CR80's Killa Page

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This is my CR80! Guess where I got my name!
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August 12, 1999; 3:45pm EST
No News | By: CR80
Hey isn't much gone on here so not any news for me to post write me and tell me some good news and i will post it.

July 2, 1999; 7:44pm EST
Mail | By: CR80

I have now got my own mail service, it is free of charge and if you join your e-mail address will be And for those of you that were on my mailing list go join my mail service, I am using it for my mail service(everyone that join will be on my mailing list but I do not send stuff very often). And if u e-mail me my e-mail address wil now be To sign up go to the top of the page and there is something that says get cr80 mailclick there and you can join from there.

June 21, 1999; 6:26pm EST
Old news | By: CR80

I have decided to get rid of the Old news section I have not got the time to move the old news to there. So all of the news will stay right here.

June 21, 1999; 4:37pm EST
News fix | By: CR80

I have figured out from Masked Driver the new news is suppose to go at the top, so if you are looking for new news look at the top now

June 17, 1999; 9:40PM EST
News | By: CR80
I need some news to post so if you have any news from motocross/supercross races new dirt bikes or any new news on I'76 or I'82 send it to me at Or any pics of new dirt bikes or motorcycles or any neat motorcycles send them to me also. Thanks!

June 17, 1999; 4:39PM EST
OUCH! That has to hurt! 2 sites. | By: Masked Driver

If you are wondering who CR80's friend is it's me. I helped CR80 design both sites, this one, and the other. They are both good. I took a lot more time on the other one. Let me tell you. That wreck had to hurt like ****. Hey, CR80. I have a news editor thing at the site. So, ICQ me, and I'll tell you a little suttin, suttin.

June 17, 1999; 3:35pm EST
NEW PAGE!!! | By: CR80

I now have 2 sites. You can find the other one here. Check it out.

June 17, 1999; 1:50pm EST
Wreckage pics of my bike! | By: CR80
There are some pics of my bike, after my big wreck. They are in but they need to be redone, they load very slow!!!

June 17, 1999; 1:58pm EST
My big wreck!!! | By: CR80

A few weeks ago i got a new bike(a CR80)and three days after I got my bike I had a big wreck!!! What happend was I was just starting to jump it and I went over a double, but I singled it. I gave it to much gas before I took off so my bike went out from under me and landed upside down. The wreck broke my handle bars and cracked my back fender. So I ended up gettin new handle bars and glueing the back fender.

P.S. I am back riding and jumping agian!!!

June 16, 1999; 10:42pm EST
A Little Thanks! | By: CR80

I'd like to thank Masked Driver for the help designing my site!

June 16, 1999; 8:49pm EST
What do you think? | By: CR80
E-mail me and tell me what you think!

June 16, 1999; 5:07pm EST
The NEW CR80 page! | By: Masked Driver
Here you go CR80.. I hope you like it!

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Original content and design is copyright © 1999 CR80 & Rikimaru [VFH]
All rights reserved.

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