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Charmander7's Pokémon Page

Hello and welcome to Charmander7's Pokemon Page, I have everything you need to know about Pokemon, If you have any ?'s e-mail me, Please come back soon! Remember Pokemon is Life.

Check out the fanfics page, go to chatroom, check out your pokemons stats, win an award for your web page and whatever else you want to do.

This Page Was Created In The Beggining Of January 1999

If you want to talk to me my aol sn (instant messanger) is pikachu099, so talk to me if you want.

Charmander7's News Bulletin

4/28/99-Todays Additions: Not really anything, just wanted to let everyone to know this page is still running, the movies for sale section, buy them here only, a new fanfic has been put up by Ozmodiar84 in his sieries, new backrounds and sound have been going up throughout the last month so i hope you like them, right now the featured sound is the theme music is the theme music from the Pokemon show in Japan, Enjoy. :-)

Recent Additions: Card Pics are up, i believe i have the biggest collection on the web: 72 card pics!!! Do not steal them please!

Coming Soon: Pokedex Update(formerly bios)- adding new things for each pokemon (sorry no new pokemon yet), The Walkthrough, a quiz with awards, and what ever else I can think of.

Comments: Ok, if your a regular its kind of obvious i'm not working on the walkthrough so if someone wants to help me wright one please do, if i don't have any voulenteers then it will be a while before I have a walkthrough put up, sorry. Bye the Jap movies, only here. Well bye for now. Thanx for stopping by. :-)

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