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Desert Hills Baptist Church

and Christian Academy

8326 East McDowell Road

Mesa, Arizona 85207

(2 miles east of Power Road)

Phone (480) 984-5644

Sunday Services:

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.

Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 p.m.

A few reasons to enroll your child in Desert Hills Christian Academy

Friendly sites to visit

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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Lycos - Search the Web
Accelerated Christian Education - Home Page
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click

Thank you for visiting our page at Angelfire. To give your child a quality Christian Education, we offer curriculum from Accelerated Christian Education.

Students work individually at their own academic level in PACE's that are prescribed by our diagnostic tests. Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Word Building, Creative Writing and Literature are the core subjects. A student will have completed one academic year when they have completed 12 PACE's in each subject.

We go beyond academics to teach Christian Character and values. Emphasis is placed on learning God's Word. Chapel is held on Wednesday mornings and every school day begins with pledges to the American Flag, the Christian Flag, and the Bible, along with prayer and prayer requests. Special classes are offered in Art, Music, Creation Education, Special Interests, and Physical Education.

Contact us today if God is speaking to your heart, to provide your child with this special education, at (480) 984-5644 or e-mail Pastor Roy McDonald. Allow God to share his love in your life.

Email: Roy McDonald, Senior Pastor

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