Dimensions over the years. Basically, no one should be judged on by their size. If size discrimination exists, and it does, then size should be a legally protected category like race, age, gender, or national origin. I also wish that fat people would stop wasting their lives trying to get thin and instead identify with one another. if all fat people banded together and voted as a block, fat discrimination would be wiped out withn a couple of years.

3Q. But Conrad is European too... What's the difference between being fat and loving fat in the Old Continent and in the US?

^ I grew up in Switzerland, but while the Swiss love chocolate, you hardly ever see a fat person there. I knew I liked fat girls, but there really weren't any, quite a frustrating situation. For an FA, the US is definitely a wonderful place to be. However, it seems that the situation is changing a bit. There are now size-related organizations in Europe as well.

4Q. Think of ...the other half of the world! Is love such an awfully "desparate" experience for BBWs?

^ As in "are BBWs having a difficult time finding love?" That's a difficult topic. If you grow up in a society that tells you you're fat and ugly, it's hard to become a self-confident adult. It really depends on the individual. Some BBWs hate themselves all their lives and it's hard to find love, be loved, when you hate yourself. On the other hand, there are many BBWs who have come to peace with their bodies and size is no longer an issue, and perhaps even an asset.

There is one aspect that makes a relationship between an FA and a BBW difficult, and that is that both sides carry emotional baggage. She may hate herself and be suspicious of attention from a male. He may think he's somehow deranged and wonder why she hates her body that he admires and wants so much. Exploring and discussing this problem, and helping to find solutions, was and is actually the primary drive behind Dimensions.

5Q. Your view of beauty and feminity...

Obviously I am biased towards the large size. To me, there's nothing more beautiful than a voluptuous, large woman. Mmh! However, the big picture is that since size distribution is on a bell curve (i.e. few are very thin, few are very fat, and the majority somewhere inbetween), it's only fair that sexual attraction is on a bell curve also.

6Q. BBWs are OFTEN victims of stereotypes...They cannot be dressed up, wear skirts and bikinis, show their female beauty, eat in public. What's your attitude towards such things?

? I think that's nonsense and wish that BBWs would do as they please. However, there's nothing wrong with a BBW wanting to find her own style rather than just accepting larger versions of hat looks good on a slender woman.

7Q. A ...traditional question! Many young and elder women want to lose weight to "gain back" the approval of society. Does society refuse BBWs at all? Is something changing?

It's hard to say. Things are changing all the time and perhaps we're learning to become a more accepting and permissive society. In light of the Lewinsky/Clinton frenzy, however, it's hard to believe we have changed at all. If anything, the advent of the Internet and the web has made it so much easier for likeminded people to learn about each other. It's one thing to be fat, or prefer a fat partner, and have no contact with anyone else out there, as many of us did in the "olden days." It's an entirely different thing to know that there are hundreds or thousands of size related websites out there. It makes you feel different. You know you're not alone, and the world knows as well.

8Q. Personally, do you believe old good manners are still "au vogue"?Have FAs special duties towards BBWs? What shouldn't they ( FAs)ever do?

^ Good manners never go out of style. However, as far as how a FA should treat the BBW in his life, that's entirely up to them. Some women love to be treated the old-fashioned, chivalrous style, while others view that as condescending and want to be equal in every respect. Thus, there are no special "duties," unless, of course, it happens to be something a specific couple wants in their relationship. That said, it's self-evident that a FA will make a special effort to do things and help in areas where she may need help.

9Q. Let's speak about your main magazine... What're its tasks? What's its public?

^ By now, we actually publish four magazines, Dimensions, Pen Computing Magazine, Digital Camera Magazine, and our newly acquired BBW Magazine. My guess is you refer to Dimensions. As stated above, it's been around in one form or another for 15 years and it's meant to be a forum where BBWs and FAs can find out about each other. Most magazines are geared either towards men or towards women. It's a very difficult task to publish one that addresses both sides. Newsstands and bookstores never knew where to display Dimensions. No, it's not with the men's magazines, but it's not with the fashion magazines either. As a result, Dimensions has a fiercely loyal following, but it has never been a commercial success. To achive large circulation, we'd have to become more conventional, perhaps just address the needs of FAs.

10Q. Fat-oriented magazines in the US...

^ Things have changed a lot over the last 20 years. When I was a teenager and young man, there wasn't a single serious fat-oriented magazine. Every now and then someone published a magazine with fat models, but they were always treated as a joke and made fun of. It made me feel weird and sad that I had to resort to books where those beautiful fat models were treated like some spoof. At some point in the 80s, BUF (which stands for Big UpFront) decided to go to an "all fat" format. Another publishing company, Dugent, picked up on BUF's moderate success and started "Plumpers and Big Women," a nice, glossy title but perhaps not different enough from their big breast "Gent" magazine. Over the years, there have been others, both in large and small circulation. Witness the new "Belly" magazine, a personal favorite of mine.

On the female side, there was the short-lived "It's Me!" magazine in the mid-80s, the smaller circulation, feminist-oriented "Radiance" magazine that originated around the same time as Dimensions, the short-lived "Extra Woman!" magazine, and, of course, the ground-breaking BBW magazine which we now own.

The respective tones and audiences of all these magazines are a very complex topic, one that has a huge impact on success or failure. You could write a doctoral thesis on the topic.

11Q. Being a Webmaster today! What're the responsibilities...the matters...the powers...the idaes you've?

^ Millions of people are webmasters today... and having a webpage or website can mean a million different things. Personally, I just see it as a wonderful way for people to express themselves and come in contact with others. Writers have told me it's the perfect medium, as a written piece can get "published" within minutes, and changed constantly if the need arises.

12Q. Who're you in your inner soul? What are your goals, dreams, thoughts, ideas?Is family important in your life?

^ My inner soul? Does anyone really know what their inner soul looks like? I just consider myself very fortunate that I somehow managed to combine my professional (computers, imaging, publishing, writing) and my personal (being an FA, size acceptance) interest into a thoroughly fulfilling career. At this point, I am intrigued with the idea of perhaps building a fairly substantial publishing entity. Information is power, and the world could probably use a few size-friendly publishers.

Family is important, though it's quite apparent that the concept of "family" is a constantly shifting and evolving one. The tidy world of Ward and June Cleaver, and their concept of family, has been joined by many other ways people interact and make it through life. Having moved to the US some 20 years ago, my mom and my sister and whatever little family I have all live on another continent, thousands of miles away. Family, really, is the people I love.

13Q. Who's a person you'd like thanking? Why?

^ Bill Fabrey, the man who founded NAAFA in 1969. His vision and kindness have had a very deep impact on me and my life, as well as on that of many others.


David:. I know 13 isn't a lucky number in the US ...LOL

Conrad:^ Neither is it in Switzerland.