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Allah tells you to read and learn about Islam and the worldMost Muslims do very little reading...

CJB Sale: great books at not-so-great prices!

Welcome to the Internet Bookshop's selection of Islamic books.
Here are three of their highlights, all of which have been discounted.

Bestselling translation of the most widely-read book in the world. Do you have a copy?

The Holy Quran: click here for more details

Review by Mohammed Mustapa, Chicago, USA
This is one of the best translations of the Quran I have ever read. Abdullah Yusuf Ali provides a comprehensive and highly accurate translation of the Quran. This one has both the original Arabic text as well as its translation in English. It also features very informative footnotes which helps the reader understand each verse better. This version of the Quran is accepted by the majority of the Muslims throughout the world. Overall, I would highly recommend this translation of the Quran to anyone interested in the religion of Islam. A succinct, clear and definitive translation.

Hadith of the life of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) - invaluable.

Imam Bukhari's Hadith: click here for more details

Review by the writer Nadeem Azam, London, UK
This book is the most authenticated collection of the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). It contains thousands of 'hadith' and is an invaluable guide for Muslims who want to understand and improve their practice of Islam. All Muslims should read Imam Bukhari's hadith regularly as they teach us how to attempt to emulate the practices of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). An excellent book full of wisdom.

Sasson's controversial account of life in a repressive (and UNIslamic) state

Princess: click here for more details

Review from '500 Great Books by Women' by Holly Smith
While living in Saudi Arabia, Jean Sasson befriends a woman named Sultana. Sultana wants her life to be known and she gives Jean her diaries and notes, entrusting her to write her life story. Jean does, changing names and places for Sultana's protection. The result is a vivid depiction of the restrictions of Saudi Arabian society and the raw, corrupt, and unquestionable power of the royal males and some religious leaders who twist the benevolant teachings of Islam.
Born into the royal family in 1956, the independent Sultana is the tenth daughter and the youngest of her mother's living children. By age fifteen, Sultana has seen her brother participate in the rape of an eight-year-old, brought her seventeen-year-old sister home after an attempted suicide because of her forced marriage to a sadistic fifty-three-year-old man, and buried her mother. Sultana marries, and at home she dresses as she pleases and voices her opinions about the inequities she lives, though usually her views are ignored. Outside her home she must cover herself completely in black and is expected to be subservient in every way. Talks with Marci, her Filipino maid since birth, expose Sultana to the countless wrongs suffered by foreign workers in Saudi Arabia. Sultana's lifestyle - which includes four homes, shopping trips to Europe, and gardens in the desert - contrasts sharply with what she learns from Marci and causes her further anguish and anger. Princess is an intimate look at one woman's struggle against the injustices of a repressive society, which whilst claiming to be Islamic, transcends it's teaching of treating women with decency and respect.

Thousands of other discounted books available. Click here.

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